Dare to cook

Chapter 273 Travel Exchange Meeting

Chapter 273 Travel Exchange Meeting
From nine o'clock in the morning, the participants of the tourism exchange meeting came in droves.

The resort, which was originally located among the mountains and forests, suddenly became busy with traffic.

The whole hotel is busy.

The parking boy is helping people park their cars everywhere, and the waiters at the front desk and concierge are guiding guests from all walks of life to check in.

In fact, yesterday evening, the people who will participate in the exchange meeting had already arrived in Tonglin.

It's just that because the venue layout of the villa is not in place yet, the organizer first arranged them to disperse them in several hotels in the urban area for a night's rest.

After the guests from all walks of life settled down in the villa, they were invited to the eleventh floor of the hotel to attend the opening meeting of the exchange meeting.

There are no rooms on the eleventh floor of the hotel, only a super large conference hall and three small conference rooms.

The main meeting place of this International Tourism Exchange Conference will be placed there.

After more than 500 guests arrived, the representative of the tourism association took the stage to deliver a speech, followed by the local official representative of Tonglin.

Then, several experts with the title of industry experts came on stage and started talking...

All in all, they are all talking about some meaningless scenes and polite words.

Only a few representatives at the meeting put forward some meaningful views and opinions based on the current domestic travel industry situation and big data feedback.

The opening will start at ten o'clock and end around 11:30.

During this period, Yao Yu never left the back kitchen, and was always orderly preparing dishes in the kitchen.

After 11:30, the guests of the exchange meeting will go to the banquet hall on the eighth floor of the hotel for dinner.

At the same time, the cold dishes that Xu Yunle had prepared all morning were quickly brought out by the hotel waiter and placed on the table in the banquet hall.

The cold dishes have already been served, and the hot dishes and pasta should be put out of the pan quickly.

Otherwise, we will not be able to catch up with the upload.

Although Yao Yu made a package of ten hot dishes, in fact, the workload he has to do now is not as great as imagined.

Because the pre-process of many hot dishes has been processed.

He only needs to control the heat and ensure the seasoning when cooking.

"Three delicacies dumplings and taro steamed cakes are served first!"

"Is Zhuge Grilled Fish ready?"

"First serve the grilled pork belly with rock sugar, and then serve the boiled prawns."

"You can wait for the rabbit in the soup stone pot. A few people come over, and quickly change the eight-treasure duck into a knife and put it on the plate. It should be fast!"

In the back kitchen, Yuan Dewei and several food delivery foremen used the walkie-talkie to make various adjustments from time to time.

On the other side of the stove, Yao Yu was still cooking quickly.Its efficiency is so high that it is like a cooking machine with no emotions.

Qin Ming's task is not heavy, and the three white cases of pasta that he is in charge of have already been done.

At this time, seeing that Yao Yu was in a mess, he came over and said, "How many dishes are left? I will help you."

"Which dishes would you cook, such as Huizhou hairy tofu, Huangshan stewed chicken, Wenzheng mountain bamboo shoots, and stinky mandarin fish?"

"It's okay to ask Zhengshan bamboo shoots. I'm not familiar with the others." Qin Ming replied.

"Then Wenzhengshan bamboo shoots are left to you." Yao Yu said, flipping the pot and frying another smelly mandarin fish.

The four dishes mentioned by Yao Yu are all typical Anhui dishes.

Anhui cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in ancient times, but it has not been paid attention to in the modern food landscape.

Outside the Anhui and Anhui regions, except for very large cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng, there are basically no Anhui cuisine restaurants in other cities.

Not to mention the comparison with Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine, which occupy half of the Chinese cuisine.

Even Gan cuisine, which originated in the neighboring Xijiang province, is more popular in China than Anhui cuisine.

Moreover, traditional Anhui cuisine is more stinky.

Especially the stinky mandarin fish, which smells stinky and tastes delicious, is not something that chefs from other provinces can easily handle.

However, for Yao Yu, cooking a few Anhui dishes is nothing at all.

Time passed minute by minute.

The back kitchen is still busy.

It wasn't until a quarter past twelve that all the dishes were served, and the more than 20 chefs in the back kitchen took a rest.

Seeing Yao Yu put down the wok, Yuan Dewei personally handed him a towel and said with a smile:

"Master Yao has worked hard. The efficiency of your stir frying is really eye-opening. My old Yuan has been a back cook for more than 20 years, and this is the first time I have seen a master who can handle four large woks at the same time."

"Chef Yuan is so polite. It's all thanks to everyone's cooperation."

The difficulty of making banquet dishes is not comparable to that of fried roadside stalls.

In the night market, it is not surprising that the supper stall owner can take care of two woks at the same time because of his busy business.

Because the stir-fried dishes at supper stalls are usually relatively simple, and the technical content will not be much higher than fried noodles with fried noodles and bean sprouts.

But high-end banquet cuisine is different.

Not only are the ingredients expensive, but the ingredients are complicated to prepare, and the requirements for the heat of cooking are also extremely high.

If you are not careful, if a pot of dishes is old, the cost of ingredients and labor costs of hundreds or even hundreds of dollars can only be dumped into the trash can.

Therefore, most hotel chefs dare not play multi-line operation when cooking banquet dishes.

After all, if you smash a pot of ingredients in your hands, you will have to deduct a small amount of money.

As for Yao Yu, not only did he dare to play four-wire operation, but he also played it slyly. The speed of the car was so dizzying that people were stunned.

This means that Yuan Dewei has a good attitude.

If it were an old chef with a strong determination to win or lose, he would be so stimulated to doubt his life after seeing this scene.

All the dishes for the banquet were served, so Yuan Dewei cooked some special dishes, which were all regarded as lunch for the three of Yao Yu.

Huizhou Yipin Pot, Phoenix Stewed Peony, Tiger Skin Tofu, Dry Pot Ribs...

In the staff cafeteria of the hotel, after Yuan Dewei put these four or five dishes on the table, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Yuan Dewei took out a bottle of Huangshan rice wine that had been preserved for many years, and said to Yao Yu with a smile:
"My craftsmanship is far inferior to yours. Everyone will eat some at noon. After the two days of work, if you are interested, I can take you to visit a senior."

"Oh? What does the senior do? Is he also a chef of Anhui cuisine?" Yao Yu suddenly regained his energy after hearing this.

He likes to do things like visiting senior bosses and asking for advice on stealing teachers.

Yuan Dewei said: "Do you know who invented this Huizhou Yipin hotpot?"

Yao Yu is a famous chef who is proficient in many cuisines, so he naturally knows a lot about the origins and legends of various cuisines.

He smiled and said:
"Who invented Huizhou Yipin Guo is unknown. But I do know the origin of this dish's name."

"According to historical records, during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, to be precise, in the 12th year of Wanli, one day, Ming Shenzong Zhu Yijun visited the household servant Bi Qiang's house."

"Bi Qiang's wife, Mrs. Yu, Yipin Gaoming made such a dish for Emperor Wanli to taste."

"Emperor Wanli was full of praise after eating it. After asking, he learned that this dish was made by Mrs. Yipin Gaoming, so he immediately named it Yipin Guo."

"Then, Bi Qiang and his wife were also from Huizhou. So far, the name of Huizhou Yipinguo has been handed down."

Yuan Dewei clapped his hands and smiled when he heard the words:
"That's right, that's right. I didn't expect Master Yao not only to cook well, but also to be so knowledgeable and memorized."

"The origin of the name of Huizhou Yipin Guo is indeed from the Wanli period."

"And the senior I mentioned just now is the descendant of Bi Qiang, the retired Qilin List chef, Bi Zetao."

(End of this chapter)

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