Dare to cook

Chapter 291

Chapter 291
Seeing that Chu Xinmei was straight to the point, Yao Yu didn't beat around the bush.

He said: "I came here today just to ask you, are you interested in changing to a restaurant?"

"Your restaurant?"

"Not counting. But there is my share."

"Sorry, I'm afraid I don't have time." Chu Xinmei refused without thinking.

Tsk, this attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away is exactly the same as when Yao Yu rejected Chen Shaofeng.

Yao Yu didn't care when he heard the words.

He knew that Chu Xinmei had such a cold personality, so he didn't expect to be able to persuade him immediately.

Poaching people, especially those who are capable, requires skill.

Even if you are playing Three Kingdoms games, don't you have to do some strategy before recruiting counselors and generals to improve your favorability?

Otherwise, why would there be room for headhunters in the modern workplace?
There are two reasons why Yao Yu likes Chu Xinmei.

First, he felt that Chu Hsin-mei was a very talented cook.

In time, let alone the jade food list, even the unicorn list, this man will definitely be able to make it.

Second, Yao Yu will definitely open his own restaurant until next year at the latest.

He wanted to completely pull Chu Xinmei into his team, just like Yang Rui and Chen Li, to become his right-hand man in the future.

You ask why Yao Yu is so optimistic about Chu Xinmei?
That's because the growth rate of this product is so fast that even Yao Yu was startled.

Yao Yu still remembered that when he met Chu Xinmei for the first time, Chu Xinmei's culinary skill level was lv7 (30321).

But today, when he just entered the store, he used [Culinary Scouting] to scan Chu Xinmei's culinary skill level, and found that Chu Xinmei's culinary skill value has been raised to lv8 (36447.1)!
What does this cooking value mean?
It meant that after only two months, Chu Xinmei had grown enough to compete with the top ten on the Jade Food List.

You know, Wu Zhongliu, who is now third on the Jade Food List, only has lv8 (37252.8) culinary skills.

The increase in cooking skills will definitely become more difficult as time goes by.

From 100 cooking skills to 10000 cooking skills, talented people can do it in two or three months.

However, the increase from 30000 cooking points to 36000 points is something that ordinary chefs can only achieve after two or three years of hard work.

Even if it was Zhu Xingchen, Chu Huangyou and the others, it would take at least six or seven months to complete the increase from [-] cooking points to [-] cooking points.

As for Chu Xinmei, it only took more than two months to make such a huge improvement!
If it wasn't for Yao Yu's system, he would have doubted that Chu Xinmei was the son of the plane.

Could it be...Chu Xinmei is cheating too? !
This idea is constantly circling in Yao Yu's mind at this moment.

However, although Yao Yu was surprised in his heart, he didn't show it on the surface.

Seeing that Chu Xinmei rejected his invitation straight away, he changed the subject and said, "Last time when you gave up the match, you said that your mother was ill. How is Auntie doing now? Are you okay?"

When mentioning his mother, Chu Xinmei's indifferent expression changed.

He was silent for two seconds and said, "My mother is in good health."

With such a two-second hesitation, Yao Yu could read Chu Xinmei's insincere words delicately.

At this time, a rich middle-aged woman walked in outside the store.

This middle-aged woman was very familiar with Chu Hsin-Mei, she should be a neighbor nearby.

After she came in, she said with an authentic Shencheng accent:
"Xiao Chu, Allah's daughter (my daughter) just called and said that two brain experts from their department will come to the hospital for exchanges the day after tomorrow. I heard that they are all very powerful experts."

"When the time comes, Lennon will bring your mother (you bring your mother) over there early, and let the experts take a good look at it for you."

This aunt is a bit hot-tempered and outspoken.

After coming in and finishing talking, I realized that there were other people in the store.

Seeing Yao Yu, she covered her mouth and said, "Ah, there are guests here."

