Dare to cook

Chapter 129 Dark Cuisine - Looking Up to the Stars

Chapter 129 Dark Cuisine - Looking Up to the Stars

Early the next morning, Yao Yu came to Renhe Pavilion after breakfast.

The kitchen was not busy around eight o'clock.

A few small workers were killing fish and peeling shrimp, while Jiang Yuan and Zhang Zhiyun were counting the batch of dried seafood that had just been delivered.

Seeing Yao Yu come in, the staff in the back kitchen greeted one after another: "Brother Yu, morning."

"Morning." Yao Yuchong nodded to everyone, and then said happily to Xu Yun, "Do you have mozzarella cheese and rye flour in the back kitchen?"

Xu Yunle thought for a while and said, "No. We don't usually use these in our restaurant."

"Then go buy some temporarily." Yao Yu said immediately:
"Tell the purchaser that I need these things before the afternoon. In addition, bring me some angler shrimp and tilapia."

"The cost of purchases is my private account, don't mix it with the kitchen's official account."

Xu Yunle was startled, and said, "Brother Yu, are you going to develop some new dishes?"

"That's right, but it may not be successful, and you will know when the time comes."

In fact, Yao Yu was planning to try making Sitaiki pie.

Sitaki pie, manzini fish sausage, and Kenyan barbecue, these three dishes are all African dishes that Yao Yu picked up after completing the filming task on Daishan Island.

Yao Yu thought, before the National League has started, try out these few dishes first.

It's also a good way to improve your culinary skills.

Prepare dishes, cook dishes, serve dishes, handle the passenger flow during the noon peak, and then eat staff meals...

For the back kitchen of Renhe Restaurant, today is another ordinary and busy day.

01:30 in the afternoon.

After the chefs at Renhe Hall finished their meal, the ingredients Yao Yu asked for were also delivered.

The cooks in the back kitchen, including Yao Yu's new follower Qin Xianxian, are very curious and don't know what new dishes Yao Yu plans to develop.

It wasn't until Yao Yu put butter, high-gluten flour, cornmeal, rye flour, mozzarella cheese and milk eggs on the table that Xu Yunle suddenly realized: "Brother Yu, do you want pie?"

Yao Yu nodded and said:


"Hey, okay." Xu Yunle responded, and immediately went to soften the butter, and then stirred the flour for Yao Yu.

This is the first time for Qin Xianxian to see Yao Yu developing new dishes, eager to try: "What about me, what about me? Is there anything I can do to help?"

"You?" Yao Yu glanced at her and said:
"You go and deal with the tilapia. I want 400 grams of tilapia fish paste, without spines. Then peel me 30 pipa prawns, and the prawns must be whole."

Yao Yu wants to make Xitaiji pie, which belongs to East African cuisine.

Most of East Africa has been colonized by England and Portugal for a long time. The dishes of many small East African countries are deeply influenced by the eating habits of Western Europe and England.

Therefore, the practice of Sitaki pie is not much different from the British beef and potato pie, but the ingredients are more "East African".

If you want to make a good tin taki pie, there are three kinds of raw materials that are indispensable, that is, fish, shrimp, and meat.

In the traditional Sitaki pie, fish and shrimp native to East Africa are used.

As for meat, there are no strict rules.

Chicken, duck, antelope meat, even field mouse meat, beef offal, pig intestines, sheep offal and other messy things can be added.

Yao Yu is not willing to use strong-flavored ingredients such as pork offal.

In cooking this dish, he chose the chicken with the simplest processing method.

The chicken is cut into small pieces, marinated in salt and soy sauce, then wrapped in tapioca flour and fried until half-cooked.

As for the choice of fish and prawns, Yao Yu chose tilapia and pipa prawns which are most close to the taste of East Africa.

The taste of lute shrimp is similar to African green shrimp.

As for tilapia, it was originally a species of fish introduced from Africa.

In fact, tilapia is already an invasive species in Asia.

This kind of fish has strong adaptability to the environment, but does not have high requirements for the water quality to survive. The degree of flooding in China is similar to that of the Asian carp that has already occupied major rivers in North America.

Yao Yu used these two ingredients to make the filling of Xitaiji pie, and chose rye flour and mozzarella cheese to make the pie crust.

In this way, the East African flavor of Sitaki can be restored to the greatest extent.

After Xu Yunle mixed the flour, Yao Yu kneaded and beat the flour into a ball, then wrapped it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

At this time, Qin Xianxian also finished processing the minced fish and shrimp.

Yao Yu also covered with plastic wrap for later use.

After the fish and shrimp were processed, Yao Yu wrapped the marinated chicken in tapioca flour and deep-fried it.

After waiting for 40 minutes, the refrigerated dough was taken out.

Dry dough into thin crusts and place in pie pans.

A pie plate is a plate specially used to make pies.

Brush the bottom of the pie pan with butter before putting the crust on the pie pan to avoid scorching the crust during baking.

After the dough is placed, use a fork to fork the dough again.

In this way, there are small holes for ventilation on the dough, so that the dough will not expand too much during the baking process.

Put the inserted dough into the oven for 15 minutes.

When roasting, you can put the shrimps into the pan and stir-fry for a while. It is also good if they are slightly broken, and you don’t need to fry them.

When the dough is baked, you can evenly spread the shrimp, minced fish, chicken nuggets, and chopped onions on the pie crust.

Then, beat some egg liquid, mix the egg liquid and milk and stir well.

Add the melted butter and cheese to the milk, and season with a little salt and pepper.

Then, pour the adjusted milk into the pie.

Finally, sprinkle some tomato slices and grated cheese on the pie mixed with milk, then put the pie in the oven and bake for another 30-40 minutes.

Once the baking is done, a tin taiki pie is done.

In fact, pie is like pizza, and the production process is basically the same.

The only difference lies in the ratio of ingredients and the combination of ingredients.

In order to avoid overturning, Yao Yu made a total of four servings of Xitaiji pie this time.

Each portion has a different ingredient ratio and ingredients.

Some tastes are salty, some are sweeter, and some are added with mushrooms and green vegetables to neutralize the greasy.

Among them, in the most spoofed Xitaiji pie, Yao Yu "ingeniously" added a lot of fermented bean curd, old godmother, old sauerkraut and a whole salted fish.

The sudden and sexy move made the others stunned.

Chen Li and Yang Rui couldn't help swallowing, and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Yu, don't you want to make Stargazing School?"

Looking up at the star pie is a dark cuisine that is the masterpiece of England.

The method of this kind of pie is to add a whole salty fish to the sweet pie filling.

Moreover, the complete fish head must be exposed outside, just like a salted fish looking up to the sky, so it is named Star-Looking School.


Although the salted fish is cooked, it often seems to have its eyes open.

So this kind of school has a unique name, it is called the Dead Eye School→_→!
no doubt.

Yao Yu deliberately added salted fish to the last pie, just to pay tribute to the faction that never rests in peace.


After some people eat it, they will really die with regret.

(End of this chapter)

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