Dare to cook

Chapter 95 Lu Huaiwei's Examination

Chapter 95 Lu Huaiwei's Examination
After listening to Lu Tao's introduction, Yao Yucai took a closer look at Ling Yuzhu again.

Ling Yuzhu had a warm smile and a personable demeanor, and there was always a sense of pampered superiority in every gesture.

He looked at Yao Yu and said with a smile: "You are Yao Yu? Sure enough, you are young and promising!"

Yao Yu pursed his lips secretly, and was not impressed by Ling Yuzhu's superior evaluation:

"You're being polite, I'm just a little chef who didn't even make it to the Jade Food List, and I can't afford the four-character evaluation of being young and promising."

Ling Yuzhu's face was slightly stiff.

Ling Zhaochi said like an exploding firecracker: "My dad praises you because he is giving you face!"

Yao Yu glanced at Ling Zhaochi, and said with a mentally retarded expression: "So? Should I show gratitude?"

Yao Yu has reason to hate Ling Yuzhu.

It wasn't because Ling Zhaochi had provoked him in Wanghai Tower.

It's because Ling Yuzhu and Shen Gongpei, Yao Yu's second uncle's nemesis, are very close.

Shen Gongpei and Yao Yunjian were chefs who debuted at the same time.

Because Shen Gongpei was defeated by Yao Yunjian many times in competitions, he was so angry that he gradually became jealous of Yao Yunjian.

In terms of cooking skills, Shen Gongpei is completely inferior to Yao Yunjian.

But this person is very good at catering, whenever there is an opportunity, Shen Gongpei will give Yao Yunjian eye drops on any occasion, and confront Yao Yunjian everywhere.

Not only did he get in the way when Yao Yunjian opened a restaurant in partnership with others.

After Yao Yunjian died in a car accident last year, Shen Gongpei even slandered Yao Yunjian on the Internet, saying that Yao Yunjian had an unclear relationship with his big apprentice Xia Shichun.

Yao Yu's senior sister was so angry that she quit the culinary circle at that time.

Of course, not many people believed Shen Gongpei's remarks.

Many people, including Yao Yu, posted doubts on the Internet, accusing Shen Gongpei of throwing dirty water.

However, Ling Yuzhu is an exception.

That cursing battle had nothing to do with Ling Yuzhu.

But this person posted a Weibo when the scolding battle was at its most intense, claiming that Shen Gongpei is also a famous chef and would not talk nonsense easily.

By saying this, isn't it the same as saying that Yao Yunjian is a person with a lack of virtue?

Therefore, Yao Yu didn't have the slightest affection for Ling Yuzhu.

When they met in Lu Yuan today, Yao Yu certainly wouldn't give the Ling family father and son any good looks.

Yao Yu's words were full of sarcasm.

When Ling Zhaochi heard this, he wanted to rush over to have a real-life PK with Yao Yu.

Ling Yuzhu's expression was also a little tense.

He felt that Yao Yu was even more defiant than Yao Yunjian when he was young.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Lu Huaiwei coughed lightly and said:
"Okay, stop making trouble. Shaoran, have you brought all the ingredients you asked?"

As soon as Lu Huaiwei spoke, he really didn't dare to make trouble in front of him.

Mu Shaoran raised the basket of ingredients in his hand and said, "Master, all the ingredients you want are here."

Lu Huaiwei nodded and said:
"Well. Now that everyone is here, the old man will teach you how to cook a royal dish. Chen Yu, Xiao Yu, Shao Ran, and Xiao Ling, come with me."

After speaking, Lu Huaiwei put his hands on his back and walked into the house.

Yao Yu was a little confused about the situation for a while, so he asked Lu Chenyu in a low voice: "What's going on? Why is the old man so busy teaching people how to cook?"

Lu Chenyu said softly:

"Don't ask too much. If Grandpa is willing to teach you how to cook, you should study hard and talk about other things later."

On the side, Ling Zhaochi was quite upset seeing Lu Chenyu and Yao Yu being very close.

