Dare to cook

Chapter 320 Li Xungui's Chinese Restaurant Diary

Chapter 320 Li Xungui's Chinese Restaurant Diary

July [-]th, sunny:

Today is the year of Yihai, the month of Xinwei, and the day of Yisi.

The almanac reads: It is not suitable to travel.

On a day that is not suitable for travel, I flew to Italy.

As soon as I got off the plane, the Italian stewardess on the same flight gave me a slip of paper with a smile.It has her contact information and a bright red lip print on it.

When the stewardess handed me a small piece of paper, I was stunned.

As a decent person, a certain person never casually accepts small slips of paper from strange women.

However, after watching The Stewardess 3, I changed my mind.

After all, it is not a gentleman's behavior to refuse a lady.

After getting off the plane, I met Xiao Liu, who was sent by the program group to pick up the plane, and Wu Shu, who was invited as a flying guest.

I have met Wu Shu several times, she is a very spiritual girl.

It's a pity that she might not be able to have a broad mind throughout her life.

Converging the program group, we headed for Amalfi.

As we approached Amalfi, the vehicle we were traveling in broke down with an engine failure.

Xiao Liu told me that we can invite other main guests to pick us up.

So I took out my mobile phone and summoned a certain savage who refused to enter the entertainment circle, but for some reason came to record the Chinese restaurant with his girlfriend.

Yao Yu came and took us to the hotel.

July [-], sunny:

Today is my first day of recording a show.

I'm a little apprehensive, I hope I won't meet domestic movie fans when I'm doing odd jobs in the restaurant.

The business of Hua Restaurant is much busier than I expected.

The program crew is so unprofessional that they didn't arrange extras.

July [-]th, sunny:

Today is the second day of being forced to open, and I began to regret recording this program.

Who would have thought that Yao Yu would manage the restaurant of the program group as a real restaurant.

It's been a busy day.

Wu Shu, who is responsible for statistics on sales, told everyone that today's turnover will exceed [-].

And because of this, like Meng Xiao, I was too tired to walk.

July [-], sunny after the first rain:
It was another busy day, and I really became a full-time dishwasher.

Although the restaurant has a dishwasher, the efficiency is too low. Some dishes and chopsticks can only be washed manually.

July [-], sunny day:
Finally got a day off.

Today is the day when Xiaoqi is discharged from the hospital, and it is also the day when Wu Shu is leaving.

Xiaoqi was stung by seafood while recording a program before, and it was said that it was still serious, so she had to stay in the hospital for three days.

In order to celebrate Xiaoqi's discharge from the hospital and to practice Wu Shu, the program team decided to go out to sea.

Went to Capri, browsed the blue cave and the old castle.

Riding a motorcycle on the sea in the afternoon, Yao Manzi was splashed with water, which was great.

July [-]th, heavy rain:

The business is still busy, and I am tired.

Thinking about it carefully, the show crew really shouldn't have hired a culinary madman like Yao Yu to do the show.

The business is so good that it is really tiring.

I kind of miss that flight attendant.

July [-]th, rain:
Doing odd jobs in the restaurant, busy like a dog.

On July [-], the rain turned fine:
Busy as a dog.

July [-], sunny to rainy:
It's July and a half in the Gregorian calendar. I don't know if the ghost gate in my hometown is open?

On July [-], sunny to rainy to cloudy to sunny:
busy!busy!busy!Filming is not so tiring, I really want to kill Yao Manzi!

July [-]th, no rain today:

I want to ask if you dare to be as busy as I said?
July [-]th, sunny day:
Hehe, do you think I am busy today?
July [-]th, cloudy:

Extremely stuffy.

The electric fan in the back kitchen is broken, it's hot.

The moment the restaurant closed, all I wanted to do was get naked and jump into the ocean.

July [-], rain:
The moment Feng Ziyi asked someone to fix the fan, it rained heavily.

Um?It seems that I vaguely saw two big sisters running past the intersection shyly and panickedly.

Are they wet?Do you need warmth?
July 21, sunny:
Another busy day.

July 22, overcast:

Another day of missing my big sister.

July 23, sunny or rainy:

Steal a floating half-day leisure

Not too busy, just thinking about...

July 24, cloudy to light rain:

I don't want to complain about being busy anymore.Maybe you're used to it.

I don't seem to want to miss my big sister too much.

Lu Chenyu and Xiao Qi in the restaurant are prettier than 90.00% of the big sisters and young ladies in the world.

In addition, today's turnover hit a new high.

To celebrate, Yao Manzi, who is the chef but actually the store manager, decided to take a day off.

I am so relieved.

July 25, cloudy:
The weather was cool and we went to Byrard's estate.

I observed milking and picked blueberries, chestnuts, and porcini mushrooms.

The main course for lunch was made by Ballard, and it was delicious.

