Chapter 120 Confrontation
In the Great Shanghai Nightclub, in the hall, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and a murderous atmosphere filled the air.

A table, two rows of chairs, on one side is the Xingrong Gang, and on the other is the Wang Puppet Guard.

The current situation is that the Xingrong Gang and the puppet Wang are negotiating. The content of the negotiation is about the Xingrong Gang's alleged murder of Consul Muto's beloved daughter, Junko Muto. Now Mr. Xu needs to go to the Neon Consulate for consultation.

There are three chairs on the left side of the hall, with Mr. Xu sitting in the middle, and Rong Yinhai and Ding Lixi sitting on both sides. Behind the chairs are all black suits, holding a "bad box" and a "grease gun".

There are three chairs on the right side of the hall, with Feng Yixian sitting in the middle, and Xiao Tu and Rong Jinshan sitting on both sides. Behind the chairs are members of the Wang Puppet Police Force, all in black police uniforms, with "three-eight big covers" on the back.

It can be seen from the seats who are the leaders of the two parties.

The Xingrong gang is Mr. Xu, with the second in command and the third in command on the left and right.

Zhao Zhongyi is not here at present, but at home. The reason why he does not appear here is because of his own identity. After all, he is considered a real communist and a reactionary. As long as he appears here, the puppet Wang will definitely arrest him. Although it is not a problem to change to Lin Zuer's identity, and this kind of meeting can also be attended, but this element is hard to say.

Lin Zuer, the personal secretary of Wang Puppet Vice Chairman Hu Yibiao, is in charge of Wang Puppet's intelligence, under two people, above ten thousand people, she appears here, so which side is it?
So, after much deliberation, Zhao Zhongyi felt that it would be better to stay at home with his wife and children. If something happened to the Xingrong Gang, it would not be too late for him to rush there.

Wang Puppet's team is led by Feng Yixian, the left and right are Xiao Tu, the former secretary of the Muto Mansion, and Rong Jinshan, the former leader of the Rong Gang of the Xingrong Gang.

This combination, together with the former Yoshida Osamu Aijiang and Feng Yixian, the current intelligence chief of the Muto Mansion, I would like to call it the "ex-husband brother" combination, can also be called the "lurking brother" combination, they are all fucking from other forces, together Lurking on Muto's side.

Shio Muto: "..."

The Xingrong Gang has a large number of people, and they must bring enough people when they come to negotiate, so naturally Feng Yixian will not only bring people from the Wang Puppet Security Team. Now outside the big Shanghai nightclub, both the neon soldiers and the security team have been surrounded. Surrounded by people, now whether it is the Xingrong Gang or the Nihong side, they are all waiting for the result inside. Whether it is a fight or a talk, it all depends on the choices of the people inside.

Feng Yixian crossed his legs, leaned back, looked up at the three people in front of him with contempt, and said, "Consul Muto's beloved daughter was brutally murdered last night. I hope that Mr. Xu can come with me and give Consul Muto an explanation."

Mr. Xu put down the wine glass in his hand, and said slowly: "I am deeply sorry for the misfortune of the consul's daughter. As for the conflict between us and the imperial army, I am willing to cooperate to resolve it, but the consul really intends to fight with me. Do you want to talk about it? Will you shoot me on the way?"

Neon people, what they want to do is almost Sima Zhao's heart, and everyone knows that such a situation as Mr. Xu said, to be honest, this kind of situation is really uncommon. Neon people do this kind of thing a lot .

"If Mr. Xu is open-minded, he won't be afraid to go with Feng." Feng Yixian grinned.

Mr. Xu said in his heart that I can be frank, but you are not necessarily so.

"Ah, ah, Feng Yixian, what are you thinking about Ma'an? When was our Xingrong Gang afraid of the Nihong people?" Ding Lixi couldn't sit still when he heard that Feng Yixian looked down on the Xingrong Gang, and immediately burst into foul language.

Feng Yixian didn't scold back, but said with some doubts: "The Xingrong Gang is very generous, Mr. Xu really raised a good dog."

The damage is not high, but it is extremely insulting.

"You!" Ding Lixi wanted to stand up and curse.

"Lixi!" Mr. Xu stretched out his hand and stopped Ding Lixi.

The matter has come to this point, Rong Jinshan also knew that he should speak, so he bent down and said respectfully: "Mr. Bar."

"Brother, don't be fooled by Rong Jinshan, a traitor." Ding Lixi tried to stop Mr. Xu from agreeing to Rong Jinshan.