If it weren't for Lu Huaiwei's aura, Ling Zhaochi might roar like an angry chihuahua again.

Yao Yu walked into Lu Yuan's cooking class with doubts and bewilderment.

This is where Lu Huaiwei usually teaches Lu's disciples.

The furnishings in the cooking class are similar to those in Yao Yu's home.Any kitchen equipment that can be named is available here.

Lu Huaiwei led everyone to a stove where several bowls of pre-soaked bird's nest were already placed.

Since we want to teach people how to cook, questions and answers are naturally indispensable.

Lu Huaiwei stirred the bird's nest with a pair of chopsticks, and asked Yao Yu and the others, "Can you recognize the place where this bird's nest is produced?"

According to quality, bird's nest can be divided into official bird's nest, hairy bird's nest and grass bird's nest.

Among them, the official swallow has the purest and densest color, the least impurities and the highest quality.

Mao Yan and Cao Yan followed.

If divided according to the type, bird's nest can be divided into cave swallow and house swallow.

Cave swallows refer to bird’s nests collected in caves and cliffs, usually wild bird’s nests, which are rare in the market and have higher nutritional value.

The house swallow is the bird's nest that builds its nest under the eaves.

This kind of bird's nest is either wild or artificially bred in batches.

If consumers want to distinguish and screen, it is very difficult.

It is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish the type and quality of bird's nest because they rarely come into contact with such expensive ingredients.

But professional chefs don’t have this problem.

However, discerning chefs can only tell the quality of the bird's nest, and don't bother to identify the origin of the bird's nest.

Listening to Lu Huaiwei's question, several people looked thoughtful.

Ling Zhaochi almost rushed to answer:

"I see. This must be the official swallow produced in Zhaoqing, eastern Guangdong!"

"The main production areas of bird's nests are in the southwestern provinces and Southeast Asia. Domestically produced bird's nests are relatively firm, and the color of the water will not turn yellow after soaking in water."

"Over the years, due to the impact of natural protection and changing conditions, only Zhaoqing's production has not decreased in the three major bird's nest production areas in China. The other two production areas are basically in a semi-closed state, so this must be the bird's nest produced in Zhaoqing!"

Ling Zhaochi's answer was reasonable, but Lu Huaiwei shook his head and said, "It seems that you have some research on bird's nests, but unfortunately, you guessed wrong."

At this time, Yao Yu laughed and said:
"Master Lu, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the bird's nest produced in the Zhoushan Islands, right?"

"Oh? How did you see that?" Lu Huaiwei asked, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yao Yu said:
"Judging from its appearance, this is undoubtedly an official swallow."

"As we all know, bird's nest is the product of swiftlet's throat mucus secretion and coagulation."

"Swift swifts that live in coastal areas and islands usually feed on whitebait and seaweed. Therefore, most of the bird's nests they secrete are white in color.

"However, the center of these bird's nests has a hint of blood red. This shows that the place where the bird's nests are produced is rich in iron."

"It is because of the penetration of those iron substances that the bird's nest is stained with blood."

"Ling Zhaochi said before that the domestically produced bird's nest will not turn the soaking water yellow. So this must be a domestically produced bird's nest."

"However, in addition to the three traditional bird's nest production areas. In recent years, some people have also opened up new breeding sites near the Zhoushan Islands through artificial domestication."

"And the rock walls of the islands in that area are rich in iron elements. So I guess, this is the bird's nest produced in the Zhoushan Islands."

After Yao Yu finished speaking, Lu Huaiwei smiled and nodded:

"Yes, this is indeed a bird's nest from the Zhoushan Islands. Then do you know why I am asking you this?"

Yao Yu said without hesitation:
"Because as a chef, you must understand the characteristics of each ingredient as much as possible. The quality and taste of ingredients from different origins are different."

"Only by being able to identify the origin of each ingredient as much as possible, can we formulate the best cooking strategy according to the characteristics of the ingredients themselves!"

(End of this chapter)

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