Dare to cook

Chapter 27 Secret Steamed Fish Juice

Chapter 27 Secret Steamed Fish Juice

After the dining peak, it was time for the staff meal that the restaurant staff were most looking forward to.

Ever since Yao Yu and the others came to the Renhe Pavilion, the food standard of the employees in the Renhe Pavilion has directly surpassed that of a five-star hotel.

Tang Ying is not a stingy boss.

She has always been generous when it comes to setting standards for employee meals.

It is different from the simple staff meals in ordinary small restaurants.

The staff meal standard of Renhe Restaurant has always been two meat, two vegetables, one soup, and a fruit cold dish to take away.

In the past, when Lin Shuping was in the back kitchen, Renhe Restaurant also had this standard.

But at that time, the atmosphere in the back kitchen was very bad.

All the chefs are out of temper, and they don't cook staff meals at all, and the sous chefs who are in charge of staff meals are not very good at their skills.

After Yao Yu and the others came, they would not only take turns cooking meals for the staff, but they would also try their best to teach the cooking skills of the sous chefs.

It is precisely because of this that Yao Yu, who is strong and approachable, has won the unanimous support of the restaurant employees in such a short period of time.

in the afternoon.

After eating.

Yao Yu had nothing to do, so he logged into Wanghai Tower with his mobile phone.

As the largest forum in the culinary industry, Wanghailou has many sections.

The main sections are:
Original dishes, culinary world, culinary circle smashing altar, romantic and romantic, Venus famous chefs, Mercury desserts, Saturn seasoning, Mars suppliers, Jupiter kitchenware stores and kitchen knife appointments, etc.

Among them, the most interesting are the two sections of kitchen smashing altar and kitchen knife appointment.

The kitchen world smashing altar is the largest gossip distribution center in the Chinese culinary art world, and various sand sculpture posts are flying all over the sky.

The kitchen knife appointment is a place dedicated to launching cooking challenges.

For example, if you see a cook who is upset, you can post a post here to diss him with your real name and challenge him.

If the other party accepts the challenge, the poster has two options:

The first is to determine the location of the culinary competition with the other party, and go to compete with him by yourself.

The second way is to pay a fee and ask Wanghailou to send someone to be a notary, and then transmit the whole process of the competition to Wanghailou.

If the challenger chooses the second option, then other friends who eat melons in Wanghai Tower can place bets on who will win in the post.

In the past, when Yao Yu was free, he liked to watch other people peck at each other in the kitchen knife rack.

But today, Yao Yu didn't go to see people making appointments, but clicked on the Martian supplier section.

Mars Supplier, as the name suggests, is a section dedicated to providing ingredients for chefs.

Here, large and small suppliers across the country will set up online stores.

Chefs can also post tasks here to find the ingredients they want.

It is not easy to find crabs of June Yellow in the season of March, and Yao Yu did not put all his hopes on the suppliers of Renhe Pavilion.

So when he was free, he went to Wanghai Tower and posted a post asking for a purchase.

Of course, it is posted anonymously.

Otherwise, as soon as Yao Manzi's id is exposed, this post will immediately be sent to outer space by the sand sculptures swarming in.

After posting the post, Yao Yu wandered around the Wanghai Building to browse the latest situation of the trials in various places.


The afternoon passed quickly.

blink of an eye.

It's time for dinner again.

It was six o'clock in the evening.

Tang Ying walked into the back kitchen and informed Yao Yu that the old man had come and asked him to make herring with bald lungs now.

Yao Yu heard the words and handed over the work in hand to Yang Rui.

Then I made three herring bald lungs in a row.

After tasting it, Tang Ying picked the one that felt best and asked the waiter to take it away.

"Brother Yu, what about the remaining two copies?"

After Tang Ying and the waiter left, Chen Li looked at the other two servings of herring and said baldly.

It stands to reason that it is no problem for people to push these two dishes out for sale.

But there is no herring bald lung on today's menu.

Moreover, Yao Yu didn't think that the herring bald lung he was making was a finished product before he got the approval from the old man.

Yao Yu has no habit of selling semi-finished products to customers.

他 说:

"Keep it if you want to eat it, and pour it out if you don't want to eat it."

While talking, another food passer came in outside, bringing three new orders of noodle crab and seven lotus fish paste.

So Yao Yu was busy again.

After finishing the ten dishes, the waiter Zhang Xiaohan ran in and said, "Brother Yu, Mr. Tang asked you to go to the sixth box."

Box No. [-] is the box used to entertain the old man.

Upon hearing this, Yao Yu took off his apron and chef's hat, washed his hands and left the kitchen.

Coming outside the No. [-] box, Yao Yu knocked on the door and entered.

Inside the box, sat an old man nearly seventy years old and a middle-aged man and woman.

Tang Ying also sat beside her.

Seeing Yao Yu coming in, Tang Ying stood up and said, "Uncle Zuo, this is the chef who made this herring dish, Yao Yu."

The old man's name is Zuo Mengzhong, which Yao Yu already knew when he triggered the mission yesterday.

Yao Yu smiled and said, "Grandpa, hello."

Zuo Mengzhong laughed and said:
"Hello, Chef Yao. The herring bald lung dish you made tastes very good. It's exactly the same as what Boss Tang made before."

Yao Yu smiled and said, "You are too famous, as long as it suits your taste."

Zuo Mengzhong said:

"I used to be from Shencheng, so I love this dish. But many chefs can't cook the authentic taste."

"People say that when a leaf falls, it returns to its roots, but I still have to immigrate when I'm old. Maybe I won't have the chance to come back in the future."

"I am very satisfied to taste such a good herring bald lung before going abroad."

"I invite you to come up now. I don't mean anything else. I just want to express my thanks to you personally, and I also want to see the demeanor of Yu's madman."

Yao Yu was surprised.

Unexpectedly, Zuo Mengzhong, who is so young, also knows his nickname in the culinary world.

Is he a retired chef?

Yao Yu guessed, but didn't ask, just said: "You don't have to be so polite, it's our job as cooks to cook every dish well."

Zuo Mengzhong nodded in praise.

Yao Yu didn't know Zuo Mengzhong, and he didn't have much to talk to.

After exchanging polite words with each other, Zuo Mengzhong asked about the key points and precautions of making herring with bald lungs, and then let Yao Yu leave.

Yao Yu walked out of the box, and the system prompt followed.

[Master a dish of Tang's herring with bald lungs, and get a cooking skill value of 78.12]

[B-level random task is completed, congratulations to the user for obtaining the secret steamed fish juice]

Looking at the two messages from the system, Yao Yu also smiled.

Very good, it's good that I'm not busy.

Because it was still the peak meal time, Yao Yu was not in a hurry to receive the task reward.

He returned to the kitchen and joined in the busy work again.

Liu Yiran and sister paper, the waiter in the front hall, were very good today.

The more than 200 herring purchased by the back kitchen actually allowed them to sell three quarters, and it did not affect the sales of other main dishes.

After being busy,

After everyone in the Renhe Pavilion had dinner, it was almost time for the restaurant to close.

Although Yao Yu wanted to stay and try the effect of the secret steamed fish juice.

But he had to go to school to pick up Yao Chan before the evening self-study ended, so he had to give up.

Drove to school.

Yao Yu waited for about ten minutes, and then saw Yao Chan walking out of the teaching building carrying her schoolbag.

(End of this chapter)

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