As for Rong Yinhai on the side, with a look of disbelief, he said in surprise: "Brother, you actually run errands for the Nihong people. If you continue to walk like this, I will break all ties with you."

"People are in the rivers and lakes, they can't help themselves."

In just a few words, Rong Jinshan had already explained why he worked for the Neon people.

Mr. Xu pressed Rong Yinhai's hand, looked at Feng Yixian, and said, "Let me change my clothes and get ready."




The sound of Qiqi's bullets being loaded sounded, and members of the Xingrong Gang and the security team confronted each other.

"Mr. Feng, after all, you are also the dog of the Neon people, and you are so afraid of me, Xu, to such an extent? Hahahaha, it's really ridiculous." Mr. Xu laughed loudly.

"Mr. Xu is easy." Feng Yixian waved his hand as a gesture of invitation.


At the entrance of the Great Shanghai Nightclub, Feng Yixian, Xiao Tu and Rong Jinshan stood in front of the car.

"I'll report to Mr. Consul first, and I'll leave the escort to Mr. Xiao and Chief Rong. If something goes wrong on the way, I, Mr. Feng, won't be able to protect the two of you." Feng Yixian emphasized the importance of this escort incident. Then, he turned and looked at the driver, "Let's go."

After Feng Yixian left, only Xiao Tu and Rong Jinshan remained, and they looked at each other.


In a residential building not far from the Great Shanghai Nightclub, Zhao Zhongyi put down his binoculars and whispered, "It's windy."

Seeing Mr. Xu put on white clothes, got into the car with Xiao Tu and Rong Jinshan, and drove towards the opposite direction to the consulate, Zhao Zhongyi knew that the problem was serious now, and the Neon people were going to attack Xingrong.

In fact, Zhao Zhongyi is not worried about the safety of Mr. Xu. After all, this is Mr. Xu. He is now the leader of the first gang in Shanghai and a ruthless character who has experienced great storms. If he can be assassinated by the killer sent by the Neon people, say It's embarrassing to go out.

"I can't control much at the moment, let's think about the election for the guild leader later." Zhao Zhongyi thought about the following matters, and then went downstairs to go to the bathroom.

I've observed it all morning, and now I feel like peeing a little bit.

Chen Lili, Rong Yinhai's wife, it has been more than six years since she married Rong Yinhai, and she has only given birth to Rong Yinhai's daughter Rong Xiaoxiao in these years.

Zhao Zhongyi has met Rong Xiaoxiao's mother and daughter. The little girl follows her mother, quiet and beautiful, and can be regarded as the embryo of a little beauty. As for her mother, she is also a beauty.

Chen Lili likes to wear dark cheongsams. From a distance, she can see a strong classical taste permeating her whole body. The high collar shows her slender neck, which is not exposed, which is eye-catching.

The twisted and twisted flower buttons are combined in twos, which is eye-catching.

In the gap between the two pendulums, the white jade legs are looming, white and smooth.

All kinds of amorous feelings of a woman sway endlessly in an instant, making people feel joy and satisfaction from the bottom of their hearts. That kind of beautiful feeling rises like wedding candles and gold medal titles, soaking every inch of skin.

Zhuang Xiaoman: (ー`ー)
Fang Min: (`へ)
Gu Junru;<(-︿-)>
Scumbag, bah! X3
Speaking of which, Chen Lili can be regarded as a lady of every family, and her family can be regarded as a wealthy and serious lady from a rich family.

According to common sense, a rich lady like Chen Lili should marry a young master of the right family.

But, things are unpredictable.

Just like Shen Lanqing, who seems to have read poetry and books, has a scholarly family, and is a leading figure in the literary world, in private, he is also a wild middle-aged greasy man who can ride a little prince's motorcycle.

Chen Lili has a bohemian heart that loves freedom.

The first time I met Rong Yinhai was in a firefight seven years ago.

That year, the Rongyin Kelp team fought against foreign gangs. At that time, Chen Lili was also on the scene.

It was a complete accident that Chen Lili would appear at the scene of the two gangs fighting. After all, who would have thought that he would meet the gang fighting when he just wanted to go shopping and buy some western things?

It could be considered a coincidence that Rong Yinhai would appear here.

As I said before, Rong Yinhai is naturally cautious, and will not do things that are not [-]% likely.

But, what the heck, who hasn't gotten over it yet, be careful Rong Yinhai, there were also times when the blood was on the top, this time it was the time when he was on the top.

Seven years ago, the Xingrong Gang had just taken over the underworld in Shanghai, and the overall situation had just stabilized, but there was a saying that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind never stops.

