Dare to cook

Chapter 324 Bootcamp

Chapter 324 Bootcamp

August 31st is the day when the second national green kitchen team gathers.

On this day, the members of the second team of Qingchu will gather in the capital.

Starting today, they will undergo a three-month high-intensity training to prepare for the Orphan competition to be held in Istanbul, Turkey in December this year.

After getting off the plane, Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu were surrounded by a group of reporters at the Capital Airport.

I don't know which melon leaked the flight information, causing the two to be blocked.

Due to the collapse of the main guests of Hua Restaurant in the sixth season a few days ago, it was seriously implicated in the program group of Hua Restaurant.

As a result, Zheng Hailan had to release the main guest lineup of the seventh season in advance in order to save the reputation of the program group, so as to divert the hot topics of discussion among netizens.

The main guest lineup of the seventh season is completely different from that of the sixth season.

It can be said to be a complete change of blood.

Whether it is Li Xungui, Jiang Yuqi, Meng Xiao, or Feng Ziyi, they are all very popular stars in the Huaxia entertainment circle.

When it comes to gold content, it is much better than the main guest of the previous season.

Not to mention, in the last two seasons of the seventh season, Zou Yu, the godfather of the Chinese entertainment industry, will also appear.

With such a lineup alone, the seventh season can be said to be popular before it is broadcast.

But to the surprise of the majority of netizens, the candidate for the manager of Hua Restaurant in the seventh season was not Li Xungui and the others, but Lu Chenyu, a beautiful chef who had never set foot in the entertainment industry.

As a result, people began to frantically dig for information about Luchenyu.

When the netizens knew that this beautiful and outrageous young lady was actually the number one in the culinary world, all doubts were quickly suppressed.

After that, more losers were deeply intoxicated by Lu Chenyu's beauty.

But before they had time to have any thoughts of sexual intercourse, the video of Yao Yu confessing to Lu Chenyu in Rose Valley in the capital was dug up again.

Ever since, netizens all over the country knew that Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu were in a relationship.

And both of them became the main guests and main chefs of the Seventh Season Hua restaurant.

Then, netizens began to frantically collect information about Yao Yu’s past resume.

In this world, celebrity chefs with outstanding talent and appearance are as popular as A-list celebrities.

Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu have a lot of fans.

And when their outstanding performance in the seventh season of Hua Restaurant was disclosed by the program group, the two of them became popular all over the Internet, and together with the Hua Restaurant program group, they firmly occupied the hot search headlines in the entertainment industry.

After the explosion, the lives of Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu were also affected.

Lu Yuan and Renhe Pavilion have seen a surge in business in the past few days because of them.And the two were harassed by the paparazzi.

Lu Chenyu was even followed twice on his way home from get off work.

Even Yao Chan was implicated by Yao Yu, and several photos were taken and posted on the Internet.

Yao Manzi and Lu Chenyu couldn't bear the disturbance.

The two finally waited for the day of the national team training camp, thinking that they could hide in the kitchen association for a while, but they didn't expect that they were surrounded by groups as soon as they left the airport lobby.

Lu Chenyu was quite uncomfortable dealing with so many reporters.

After being surrounded, she remained silent and expressionless, leaving all the dealings with reporters to the poor, weak and innocent barbarian.

The two were surrounded by a group of reporters for more than ten minutes.

Yao Yu had to answer some of their questions before finally getting rid of the stalking and interception of these media.

After leaving the airport, Yao Yu, Lu Chenyu, and Qin Ming and Shen Qiuming who came on the same flight took a taxi to the Headquarters of the Kitchen Association.

After arriving at the headquarters of the Kitchen Association, the other members of the Second Green Kitchen Team also arrived.

Everyone looked at Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu who came in together, with more or less teasing and envious expressions on their faces.

It seems that these guys have been bombarded by news about Yao Yu and the entertainment industry recently.

When Ji Xun saw them, he whistled and said:
"Oh, bring a star!"

"Manzi, when will the seventh season of Hua Restaurant, which you are passionately participating in, air? Is it too late for me to ask you two to sign?"

Listening to Ji Xun's joke, Yao Yu said without emotion:
"You still want to sign autographs? Think about how to prepare for the Orpheus."

"The rules of today's Ophun competition have changed. Only the three starters and three substitutes who have been reported before the game are eligible to play."

"And now there are nine members in the Second Green Kitchen Team. Ji Xun, if you don't perform well during the training camp, be careful I'll let you sit on the bench, and you won't even be able to qualify for the competition."

Ji Xun curled his lips and said:
"Yao Manzi, do you think I'm scaring you? You're just the captain of the second team, not the coach. You have no right to decide the roster."

"Really?" Yao Yu suddenly laughed sadly:
"Old Ji, I'm afraid you forgot. During the preparations for the Orphan match, I was not only the captain, but also the assistant coach of the second team."

"As the only person in the field who has participated in the Olympian competition, I will teach you how to understand the rules of the competition in every part of the Oupun competition."

"As an assistant coach, I also have the same voting rights as the head coach."

"If you don't believe me, see if I can make you sit on the bench."

As he said that, Yao Yu winked at Ji Xun, with the virtue of "if you know someone, come here to curry favor with the uncle".

Ji Xun's face froze suddenly.

But he wasn't afraid of Yao Yu, because he knew that it was impossible for Yao Yu to mess around in such a matter.

The members of the second team of Green Kitchen talked for a while. The head coach of the second team, Shu Wangjing, assistant coaches Stanley Rosen, Salize Mirren, and team leader assistant Yuan Peng and others also entered the meeting one after another. room.

After all the coaches arrived, Yao Yu and the others stopped talking.

Everyone straightened up and stood in a row, like soldiers waiting to be inspected.

Shu Wangjing looked around, glanced at the members of Qingchu Team [-], and said in a calm and firm voice:

"Maybe you don't know. You are actually the strongest in the second team of Green Kitchen. Since you are the strongest, you should get the best results."

"Starting tomorrow, you will undergo three months of closed training."

"During the training camp, there are no holidays! No going out! No leave! I hope all of you here can temporarily throw away your past achievements and honors!"

"From today on, you will no longer be famous chefs on the Jade Food List, but just ordinary members receiving intensive training from the National Kitchen Team!"

"I hope that after three months of training, you will not only be able to win the Orpheon Championship, but also the World Youth Championship in the coming year!"

"Next, Yuan Peng will send you the work and rest schedule during the training camp."

"In addition, at two o'clock this afternoon, I prepared a test for everyone. I hope that the answer sheets you hand in will not disappoint me."

"That's all there is to say. Now, adjourn!"

(End of this chapter)

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