Dare to cook

Chapter 19 Squirrel Mandarin Fish

Chapter 19 Squirrel Mandarin Fish
The contest between Yao Yu and Mu Shaoran attracted the attention of the entire No. [-] constituency.

The other contestants are not in the mood to cook.

Even the three judges came over to watch the cooking techniques of the two carefully.

It takes 10-15 minutes to marinate mandarin fish.

However, Yao Yu used a variety of seasonings, and the mandarin fish he chose was not too big, so marinating for seven to eight minutes was enough.

While marinating mandarin fish, Yao Yu took out some river prawns, peas, mountain bamboo shoots, and mushrooms from the bag.

These ingredients will be used for frying toppings in a while.

Yao Yu looked at the unshelled river prawns and said to himself:

Fortunately, when I bought mandarin fish, I also bought the dishes I wanted to eat at night.Otherwise, there are really not so many ingredients to make the side dish of squirrel mandarin fish.

Thinking like this, Yao Yu quickly started peeling the shrimps.

Remove the shrimp thread, take out the shrimp and put it in a bowl, and Yao Yu did not throw away the shrimp shell and shrimp head.

Because the topping needs to be fried in a while.

But at the audition site at this time, Yao Yu had neither the time nor the ingredients to cook the broth.

So he can only pour the shrimp heads and shells into the pot, first fry them in oil to force out the umami, then add some minced ginger, a little lard and an appropriate amount of water, and use these shrimp heads and shells to make the soup base.

This is a common recipe for homemade fish soup and seafood soup.

The soup base suspended in this way is also good for cooking.

Seeing that Yao Yu would be so flexible, the three judges also nodded.

After the soup base was hung, the whole No. [-] audition area was filled with a scent.

At this time, the mandarin fish is almost marinated.

Yao Yu quickly washed the peas and shrimps, then diced the mountain bamboo shoots and mushrooms, and then began to wash the pot and heat oil to prepare the fish.

Before frying the mandarin fish, it is necessary to coat the mandarin fish with a layer of dry starch, which is called "patin powder" in the jargon.

After powdering, put the mandarin fish into the pan for deep frying with the tail of the fish close to the side of the pan.

Try not to flip during the frying process. Wait until the surface of the mandarin fish is golden brown, then you can remove it to control the oil.

After frying the mandarin fish and fish head, put them on a plate and put them back into the shape of the whole fish.

The next step is to fry the toppings.

Before frying the toppings, take a bowl and pour in the tomato sauce.

Then add appropriate amounts of sugar, vinegar, water starch, and light soy sauce, and stir to make a sauce.

This step is also critical.

The proportion of various seasonings in the sauce is not fixed, and it is all controlled by the chef's experience.

The more experienced the chef is, the better he will be able to prepare a refreshing and appetizing sauce.

The better the sauce is, the more delicious the final squirrel mandarin fish will be.

Adjust the sauce, then wash the pot and burn the oil.

After the oil is hot, add the onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

Then add the diced mushrooms, diced mountain bamboo shoots, peas, and shrimps to the pot and stir-fry until cooked, add the sauce, then pour in part of the shrimp soup you just cooked, and stir-fry over high heat until thickened and reduced to juice.

Finally, drizzle with sesame oil and pour the fried toppings on the mandarin fish. A squirrel mandarin fish with an attractive color and aroma is complete.

[Complete the simple version of squirrel mandarin fish, scoring 9.81, and gaining a cooking skill value of 6.97]

After the squirrel mandarin fish is finished, the system will display a message.

Yao Yu cooks very fast.

Whether it's chopping vegetables or sliding a stir-fried spoon, the movements are so fast that people can't see clearly.

It was only after witnessing Yao Yu's cooking techniques that these melon-eating chefs realized how big the gap was between themselves and famous chefs.

Yao Yu had already prepared the dishes, but on the other side, Mu Shaoran encountered an embarrassing problem.

He forgot to bring ketchup...

You can't make a sauce without ketchup, and you can't stir-fry the toppings without a sauce.

Squirrel mandarin fish cannot be completed without toppings→_→.