The Tigers were a small gang composed of young people at that time. They were really small gangs, each of which was young. These people escaped from famine, flood, or plague in their early years.

These young people all have a fierce spirit and want to create a career in this bustling big Shanghai, just like Mr. Xu and the three brothers Jinshan Yinhai back then.

At this time, Shanghai Tang had just stabilized, and the Xingrong Gang wanted to recuperate.

But the members of Tiger Club are all young and full of career, so when they saw that the Xingrong Gang was hit hard, they couldn't sit still, so they started to disturb the underground rules of Shanghai Bund.

Faced with this situation, how can the Xingrong Gang tolerate it?This is beyond the bounds, can it be done if it is not stopped?
What I give you is yours. If I don’t give it to you, you can’t grab it—Xingrong Gang.

At this time in Shanghai, there are actually no other gangs, but those gangs have long surrendered to the Xingrong Gang. After all, this so-called surrender is based on the fact that their own gangs have been smashed by the Xingrong Gang. case.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads, saying that those gangs were hit hard.

But there is a saying that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. When the youngsters of Tiger Club see that the Xingrong Gang doesn’t show up very often, they think that the Xingrong Gang is now strong in the outside world, but how do they know that there are three-jin nails in a rotten boat, and a dead camel is better than a horse? What about big ones?

So the war started, the Tigers and the Xingrong Gang went to war.

And it was Rong Yinhai who was in charge of this battle.

At that time, the Xingrong Gang was initially united. Rong Jinshan and Mr. Xu were on the surface like fire and water, and the two sides were fighting openly and secretly.

After calculation, Rong Yinhai felt that it was time for him to contribute to the gang, and after calculation, the winning rate was [-]% at this time, so Rong Yinhai himself led the team to go out later.

Plans are always unable to keep up with the rapid changes, this is the truth that Rong Yinhai realized from that day on.

Originally, when they met for the first time, the two parties would each make a scene and just fight casually. The Xingrong Gang and the Tigers know how to fight, that is adults bullying children.

As a result, it was a bit difficult for the Xingrong Gang to win.

Briefly describe the scene at that time.

Rong Yinhai met Tiger Club.

Rong Yinhai took the staff and put the words on the scene.

Rong Yinhai went up with his men.

Rong Yinhai was blocked by the opponent's submachine gun.

Rong Yinhai went up again with the newly called manpower, this time he also brought a submachine gun.

Rong Yinhai was blocked again, this time, it was a human bomb.


Rong Yinhai won, and he suffered heavy losses, but he won, and he won with difficulty.

According to Rong Yinhai's calculations, it was impossible for this battle to cause a large number of casualties. After all, the fierce tiger will be in their eyes, it is better to say that the cute tiger will be weak and pitiful.

But this time, Rong Yinhai miscalculated, the fierce tiger is really not a cute tiger.

The members of the Tiger Club first got their submachine guns and machine guns from nowhere, and as soon as they fought, Rong Yinhai, who only had a few pistols and submachine guns at that time, suffered a big dark loss.

The firepower was suppressed by the opponent, and Rong Yinhai, who was as shrewd as Rong Yinhai, didn't know how to deal with it, so he hurriedly sent people to the side to ask for manpower and military support.

When the people from the Xingrong Gang arrived later, they fought back and even suppressed the Tiger Club, making Rong Yinhai think that the winning ticket was at hand, and the Tiger Club made another moth.


Knowing that they couldn't win, the Tigers didn't care about it, took out the bombs one by one, ignited them, and turned them into human bombs one by one, and died with the Xingrong Gang.

It was also at this time that Rong Yinhai and Chen Lili met.

The scene at that time could be regarded as a purgatory on earth, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, arms and ruins.

The Tigers, who had gone mad, didn't even care about anything, even civilians.

Then Chen Lili and the servant girl, who were hiding aside, were discovered by members of the Tiger Club.

Maybe love comes in such a hurry, it is so impatient.

A bomb became the matchmaker for the two, and Rong Yinhai rescued Chen Lili and her maid.

At the end of that battle, the Xingrong Gang defeated the Tigers horribly, and the hero Rong Yinhai saved the beauty, but the Rong Gang suffered heavy losses.

That is to say, from that day on, Rong Yinhai changed and became very cautious. If it wasn't for a [-]% probability, he would basically never make a decision.

Later, Rong Yinhai married Chen Lili, and it was Rong Yinhai that Chen Lili chased after.

After all, Rong Yinhai at that time was bookish and full of blood, and under the blessing of the filter of the hero to save the beauty, Chen Lili fell just like that.

