Dare to cook

Chapter 136 Chen Li's First Battle

Chapter 136 Chen Li's First Battle
Qin Island.

Tangdao Bay - Famous Selection Competition - inside the competition venue.

When Chen Li started to refine the secret red oil, an extremely pleasant and rich aroma wafted out of the venue.

Li Xiaosheng, Lin Qiuye, Bai Shijiefu and others all looked at Chen Li in amazement when they smelled that smell.

Cooking competition, in the final analysis, is to see who cooks better dishes.

And as long as the dishes with excellent taste, the aroma must also be intoxicating.

Although others still don't know why Chen Li refines red oil for the time being, everyone's eyesight is not bad, and they vaguely guessed that Chen Li is trying to hold back his big move.

"Get the head start."

In the auditorium, sniffing the familiar scent of the secret red oil, Yao Yu said with a chuckle.

On the side, Yang Rui said:
"Chen Li has just participated in his first game and is using the secret recipe you taught him. Are you too anxious? Don't you need to save some cards?"

Yao Yu shook his head and said:

"No need. Whether it's a secret recipe or an ordinary recipe, it's all for cooking."

"If you don't use the cooking skills you have learned, what is the same as not learning?"

"However, if the situation permits, wouldn't it be better to keep a low profile?" Yang Rui still disagreed, thinking that there was no need to attract the opponent's attention too early.

Yao Yu joked:
"If you say that, it must be that Shen Yong has read too many novels recently."

While speaking, Chen Li in the field had already refined the red oil.

The hot red oil was poured on the piles of chili noodles, making a popping sound.

The fragrance wafting in the venue is more intense.

Some viewers even feel a little hungry just smelling it.

The freshly made red oil is extremely hot and obviously cannot be used for cold dressing.

Chen Li quickly took a small bowl, took out a bowl and chilled it with ice cubes, so as to quickly reduce the temperature of the red oil.

After making the secret red oil, Chen Li selected some ingredients and began to mix the other two cold sauces.

Vegetables are divided into five flavors, namely sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty.

The first question of this competition requires contestants to make three flavors with a single radish.

So in fact, the space for players to play is very limited.

After the secret red oil is cooled, it can be used to make spicy shredded radish.

Then there are two remaining flavors, so we have to choose from the other four flavors.

In fact, there is no need to choose. Dishes with a bitter and salty taste will not get high marks at all, so Chen Li can only make sour cold sauce and sweet cold sauce next.

Sour mouth appetizers, sweet mouth fragrance.

The sour cold sauce is very easy to adjust, just mix rice vinegar, rice wine, oyster sauce, sesame oil, green garlic, and sesame paste in proportion.

However, when making the sweet cold sauce, Chen Li took some thought.

He first boiled wolfberry and red dates with water.Then fish out the wolfberry and red dates, add rock sugar and honey, and stir-fry the wolfberry water to make a thin syrup.

When serving, pour the sugar juice, sesame oil, a little green onion and a little vinegar on the shredded radish.

Since it took a lot of time to refine the secret red oil, when Chen Li prepared three different flavors of shredded radish salad, exactly half an hour had passed.

On the surface, Chen Li was the slowest cook in the first round of exams.His dish was also the last one to be brought to the judging table.

However, other players no longer dare to look down upon him.

At this point, half an hour has passed.

In the judging booth, the three judges were tasting the dishes of the contestants, and then using the tablet computer to input their scores.

Each time the contestants cook a dish, the judges will taste one.

However, the scores of all dishes will be announced at the end of the competition.

At this time, the referee also announced the second question of the game - Leng Hun.

The so-called cold meat is the cold dish of meat.

For example, white-cut mutton, sliced ​​beef with sauce, sliced ​​ham, preserved eggs, and cold eggs are all cold meat dishes.

For this competition question, there are no requirements for the materials used by the players.

Everyone can play freely.

However, smart people can already guess what the follow-up questions will be at this time.

In the auditorium, Yao Yu smiled and said:
"Interesting, cold vegetarian dishes first, followed by cold meat. This is to set the test questions for the contestants according to the order of the banquet."

Yang Rui heard the words and said:

"So, the next four exam questions should be pasta snacks - first dish - fried dish - fish dish - soup dish?"

"Probably." Yao Yu nodded:
"However, fish dishes may also be replaced with seafood, and fried dishes may also be replaced with side dishes."

"Anyway, no matter how the questions are chosen, the contestants don't have time to make real banquet dishes."

The so-called first dish is the first hot meat dish in the banquet.Generally speaking, chickens and ducks take the lead.

Fried vegetables are fried dishes.

Fish dishes are fish dishes.

In Huaxia, fish is indispensable in a complete banquet, including formal dinners.

As for the side dishes, it is the collective name for other dishes after the first dish and before the tail soup.

Yang Rui made it clear:
"That's right. The game time is only three hours in total."

"However, one question is only announced every half an hour. And it is stipulated that the next dish is not allowed until the previous question is finished."

"This means that whether it's cold dishes, hot dishes, or soups, they must be prepared within half an hour."

"Half an hour is not enough to stew chicken feet. The contestants will not be able to cook complicated and time-consuming dishes."

"Brother Yu, do you think our competition questions tomorrow will be in this form?"

Yao Yu thought for a while and said:
"It should be. If the competition procedures of each group are different, the players will definitely question the fairness of the competition."

While the two were talking, the contestants below also entered a state of intense cooking again.

This time, the four contestants unanimously chose chicken as the main ingredient.

There are many cold meat dishes.

For example, Lizhuang white meat, hand-caught mutton, Yanjing sliced ​​duck, white chopped chicken and so on.

However, more than 90.00% of the cold meat dishes have to be stewed and sauced two or three days in advance before they can be made.

On-site production is obviously impossible.

Therefore, the contestants chose the chicken that is easy to handle.

In the arena, all four contestants chose to make cold shredded chicken.

Cut the chicken breast into cubes first.

Pour into a pot under cold water and simmer for 15 minutes on high heat.

When cooking chicken nuggets, cut some auxiliary materials such as shredded carrots, shredded ginger, green onion and garlic.

In addition, you have to prepare some chili peppers to make chili oil.

However, since Chen Li had already prepared the secret red oil, he didn't need to troubleshoot the chili oil at this time.

After 15 minutes, the chicken pieces are cooked.

At this time, you have to remove the cooked chicken nuggets and soak them in cold water.

The speed of supercooling water should be fast, and you should not soak in cold water for too long.Generally speaking, three to 40 seconds is enough.

Once the chicken pieces are too cold, they can be shredded by hand.

Of course, you can also choose to cut with a knife.

But shredded chicken cut with a knife has no soul.

Shredded chicken in cold salad is more enjoyable to eat if it is torn out by hand.

After the chicken is torn, the carrots can be blanched in boiling water for a while.The blanched shredded carrots will be softer and easier to mix with shredded chicken.

Put shredded chicken and carrot together, add chili oil, salt, light soy sauce, a little oyster sauce and sugar and stir well.

A shredded shredded shredded shredded chicken is ready.

(End of this chapter)

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