Dare to cook

Chapter 353 The Mother-in-Law's Crisis

Chapter 353 The Mother-in-Law's Crisis
Lu Chenyu's mother was sick. The illness came like a mountain and was very serious.

The day before Valentine's Day, Yao Yu had packed his luggage and was going to take Lu Chenyu to the "Ancient Theme Park" built by Zou Yu for a few days.

But when he drove to Lu's house to pick up Lu Chenyu, Lu Chenyu's mother, Meng Yitong, suddenly passed out.

Such an unexpected situation shocked the Lu family, Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu rushed her to the hospital.Lu Tao, who was still busy in Luyuan, rushed to the hospital after hearing the news.

About an hour later, Meng Yitong, who was lying in the ward, woke up slowly.

The cause of Meng Yitong's coma was also found out.

After receiving the diagnosis, the emergency doctor took Meng Yitong an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram, and found that Meng Yitong had abnormal heart valves.

Heart valve refers to the valve between atrium and ventricle or between ventricle and artery.

Valves play a very important role in the heart's never-ending activity of circulating blood.

Metaphorically speaking, valves act as gatekeepers, preventing the backflow of blood to the atrium (atrioventricular valve) or ventricle (semilunar valve) it has just left.

If the valve is abnormal or incomplete, it may affect the blood circulation near the heart.

If the blood circulation goes wrong, the patient will have difficulty breathing and fatigue in mild cases, and may have symptoms such as angina pectoris, coma, and amaurosis in severe cases.

Lu Chenyu's mother's symptoms belong to aortic valve insufficiency among heart valve diseases, which is also the most serious and dangerous type.

In this case, heart valve replacement surgery is the only option.

Otherwise, if it is left unattended, not only will the patient suffer, but the condition is likely to develop into a more serious illness, such as left ventricular failure.

When the doctor informed his family members of his condition, Lu Chenyu's face turned pale, and he almost cried.Lu Tao's face also became extremely ugly.

Yao Yu heard the doctor explain the condition in detail and asked: "Are the risks of this operation high? What is the prognosis after the operation? Will it affect the patient's future life?"

The deputy director of the emergency department in charge of receiving patients has quite rich clinical experience.

He told Yao Yu that this operation is not difficult, and several local top three hospitals can do it.As long as the operation goes well and the family members pay attention to care and maintenance in the later stage, it is not difficult to return to normal life.

It's just that you have to pay attention in the future, you can't let the patient engage in tiring work, and you can't do more intense exercise.

After getting the exact reply from the doctor, the hearts of the Lu family father and daughter were slightly relieved.

Afterwards, Lu Tao entered the ward to accompany Meng Yitong, while Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu went to pay the bill.

In the evening, Mu Shaoran, who knew the news, came to visit his wife with a food box.

Since Mu Shaoran was "squeezed" by Yao Yu in Yushi for a few months, his craftsmanship and execution ability have also improved significantly.

In the future, if this kind of incident happened to the mother-in-law, Yao Yu could only give up his plan to travel.

Several people accompanied Meng Yitong to eat something casually in the ward.

That night, Lu Tao transferred Meng Yitong to the advanced intensive care unit of the hospital through his relationship.

There are special toilets, accompanying beds and reception sofas in the intensive care unit.

After Meng Yitong settled in the special care ward, Lu Tao said to Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu, "You go back first. I will stay with you tonight."

"That's good, both of you should rest earlier." Yao Yu nodded.

Meng Yitong was rescued in time, and his condition has stabilized now, but he still needs to be hospitalized for a week before he can decide how to perform the operation.

In the next few days, Lu Tao and Lu Chenyu will definitely take turns staying in the hospital to take care of Meng Yitong.

After leaving the hospital, Lu Chenyu's mood was very low.

Yao Yu held her hand and comforted her, "Don't worry, the doctor said that the operation is not difficult and the success rate is very high."

Lu Chenyu's expression was still a little melancholy:
"Yao Yu, I'm really worried now. My mother has always been doing scientific research. She used to stay in the research institute for a month or two. I'm really worried that she will get sick from overwork. Regarding this matter, she has other hidden illnesses..."

As he talked, Lu Chenyu's voice became lower and lower, and he couldn't continue.

As a child, who would want their parents to be in bad health?

Meng Yitong's sudden fainting today really frightened Lu Chenyu.

Fortunately, Lu Chenyu was at home at the time, and Yao Yu happened to come to Lu's house to pick him up.

If Meng Yitong hadn't been discovered in time when he got sick, would the consequences have become more serious?
Lu Chenyu didn't even dare to think about it.

Yao Yu hugged Lu Chenyu into his arms with pity.

He understands her feelings, this feeling of worrying about the safety of her loved ones, not even daring to think about it, not daring to say any "unlucky" words rashly, he understands it very well.

Yao Yu hugged Lu Chenyu and comforted him softly:

"It's fine. Isn't Aunt Meng well now? Uncle Lu will take her for another comprehensive examination tomorrow. Don't worry about it."

"By the way, Chu Huangyou's uncle is a master in the medical field. If you are really worried, then let's consult Uncle Chu. Maybe Uncle Chu can introduce us to two experts in cardiac surgery."

"Okay, then let's contact him now." Lu Chenyu said after hearing the words.

It is a matter of mother's safety, so she must consult with many parties.

Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu returned to the car, and Yao Yu immediately called Uncle Chu.

Uncle Chu thought it was okay at this time, and the call was quickly connected.

Afterwards, Yao Yu informed Uncle Chu of Meng Yitong's situation, and sent some inspection reports via WeChat.

Although Uncle Chu is not an expert in cardiac surgery, at his level, he has a very rich reserve of relevant medical experience.

Uncle Chu quickly gave his judgment.

He felt that it was absolutely fine for Meng Yitong's illness to be cured in Shanghai.

However, there is a saying that if the surgeon is unreasonable, postoperative complications may still occur.

And Uncle Chu happened to know a specialist in cardiac surgery.

Uncle Chu said to Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu in the video:
"It is not difficult to perform heart valve replacement surgery. Many large hospitals in provincial capital cities have the ability to perform this kind of surgery."

"But if you want to shorten the postoperative recovery period as much as possible and reduce complications, it's hard to say. It depends on the surgeon's technique and the patient's condition."

"If you want, I can introduce one of my alumni to you. He is an expert in cardiac surgery. He is currently participating in a medical research at the Mayo Clinic in the United States."

"For heart valve surgery, he has very rich experience, and he also led the team to develop a more advanced surgery."

"If the new surgical method is used for surgery, the surgical complications of patients will be suppressed to less than 5%."

"It's just that the new heart valve replacement surgery has not had time to be promoted, and there are not many doctors who are proficient in this surgery."

Yao Yu immediately said, "Can you give us the contact information of that expert?"

Uncle Chu smiled and said, "That's no problem. I'll tell him first. I think I can give you an answer tomorrow."

With that said, Uncle Chu said to Lu Chenyu:

"Xiao Lu, don't worry too much. Symptoms like aortic valve insufficiency are not difficult to treat. You have to have confidence."

"Well, I understand. Thank you very much, Uncle Chu." Lu Chenyu thanked.

Uncle Chu laughed, said a few words to Yao Yu and the others, and ended the call.

(End of this chapter)

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