People in the United States, the first smoke Mai Shiranui

Chapter 93 93. Loki in Action (Happy Lantern Festival Chapter)

Chapter 93 93. Loki in Action (Happy Lantern Festival)

[You got a C-rank doll, the dog Thor]

Qin Hanming didn't expect that he would get such a good thing with just a random draw.

"A hundred emotions are worth it!"

Dog Thor, a character in one hundred thousand bad jokes, has an eye-catching appearance and a magical sound generator.

In one sentence, I am Thor, the god of thunder, and I am very brainwashed for the glory of the god of the north.

"Strike while the iron is hot, draw another one!" Qin Hanming continued to draw.

The infinite pool has [-] emotional points once, and for the current Qin Hanming, he can squander it at will.

This time he drew another doll.

[You got a D-class puppet, "Angel" Angela Ziegler]

A puppet from the world view of Overwatch, Ziegler's D-level evaluation lies in knowledge. Of course, her other parts are also worthy of D-level evaluation.

It can only be said that he deserves to be a general in the 3D area.

After that, Qin Hanming drew a few more times, but he didn't get anything. He felt a little pity, so he stopped directly and didn't draw any more.

Qin Hanming entered the modulation mode and slightly adjusted the settings of Angela and the dog Thor.

Especially the dog Thor, Qin Hanming adjusted him into an elf born after the shattering of Mjolnir.

The world view of [-] cold jokes is not small, and it cannot be integrated without modifying the settings.

Ziegler's setting is very easy. Qin Hanming refers to Mai Shiranui and simply adjusts it.

After the preparation, Ziegler's puppet was directly thrown by Qin Hanming's side.

He ordered Hydra to create a new identity for Ziegler. After the identity was created, Ziegler could go to work at Future Technology Company.

Qin Hanming intends to let Ziegler be in charge of medical treatment. Her medical technology is like magic in the eyes of ordinary people, so she has the nickname of angel.

Hydra moved very fast, and Ziegler could go to work at Future Technology Company tomorrow.

Now that Ziegler has an identity, Qin Hanming directly takes her and Mai Shiranui to dinner.

In the restaurant, Qin Hanming gained some emotional points. Although the amount was small, Qin Hanming enjoyed it very much.

He took two beauties to dinner, and it was normal for him to be hated.

After drinking and eating, Qin Hanming sat in his original position. He planned to rest here for a while and see if he could get more emotional points.

His phone rang with a new email.

Qin Hanming opened it and saw that it was a message from Hydra.

In the email, Hydra talked about Thor and Loki's affairs, focusing on Loki's affairs. Now that Loki has disappeared with Randolph, Hydra internally believes that Qin Hanming needs to be notified to remind him to be more careful.

As for sending more agents to protect Qin Hanming, Hydra has no plans to do so.

They knew very well that Qin Hanming was surrounded by five winter soldiers to protect him, and Qin Hanming himself had great power.

Almost all Hydra are ordinary people, and if they want to target Loki, they are free.

Poison gas may be useful, but this thing is also effective against Qin Hanming, so it cannot be used at will.

Qin Hanming put down his phone, he didn't think Rocky would look for him, Qin Hanming was just an ordinary capitalist, if Rocky wanted to find something, he should go to Iron Man.

Qin Hanming thought so, but Loki was staring at him.

To be precise, Rocky did not focus on Qin Hanming, but on the smartphone.

Rocky, who has years of mischief experience, realizes that the smartphone is a fun thing to quickly spread his fame and make himself known to the world.

Loki asked about the specific situation of Randolph's smartphone. Randolph was just an ordinary stonemason, not the elite of Asgard. For things like smartphones, he would only use them like ordinary humans, and he didn't know the specific content.

Loki saw that he couldn't count on Randolph, so he asked Randolph to hand over his identity certificate, and he went it alone.

Loki caught a few passers-by at random, and after hypnotizing them one by one, Loki asked a lot of questions. He had read history books in the library before, but he also wanted to see how modern people perceive this society.

After doing this, Loki transformed into many avatars, intending to use these avatars to delay time. His main body was an inconspicuous ordinary person. He needed to get on the plane and head to California in a low-key manner.

Not only that, Loki conjured up a clone, and he made the clone change into Randolph's appearance, holding Randolph's ID card to play in New York, trying to attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D.

After finishing all this, when he came to the gas station, he casually hypnotized a driver who was refueling and asked him to send himself to the airport.

It was not difficult for Rocky to enter the airport, and he easily got on the plane.

Rocky just got on the plane here, and one of his clones was destroyed. Rocky didn't panic at all. He still had a lot of clones. When the pursuers realized that they had been cheated, they all ran to Silicon Valley.

After a long journey, Rocky came to Silicon Valley.He felt that he had successfully played SHIELD and Thor, so the whole person was very relaxed, and he walked all the way with the attitude of traveling.

He stopped and stopped along the way, entering bars whenever he encountered them. He didn't do anything but prostitute a drink for nothing, and then left in a low-key manner.

As Loki, who is deeply influenced by Asgard culture, he also likes to drink.

By the time he arrived in Silicon Valley, it was already the next morning.

Loki pretended to thank the person who gave him a ride.

The journey has been so smooth that Loki has begun to use his own charm to manipulate passers-by instead of using magic.

He found a female driver and asked her to help him come to the future technology company in a few words.

If it was a man, he would use magic, which is not in line with his proud personality.

He hid his figure and entered the future technology company.

Coincidentally, Qin Hanming also brought Mai Shiranui and Ziegler to the company.

As soon as Qin Hanming stopped the car, he noticed Loki.

"It seems that Rocky's strength is about the same as that of Mewtwo, and he should not be as good as Mewtwo in a frontal confrontation."

Qin Hanming weighed the strength comparison between the two. He stretched out his arms, carrying the two beauties on his shoulders, and walked into the company swaggeringly.

Rocky was hidden by the side, and when he saw the company employees take the initiative to say hello to Qin Hanming, he realized that his opportunity had come.

He hid aside and followed Qin Hanming into the special elevator.

In the elevator, Loki wanted to play a prank on Qin Hanming, but Qin Hanming avoided them without a trace.

"I'll scare you in a while!" Loki muttered.

Qin Hanming didn't take this matter to heart, he took Mai Shiranui and Ziegler back to his office.

Qin Hanming entered the office with his front foot, and Loki followed him behind him.

Loki showed up directly, trying to act like a prince, planning to give a lecture, when he saw a ball of flames hitting him.

Mai Shiranui really couldn't see Loki, but now that Loki showed up on his own initiative, Mai Shiranui attacked Loki without hesitation, and she regarded Loki as a killer.

 Happy Lantern Festival everyone!Lantern Festival is sweet and joyful.One update today.Thank you book friends for your support, please recommend, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a reward!A secret question, have you peeked at my outline?
(End of this chapter)

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