Yao Yu knew what Mu Shaoran was looking for when he looked at Mu Shaoran in a hurry to rummage through his bags.

"Here, use mine!" Yao Yu smiled and threw his ketchup over.

Mu Shaoran caught it subconsciously, and said after being stunned for two seconds, "Thank you."


After a few minutes, Mu Shaoran also finished the squirrel mandarin fish.

At this time, the three judges also returned to the review booth.

Judging from the appearance alone, Yao Yu's and Mu Shaoran's mandarin fish are similar. You have to taste them to know which one is better.

Two plates of mandarin fish were placed on the judging table.

The expressions of the three audition judges were a little subtle.

They also didn't expect to see such high-quality dishes in just one audition.

The three of them tasted Mu Shaoran's dishes first.One judge said:

"Not bad, it tastes delicious. Last time I went to Luyuan for dinner, the mandarin fish tasted like this."

Another person also laughed and said:

"Young man, you are very good at making squirrel mandarin fish. Come on, work hard!"

The last reviewer is not very talkative, but succinctly:

"The food is very good. I think you can directly advance to the individual competition."

There are three rounds of auditions in this competition.

Generally speaking, after passing the first round of auditions, ordinary players have to pass the second and third rounds of auditions before they can advance to the individual knockout rounds.

But if a player performs very well, the judges also have the right to let him advance directly.

As soon as this remark came out, the other two judges did not object.

When Mu Shaoran heard that he could be directly promoted, he was not surprised. He just thanked the three judges politely.

Next, we will taste Yao Yu's squirrel mandarin fish.

The three judges looked at Yao Yu, who was tall and tall, calm and indifferent, and they were very moved.

That wanton flamboyant Yu fanatic who once beat up the younger generation without temper has returned.


Times change all the time.

Can the current madman Yu still win the championship and dominate the competition?
With somewhat complicated emotions, the three judges took a bite of Yao Yu's mandarin fish.

Then, another sip...and another sip...

The three judges were only eating with their chopsticks, and after a while, they ate a mandarin fish with only the skeleton left.

At the end of the meal, one of the judges was a little embarrassed:

"Ahem. Yao Yu, you can't do this, this amount is not enough..."

All around, the melon eaters who were waiting for the judges to announce the results were dumbfounded.

what did they see
Hey, you are judges, what about your reserve?
To eat the dishes so cleanly, you need to lose face as a judge!
Yao Yu was also speechless at this time.

he asked:
"Three, eat and eat, can I pass the selection of this dish, give me a correct answer."


Yao Manzi was probably the only one who dared to talk to the judges like this in the audition.

The judges were not bothered.

One of them shook his head with a smile and said:
"After passing, you will also directly advance to the individual competition, go back and wait for the follow-up schedule notification!"

Yao Yu heard the words, thanked him with a smile, and wanted to leave.

But Mu Shaoran was a little unwilling:

"Please tell me clearly, what is the difference between the squirrel mandarin fish I made and Yao Yu's?"

There is no doubt that Mu Shaoran lost this competition.

Yao Yu's fish was eaten up, but he was only touched by two chopsticks. Winning or losing is a clear matter.

But Mu Shaoran still wanted to know where he lost.

The judges sighed, they wanted to save Mu Shaoran a little more face.

But since Mu Shaoran asked a question, the judges said:
"When making squirrel mandarin fish, it should be crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, orange in color, sweet and sour."

"You have done all these things. But you are not as good as Yao Yu."

"The mandarin fish marinated by Yao Yu has a richer taste, and the topping soup he fried is fuller."

"The most important point is that the toppings fried by Yao Yu not only cover the fish, but also allow the sweet and sour taste of the toppings to fully penetrate into the fish."

"It's not easy to do that. Two conditions need to be met."

"Firstly, the mandarin fish must be fried loosely enough without being damaged; secondly, the temperature at which the toppings are poured on the fish must be high enough."

"Only when these two points are met, can the combination of topping soup and fish taste be perfect."

After these words came out, the scene was completely silent.

(End of this chapter)

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