Chapter 27 27. Daredevil's Choice
Daredevil told Terry what he had seen and heard these days.

These words made Terry frown.

"This is too much!" Terry was very dissatisfied. He raised his hand and hit the ground in the distance with an energy wave, blowing up a big crater.

With this move, the anger in Terry's heart also decreased a lot.

He is a hero in his bones, and in the story of the legend of the hungry wolf, he is the hero of Nanzhen.

"I can help you practice Qi." Terry said his answer, "But I also have conditions!"

Daredevil heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Terry's condition. If Terry agreed too happily, he would be suspicious in his heart.

"What conditions?" Daredevil asked.

Terry smiled, "You have to take care of food and housing, I just came back here, and I don't even have a place to live!"

"no problem."

Hearing this request, Daredevil thought Terry was a hero in his heart. He was relieved and agreed to Terry's request.

"Then what are we waiting for? Give me some beer first, and I'll also order some burgers or sandwiches, if there is pizza!"

Terry rubbed his stomach, "Let's go, I'm hungry!"

Hearing Terry's urging, Daredevil hesitated in his heart, "It wouldn't work if I took him home directly, but now I don't seem to have a place to put him."

"I'm a hero in disguise, so I need to hide my identity, you wait here, I'll get you money."

Daredevil initially believed in Terry, but he would not immediately take Terry to his home, which would be irresponsible to himself and his good friends.

"No problem, I don't care." Terry was very free and easy. "Hurry up, if you make me wait too long, I'll go elsewhere."

Daredevil leaped forward, with a vigorous figure, he threw out the special short stick in his hand, wandered in the night, and soon disappeared.

Terry stayed where he was, willing to take the time to wait.

Daredevil felt that he took out the fastest speed. He returned home and found his wallet. Not only that, he rummaged through the places where he put the money, and took out a total of five hundred dollars. Settle down with this new friend.

After doing all this, Daredevil hurried back to the abandoned factory.


Terry took the initiative to say hello to Daredevil, "You drag heroes are really troublesome, but I also understand that I am alone, a lone wolf."

"Wolf?" Daredevil thought that this new friend in front of him should be someone with a story.

Seeing that Daredevil didn't speak, Terry took two steps forward in a familiar way, asking for money. "I hope you can feed me with the money you give me."

Daredevil took out five hundred yuan, all of which were small banknotes, which had a great visual effect.

"I'm really curious, aren't you blind? How can you see the denomination of banknotes?" Terry asked curiously.

Daredevil looked at Terry, and he could feel Terry's curious eyes.

"There is a thing called Braille, and I'm already a drag hero, so naturally there will be something special."

Daredevil explained patiently, slandering Terry in his heart.

"Does this look like a wolf? Why do I feel more like a husky?"

Daredevil's psychological activities Terry naturally would not know, after he heard Daredevil's explanation, he smiled awkwardly. "I ignored it!"

"By the way, I'll treat you to pizza, and some wine!" Terry took the money and invited Daredevil to eat. "It's a big night, let's have some supper, it's so beautiful!"

Daredevil shook his head, "The night in Hell's Kitchen is dangerous, maybe there are others who need my help."

Terry nodded, approvingly.

Then, he changed the subject and asked, "Then how do you learn how to use Qi from me? You are a hero in disguise, so you must have another identity. If you use another identity to learn from me, you will expose yourself." status, so you can only study at night."

Having said that, Terry paused deliberately.

"So, here comes the question. How do you study at night? You also have to fight crime?"

Daredevil was overwhelmed by Terry's question. He didn't know how to answer Terry's question, and he didn't know how to balance hero activities with his own study time.

"Thank you for the five hundred yuan. I'll go have a meal first, and then come to me after you think it through! I won't be leaving Hell's Kitchen for a while. I think you can follow me all the way. Finding me shouldn't be a problem. "

After speaking, Terry left gracefully.

Daredevil thought for a while, and felt that there was no way to balance these two things for the time being, so he decided to discuss it with his master Gun Sou.

Daredevil concentrated and began to sense the position of his master.

In his perceptual world, he can see Terry walking towards the outskirts of Hell's Kitchen, where there is a 24-hour fast food restaurant with the unique decoration of Hell's Kitchen, steel plate and bulletproof glass.

At a pier, Daredevil "saw" Stick and the ninjas from the Innocence Society.

When he "sees" the situation, his face changes color.

"Are you fighting against the hand and society?" Daredevil hurried to the pier.

By the time Daredevil arrived at the docks, the fight was over.

The ninjas of Hand Hehui suffered heavy casualties, and Chunzhenhui won a complete victory under the leadership of Gunsou.

This should have been a good thing, but Daredevil frowned.

The stick man noticed his apprentice, he tapped the ground with his stick, and hummed, "Why don't you become a hero anymore?"

In Gunsou's view, Daredevil's code of conduct is childish.

"Master." Daredevil called out respectfully.

Stick old man responded.

"What's the matter with you? If it's for help, I welcome it. If you want to persuade me, just get out!" Stick's thoughts will not be shaken by Daredevil's words.

Daredevil clarified. "I came to see you for other things."

"Then let's talk!" Gun Sou asked Daredevil to speak directly.

Daredevil said nothing.

"It's definitely not a good thing." The old man snorted, and led Daredevil to talk.

Daredevil recounts his encounter with Terry.

"Then you go and learn." Stick old man has no opinion of the sect, "If you can really learn to be angry, it's a good thing."

"But I don't have time. The use of learning energy will conflict with maintaining the peace of Hell's Kitchen." Daredevil struggled.

The old man stretched out his hand, and knocked Daredevil lightly on the body. "You! You really think I'm a fool! Don't you just want me to help you maintain the peace of Hell's Kitchen!"

Daredevil knew that the old man agreed to his request.

"Master, some people are just impulsive, so..."

Daredevil was only happy for a while, he thought that his master's method was still very bloody, and the method of maintaining peace must be very violent.

"Stop talking nonsense! You choose yourself!" Stick old man yelled.

"Then please be gentle, master!" Daredevil whispered, "Whether Mr. R and his hand will be removed, Hell's Kitchen will never be peaceful."

"That's right!" Stick old man smiled satisfied.

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(End of this chapter)

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