People in the United States, the first smoke Mai Shiranui

Chapter 97 97. Company Layout (for further reading)

Chapter 97 97. Company Layout (for further reading)

Quentin got into the job very smoothly, and he also put forward some ideas after he joined the job. He thought that a ticketing software could be added to the smartphone to make it more convenient for people to buy tickets.

Qin Hanming told him with a smile that it is not just about buying tickets, but the future technology company has a very comprehensive plan, initially to build a butler system relying on smartphones and the Internet.

Whether it is travel, takeaway, or shopping, these can all be solved through the butler software.

As for the code name of the software, Qin Hanming had already chosen a name, and it was called Magic Lamp.

Taken from Aladdin’s magic lamp in One Thousand and One Nights, as long as the magic lamp is wiped, a genie will appear to help Aladdin solve the problem. As long as Qin Hanming’s software is done well, the problems in daily life will be like having a magic lamp , as long as you open the software, all problems can be solved.

It's just that Qin Hanming's magic lamp requires money.

This plan is very confidential, and Qin Hanming told Quentin directly, which is also an expression of goodwill.

If Quentin wants to resell business secrets, Chaomeng's ability is not vegetarian.

After getting the magic lamp project, Quentin expressed his excitement. He is also an old social animal. He understood what the boss meant, and immediately expressed his determination, expressing his absolute determination to follow the future technology company.

Qin Hanming smiled, he didn't care about his allegiance, they were all workers, as long as they were paid enough, they were the most loyal employees in the company.

Quentin only knew one name of the magic lamp project, and Qin Hanming did not describe the whole plan in detail.

He has other great uses for Quentin, Qin Hanming directly asked if he could make a super realistic online game.

After hearing this, Quentin was very excited. He thought Qin Hanming's proposal was very interesting, something he had never considered.

After briefly thinking about it in his head, he immediately asked a question. He wanted to ask Qin Hanming if he could make himself a character in the game.

Of course, Qin Hanming agreed to this little matter.

If possible, Qin Hanming thinks it would be nice to make himself an important role.

After obtaining Qin Hanming's consent, Quentin felt as if a door had appeared in front of his eyes. The second structure he was researching desperately was not favored by Tony, and even he himself could not find the meaning of the second structure.

But now, Qin Hanming's words woke him up.

Maybe without Qin Hanming's game proposal, Quentin would still become the villain Mysterio, he needs people's approval too much.

Being denied by Iron Man is an unacceptable reality for Quentin, so he has to wait until Iron Man dies to avenge Iron Man's heir.

Now with the recognition of Qin Hanming and the vastness of the game industry, Quentin feels that he has found a new direction. He wants to use the technology called Ergou to create a world that belongs to Quentin.

"I can start work at any time, as long as you order!" Quentin earnestly said, he can't wait to work.

Qin Hanming stretched out his hand to Quentin, "I would like to officially welcome you to join Future Technology Company, please remember our company's slogan, technology makes life better!"

Quentin read it in his mouth, saying that he would definitely remember it in his heart.

Qin Hanming encouraged and said some nonsense. Before leaving, he told Quentin to make an online game in the background of a modern city. Qin Hanming has some ideas about the plot here, and he has to go back and sort it out.

Quentin also said that he needs enough funds to manufacture a two-component system. The patent of this thing is in Stark Group. Time to buy directly, once and for all.

Qin Hanming made it clear that he ordered someone to buy the patent.

When buying the patent, Qin Hanming thought carefully. He asked the leather bag company under Hydra to buy it, and then resold it to himself.

Qin Hanming has considered Tony's situation. If his future technology company buys it, maybe Tony will notice something. If Tony is impulsive, he just won't sell it, or he will be entangled with him, so he has to ask Qin Hanming. What do you want to do, this matter is annoying, Qin Hanming doesn't want to talk to Tony.

According to Qin Hanming's order, a small company under Hydra bought Ergou's patent, and the excuse for buying Ergou was also very interesting, in order to provide adults with a better movie viewing experience.

As for what kind of movie it is, it can only be said that it is for the purpose of maximizing human happiness.

Tony just wanted to call these people otaku heroes, but before he had time to call them, he discovered that the patent had been bought again.

The person who bought it was the future technology company.

Tony suddenly realized that he sold it cheaply, but he sold everything, and it was difficult for him to regret it.

If he wanted to break the contract, Pepper would not agree. After all, Pepper was responsible for Tony's usual affairs.

With the second hand in hand, Quentin's game plan is also on the agenda.

Quentin was very enthusiastic. He also suggested that Qin Hanming continue to poach people and recruit all the members of the second group of the Stark Group.

Of course Qin Hanming agreed with this point, and he asked the personnel department to assist Quentin in poaching people.

As soon as these people arrived, they immediately created new folders and started working on games.

The future technology company also updated its official website in time, saying that it has newly established a game development department and is preparing to enter the game industry.

To be honest, the money making speed of the game industry is not as fast as that of smart phones. It is purely a bonus, and it can be regarded as Qin Hanming fulfilling his wish and experiencing virtual games.

The current two-structure technology is still not at the level of Sword Art Online.

With the existing two-structure technology, Quentin has produced enhanced glasses, and with the special props, Qin Hanming is the first to experience it. According to Qin Hanming's personal experience, it can already reach the game experience of the number one player.

A set of experience suits is not cheap. Qin Hanming plans to sell them separately. Different sensitivity levels will have different prices.

Even more advanced experience cabins can be built, presumably these peripherals are easier to make money.

As for the game itself, Qin Hanming intends to make it free.

Free online game, only one krypton point, Qin Hanming plans to learn the online mode of GTA and sell shark cards.

The price of the game refers to reality. The Red Shark card represents [-] game coins, which is the price of a car. The Red Shark card is ten dollars, which is not expensive.

But the price of a sports car, everyone understands it.

Not to mention the money-consuming things like houses, guns, planes, and yachts.

Qin Hanming felt that he would definitely make a lot of money, and he also considered dividing an area specifically for eating chicken.

The winner can get a lot of money, but the participants must be prepared to die. Once they die, the wealth owned by the account will return to zero.

An absolute battle royale, where the victor enjoys the wealth of the 99 losers.

Moreover, there must be a threshold for this competition, 1000 million game coins to enter the arena, converted to US dollars, it is only 50 yuan, not much.

Of course, this kind of competition can't be played every day, once a month is fine, maybe you can also add qualifying matches, or threshold amounts for different levels.

These are Qin Hanming's ideas. He knows that it is enough to listen to these ideas. The specific implementation still requires professional planning. This is what the game department does. He has hired a lot of talents because of his wealth.

The name of the online game, Qin Hanming named Liberty City, is a tribute.

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(End of this chapter)

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