Chu Xinmei got up to express her thanks to the aunt, and said, "Aunt Zhao, I'm really sorry for your inconvenience, I will definitely take my mother there the day after tomorrow."

"No trouble, no trouble." The aunt waved her hands again and again, with an amiable expression looking at her son-in-law, "You have my daughter's WeChat account. You can contact her later, and she will tell you the exact time."

Yao Yu himself is also a native of Shencheng, so he can naturally understand Da Ma's dialect.

He said in his heart:
It seems that Chu Xinmei's mother is seriously ill?

Or has he not recovered since he was hospitalized last time?This guy isn't selling the store to raise medical expenses, is he?

The aunt finished speaking and left.

Yao Yu said to Chu Xinmei, "What's wrong with Auntie? Which hospital is she in?"

"My mother is actually fine, so don't worry about it." Chu Xinmei looked at the time and said, "I have to go out for a while, so I won't keep you."

With that said, he picked up a thin coat that was draped over a chair, and was about to go out.

Chu Xinmei wanted to leave, so Yao Yu couldn't stay in the store anymore.

He went out of the store and saw Chu Xinmei driving away in a car, after thinking about it, he still didn't drive to follow.

At this time, Yao Yu turned his eyes and saw the aunt who had just entered the store to talk.

The aunt, surnamed Zhao, opened a small supermarket next door to Chu Hsin-mei's shop.

At this time, Aunt Zhao was standing at the door of the supermarket and looking out.

When Yao Yu saw her, Aunt Zhao also saw Yao Yu.

Yao Manzi was slightly taken aback, then raised a young, sunny, innocent and shy face and walked towards Aunt Zhao:
"Hello, Auntie, can I ask you about something? What's wrong with Chu Xinmei's mother?"

"Who are you? Why are you asking about this?" Aunt Zhao looked at Yao Yu warily.

Although Yao Yu is very energetic, clean, and good-looking, Aunt Zhao still did not answer Yao Yu's question immediately.

Yao Manzi immediately became playful, sighed and said:
"Auntie, to be honest, I am Chu Hsin-Mei's cousin."

"It's just that when we were very young, the two families had conflicts, and there has been no contact for many years."

"The elders of my family have lived abroad for several years. They just returned to China recently. When they remembered my aunt, they asked me to come and visit first."

"But, Chu Xinmei doesn't want me to see my aunt."

"If you hadn't come into the store just now, I wouldn't even know that my aunt was sick."

"What's wrong with her? Chu Xinmei is short of money right now? She even plans to sell her own shop."

"Auntie, please tell me quickly. My aunt is sick and my family can't leave it alone!"

What she said was so sincere, let alone Aunt Zhao, even Yao Yu himself almost believed it.

The rich Aunt Zhao blinked her eyes and looked at Yao Yu hesitantly: "What you said is true? Did you lie to me?"

"Of course it's true. Think about it, I want to help Chu Hsin-mei, not harm him. How can I gain any advantage by lying to you?"

Yao Yu said sincerely,

"Besides, the cost of living in Shanghai is so high. House prices are rising every day. It's easy to sell this shop, but it's hard to buy it back later."

"Xin Mei is still young. When he gets married and has children, he will need money for everything. If he sells the shop, he will have a very hard time."

"Auntie, I think you and Xin Mei are quite familiar. You don't want to see such a young man in a difficult situation in the future, do you?"

These few words just hit Aunt Zhao's mind.

Aunt Zhao and Chu Xinmei's family are old neighbors, and they have known Chu Xinmei's family for many years.

Since last year, she has intentionally brought Chu Xinmei and her daughter together.

Although Aunt Zhao didn't care whether Chu Xinmei's family had money or not, anyway, she felt that Chu Xinmei could treat her daughter well in the future.

But as parents, they always hope that their children can live better.

Therefore, Aunt Zhao hesitated and told Yao Yu about Chu Xinmei's mother's situation...

(End of this chapter)

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