Although it is not as delicious as Yao Manzi's dishes, it is indeed delicious.

Before leaving, Mr. Bai knew that I would be the chef tomorrow, so he gave me two catties of porcini mushrooms.

Thank you Lao Tie for being so generous. He is a good man.

In the afternoon, we went to a small town [-] kilometers away and visited the remains of a Greek temple near the town.

In the evening, return to Amalfi.

Halfway through the shower, a storm hit and the B&B was cut off.

Manzi, Ziyi, I transformed into electricians and successfully repaired and started a backup generator in the basement.

July 26, sunny:

There was a lot of wind and rain last night.

But according to what the barbarians said, it was actually not as big as the storm they encountered on the first day they came to Amalfi.

Today is Chef Feng Ziyi and I. The main dishes are duck soup with porcini mushrooms and stir-fried rice noodles.

Bai Laotie and his family also came to join in.

Yao Yu was worried that I would poison them to death by mistake, so he insisted on cooking a few dishes for them.

Later, I tried my old duck porcini mushrooms.

He said it was great, which is great.

July 27, sometimes cloudy and sometimes sunny:

The mayor spearheaded the town's first music festival in Amalfi.

We also accepted the invitation to participate.

Hehe, when it comes to singing and dancing rap, I’m not sleepy at all.

Xiaoqi and Meng Xiao are even more capable singers.

At the music festival, the Chinese Restaurant team stole the show.

But I didn't expect that Lu Chenyu could sing Italian bel canto, and Yao Manzi could play the saxophone to accompany her.

When the music festival was over, I saw Yao Yu holding Lu Chenyu's hand and kissing her under the street lamp at the corner.

Instantly sour.

As an idol actor who often shows the audience's face on the big screen, the experience of being shown in an idol drama is not very good.

I looked away, but met Xiao Qi's eyes.

My heart skipped a beat.

What's going on here?
July 28, light rain:
Chef Xiaoqi and Meng Xiao were in a lot of situations, their dishes were returned and two bowls were broken.

Fortunately, Yao Yu and Lu Chenyu came to the rescue and stabilized the situation.

After closing time, Xiaoqi was very depressed.She asked me: Is she useless?I can't do anything except filming.

July 29, sunny:

It was replaced by Yao Yu and his wife as chefs.

Compared with them, we really seem to be able to only shout "666".

The restaurant is still very busy, and the staff of the program group are also working very hard.

During the recording period of this month, several follow-up VJs were exhausted.

But now no one is complaining.

On the contrary, there is a feeling of reluctance growing.We all know that the recording of the program group has come to an end.

July [-]th, cloudy:

The breeze is not dry, and at the end of the show, the program team ushered in an unexpected flying guest——Zou Yu!
Zou Yu is the godfather of the Huaxia entertainment industry, the creator of the Huadian program, and the idol of Yao Yu and me.

His appearance made everyone in the program group very excited.

Because, he has not shown his face in any variety show for nearly ten years.

Even if Hua Restaurant was his idea, Zou Yu never showed his face in previous Hua Restaurant.

Senior Zou is kind and funny, in front of him, Meng Xiao is a generation younger.But he doesn't put on airs with us.

Zou Yu seemed to admire Yao Yu very much and chatted with him a lot about the culinary world.

Of course, he appreciates me too.He told me he had a new film and maybe he could let me join it.

I couldn't be happier.

On July 31st, neither wind nor rain nor sunshine:
Today is the last day of recording in Hua Restaurant, and the emotion of parting is spreading.

On the last day, we invited all the people in the town who helped us.

The mayor and his family, Bai Laotie's family, the original owner of the restaurant, and Boss Lin, who has been helping us deliver ingredients from Huaxia Supermarket, were all invited.

The restaurant is closed to the public today, only guests and friends are invited.

The theme of the last meal at Jihua Restaurant this year is both reunion and parting.

I suddenly don't want to leave here.

I can't bear to be separated from the program group, and I can't bear to part with Amalfi.

I don't know what the restaurant we have worked hard for a month will look like in the future?
How will the things we experienced in Amalfi be edited by the post-production staff?

This beautiful and welcoming seaside town has become a fond memory of mine.

At the end, when everyone was talking about their feelings to the camera, both Lu Chenyu and Xiao Qi cried.

Yao Manzi's eye circles were also reddish.

Constant encounters and separations may be the main theme of life.


Finally, I have one more thing to say.

Although I have written so many diaries,

But I'm serious.

——Yihai Year, Xin Weiyue, Jisi Day.

——Li Xungui stopped writing.


PS: When I finished typing this chapter, I wanted to use this as the end of the book for a moment.But thinking about it still doesn't work, after all, the pits have not been filled, and the foreshadowing of the sequel has to be buried.

(End of this chapter)

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