Logically speaking, people like Rong Yinhai would not be easily emotional, but by coincidence, he had to get married at that time.

Because his elder brother Rong Jinshan went to prison, the Rong Gang was annexed by the Xing Gang.

The elder brother was not around, and in order to preserve his power, the second elder brother Rong Yinhai chose to surrender to Mr. Xu. As a sign of surrender, he got married and established a business, and the object of marriage was Chen Lili.

People, when they have a family, a wife and children, they also have concerns. Rong Yinhai's trick is called advancing with retreat.

Not to mention, Rong Yinhai is also considered lucky, marrying a rich lady who is rich.

Even in the fifth year of marriage.Chen Lili's father, Chen Dafa, passed away. Before he left, he left all the properties under his name to his son-in-law, that is, the two ceramic factories mentioned earlier.

However, because Rong Yinhai was not good at doing business and was losing money every year, Ding Lixi bought the ceramics factory at a low price...

Spitting up milk is due to the immature development of the baby's digestive system and functions, small stomach capacity, and relatively flat position, so it is easy to spit up after eating milk.

Therefore, after the baby has finished feeding, gently stand the baby up, pat the back, and remove the air in the stomach, which can reduce the baby's spit-up and help digestion and absorption.

When the baby is breastfeeding, if he eats too fast or is too full, he will inhale air, which will also cause spit-up.

Therefore, it is necessary to feed in moderation and avoid overfeeding. When breastfeeding, do not rush or fast, and pause for a while in the middle so that the baby can breathe more smoothly.

These knowledges that are very popular in later generations are actually not so easy to understand at this time. After all, at this time, there is no Du Niang.

Because Feng Yixian led the team to the Xingrong Gang today, in order to avoid a fight and hurt his wife and children, Rong Yinhai arranged his wife and children to Zhao Zhongyi's place, and brought them back when the limelight passed.

Probably because they are both mothers, Chen Lili and Zhuang Xiaoman soon got to know each other and chatted with each other.

Naturally, Chen Lili also wanted to look at this little thing, Zhuang Nianzu, but found that the little thing was spitting up milk, spitting out mouthfuls of milk all on Chen Lili's body.

In the scene at that time, Zhuang Xiaoman panicked, because she was a mother for the first time and had no experience, and the little thing had never spit up milk before, and no one around told Zhuang Xiaoman what to do, so she was very panicked, the whole The person on the side stomped his feet anxiously.

That's right, Fang Min, Gu Junru, which of these two looks like a mother?There is no news of pregnancy, how can they guide Zhuang Xiaoman?
But fortunately, there was Chen Lili, she was someone who had been here, she just patted her back lightly a few times, and the little thing hiccupped a few times, so she stopped spitting up milk.

When Zhuang Xiaoman was relieved, he also noticed the filth on Chen Lili's body, and then told Chen Lili where the bathroom was, and asked her to take a bath and change clothes...

And as I said before, Zhao Zhongyi squatted all morning, and now he is in a hurry to urinate...

When Zhao Zhongyi rushed to the bathroom, the scene seemed to freeze.

Zhao Zhongyi saw that Chen Lili's body bulged out like a loose spring, and the water from the shower head flowed down the hair, over the mountains, over the plains, and over the valleys, like morning dew, falling from the green leaves. slip on and off.Slid over, but didn't want to slip off.

Zhao Zhongyi knows that white must be matched with other colors and contrasted with other colors in order to eliminate a cold and monotonous feeling that makes people unable to move their eyes.


In a panic, Chen Lili grabbed the towel next to her, trying to cover her curves.

But there is an idiom called hiding the head and showing the tail.

The towel is not very big, and it does not have much effect except for a little psychological comfort, but one person's psychological comfort is another person's psychological stimulation.

Chen Lili also saw this situation. After all, no matter how thick the fog was, it couldn't cover the towering mountains.

So, she panicked, and found that the towel couldn't cover her embarrassment. The situation of the man opposite made Chen Lili panic and asked her to fortify herself.

She retreated step by step, hiding step by step, but after all, she didn't see the water stains behind her, nor did she see the gutter behind her.

She fell.

I sprained my foot and hurt my hand.

At this time, Chen Lili was unable to get up, and she didn't want to get up, because this time, her secrets had been seen by the man in front of her, who was called her younger brother a few days ago.

She refuses when surrounded by fiery biceps, and resists when mountains hold her back.

But after all, she couldn't resist, couldn't resist, after all, she was only disabled now, and she was a girl...

(End of this chapter)

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