Dare to cook

Chapter 332

Chapter 332

Yao Yu and his party wore neat national team uniforms, which were really eye-catching.

When they came to the restaurant, all the national teams who were dining in the restaurant couldn't help but cast their eyes over.

Although in the culinary competitions held in Europe and the United States, the competition questions are not always friendly to the Huaxia team.

However, in the past competitions, the previous Huaxia National Kitchen Team has proved the strength of the Huaxia Cooking World with their results time and time again.

No one dared to underestimate the Huaxia team in the field of cooking.

Just like many countries cannot underestimate China in many fields.

Among the entire Huaxia team, the one who attracted the most attention was Yao Yu.

Except for Yao Yu, all the other players participated in an international competition for the first time.

And Yao Yu, as the captain of the champion team of the Upper Realm Olympia, his amazing performance in the competition was naturally recorded by the organizer.

The video of each competition will become the image data of the national kitchen team training new players.

Players who performed well in the past will also be analyzed and studied by the national kitchen teams of various countries.

Therefore, players from all over the world recognized Yao Yu almost immediately.

Quite a few showed surprise on their faces. They did not expect that the champion captain of the previous session would lead the team to participate in this year's Olympian competition.

Some team leaders who had dealt with Yao Yu stepped forward to greet Yao Yu.

Looking at the awed and wary eyes of the competitors, Shen Qiuming couldn't help but sigh: "Yao Manzi is worthy of being Yao Manzi. Even if he comes to an international competition, he still has a good reputation."

"These are the titles that Yao Yu killed." Wu Zhongliu said lightly:

"If you can kill the Quartet in this year's Ophuno, then you will also be vigilant and studied by players from all over the world."

Shen Qiuming was furious immediately:
"Wu Zhongliu, which pot you don't open and which pot you carry, don't you! I don't know if I won't play this time, sir!"

"Okay, in front of outsiders, be graceful, don't blow your hair casually." Ling Zhaochi said lightly, with an old hermaphrodite tone, "Otherwise people will think you are very disrespectful."

After three months of closed training, Ling Zhaochi's character has also been polished to become more mellow.

From a spirited guy who used to be mad at anyone who was upset, he has transformed into an old onmyoji who is good at talking strange things.

Although, this product is still the virtue that that person hates dogs.

But compared to the previous arrogant and domineering appearance, now Ling Zhaochi can be accepted by his teammates at least.

When Ling Zhaochi said this, the others couldn't help but hold back their laughter.

After Yao Yu greeted a few people he met at the last Opéon, he walked with everyone to two empty tables by the window.

Everyone sat down, and soon a waiter brought the menu.

Before the end of the Oppong competition, the organizer will pay for the board and lodging of all participating teams in the hotel.

Of course, there is an upper limit to this standard.

For example, Shen Qiuming, who had received the menu, was about to order a bottle of red wine worth hundreds of euros to soothe his stimulated mind, but was told by the waiter that drinks and dishes with a unit price of more than [-] euros were not included in the reimbursement form.

"Cut, stingy." Of course, Shen Qiuming was not willing to pay for such expensive wine out of his own pocket.

He cursed, and quickly ordered a set meal for one person with a reasonable combination of meat and vegetables.

"Just be content, this year's organizer is much more generous than the last one." Yao Yu looked at Shen Qiuming and said amusedly.

Several people ordered their own meals and chatted while eating.

Yuan Peng said while eating a lump of something like mashed potatoes mixed with sea fish:
"I've already inquired about it. The lottery competition will officially start on the [-]th. As long as we advance from the group stage two days ago, we can get a cooking class exclusively for us."

"With the cooking class, we can try out some dishes that we want to make in the competition."

Yao Yu heard this, shook his head and said:
"It's pointless to sharpen your guns. Do you have a way to get the list of the national kitchen teams? The more detailed the better."

"What do you want to do? Collect intelligence about your opponent?" Yuan Peng asked.

The other members of the second team also looked at Yao Yu.

Yao Yu nodded, but didn't intend to elaborate.

As the captain of the team, although Yao Yu cannot play, he still has to contribute.

He has a system, and he can use [cooking scouting] to see the culinary level of other chefs at a glance.

Although [cooking scouting] will not show what kind of dishes the other party is good at.

But as long as they know the specific cooking value of each opponent, the Huaxia team doesn't have to worry about stepping on the bomb.

In this way, after his team encounters those opponents, Yao Yu can also formulate some targeted deployment plans.

After lunch, the members of the second team went back to their rooms to rest.

And Yao Yu got the list from Yuan Peng, and wandered around the hotel alone.

Yuan Peng did a good job in intelligence gathering.

The list he got was comprehensive, and some of the lists had photos of the target people posted next to them.

There are a total of 186 teams that signed up for the O'French competition this time, and each team has six players, adding up to 1116 people.

Of course, these more than 1000 contestants will not stand in a public place waiting for Yao Yu to review with [cooking scouting].

Therefore, Yao Yu could only go around the various leisure places in the hotel, and first collected the culinary skills of some people.

Yao Yu had no choice but to wait until the day of the opening ceremony, squatting at the entrance of the entry ceremony for the players to "register" one by one.

The leading coach of this Olympian competition is Shu Wangjing.

However, Mr. Shu Wangjing is getting old, and Yuan Peng and Yao Yu will discuss and solve the specific trivial matters.

From the [-]th to the [-]th, the Huaxia team had three days to rest and adjust before the game officially started.

During these three days, there was no need to be specially restrained, and none of the members of the second team mentioned going out to play.

Everyone only stayed in the hotel, either doing some moderate exercise in the gym, resting in the room, or going to the hotel's indoor gymnasium to play ball.

In this case, three days later, it was the day when the Ophong competition officially started.

On the opening day, each team got up early, boarded the CMB one after another under the arrangement of the organizer after the meal, and went to the competition venue to participate in the opening ceremony.

After Yao Yu followed everyone to the competition venue, he left the team and squatted at the entrance where the players entered.

Since Yao Yu is not an official participant, his actions will not be restricted much.

Although Shu Wangjing and Yuan Peng couldn't figure out why Yao Yu wanted to leave at this time, seeing that he insisted on doing so, they let him go.

At ten o'clock in the morning local time, the 27th Ophuno officially opened.

In Europe, there are not many people who pay attention to Ophanisa.

This stadium, which can accommodate more than 4 spectators, is already full of spectators flying from European countries to watch the game.

Among those audiences, there are also some audiences from Asia Pacific and North America.

Dozens of well-known gourmet media and journals all over the world have also sent special reporters to collect materials.

Most of these reporters are regular visitors to major culinary competitions, and they have profound experience in cooking competitions and how to deal with contestants.

At this time, Yao Yu had already taken off the uniform of the Huaxia team, and was pretending to be a reporter to wander around.

Looking down from his current position, he can have a panoramic view of every player participating in the competition.

At 10:[-] and [-] minutes, after the host of the organizer chirped, the participating teams from various countries entered the arena in order.

And the first team to enter the stage and step into the eyes of the audience is none other than the Huaxia team...

(End of this chapter)

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