Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 67 Encountering Mutant Rats

Chapter 67 Encountering Mutant Rats

Xie Yannan slowly moved forward while familiarizing himself with the characteristics of the plants on the projection.He wasn't worried that there would be zombies or mutant eagles in it.

After all, the way up the mountain is very steep, and ordinary zombies simply don't have the flexibility to overcome the obstacles of those stones.Moreover, the back mountains are full of towering trees, even if the mutated eagle can recognize the human breath, it will be disturbed by other kinds of flowers and trees in the deep forest.

Coupled with the fact that the luxuriant trees seriously affect the vision, they are not ready to judge the location of human beings at all.

This is simply this natural shelter, but why no compatriots come here to take refuge?

The air is good, there is water to drink, and there is soil to grow food.

Xie Yannan was thinking about it when he felt a rustling sound from the bushes in front of him.Xie Yannan couldn't be more familiar with this voice, and had been with them for several years.

Oh, this is probably a nest of mice.There were quite a few sounds... Although Xie Yannan felt that the sound was much louder than the usual mouse sound, the squeaking sound was definitely a mouse.

Xie Yannan couldn't help but walked forward and used the wooden stick in his hand to pull away the one-meter-high grass beside him.

What the hell!

Xie Yannan couldn't help but took a few steps back. This was a rabbit, or a fat gray rabbit. What kind of mouse was it? !
Wait, no, this is clearly a mouse, but five or six times bigger than a normal mouse.

[The system has turned on automatic scanning]

【mutated mouse】

[Attack Power: 6]

[Attack ability: Grab and bite.Injured people undergo varying degrees of mutation within 24 hours]

[Defense hint: Mutated mice move extremely fast]

Xie Yannan heard that the system recognized it so quickly, and then took a few steps back.This special meow is really a mouse. What did these mice eat? They are bigger than the fattest rabbit.

However, are these mutant mice not aware of themselves?Why didn't you come out and launch an attack.

Despite this, Xie Yannan still held the wooden stick tightly with one hand, and his eyes were fixed on the pile of grass.

The strange thing is that the sound from the haystack became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared.Xie Yannan narrowed his eyes, planning to look forward to the situation.

He carefully opened the grass with a wooden stick and looked, only to find that the mouse inside was gone, and he didn't know where it went.

Ah ~
Suddenly he felt that something jumped on his head, and he subconsciously raised the wooden stick to catch the foreign object on his head.

That thing turned out to be a mouse, it jumped down, jumped up again, trying to grab Xie Yannan's face.

Meow, your speed and strength are not bad, you can actually jump as high as a person.

Seeing that the mouse was about to jump on Xie Yannan's shoulder again, he knocked it over with a sap.The mouse fell to the ground and struggled a few times, but stopped moving.

It seems that these guys have been underestimated. They also know how to sneak and attack secretly. Xie Yannan sighed.There were clearly several rats just now, but now one has just escaped.
He looked around, and approached the mouse that had been knocked off the ground by him to observe.

In addition to its large size, this mouse has big ears that are a bit uncoordinated, and it is probably very sensitive to sound.The claws are a bit like those of a mutated eagle. The nails are gray and long, and the tip is like a sharp knife. It will bleed easily when touched lightly.

Although the mouth of the mouse that was killed was tightly closed, it did not prevent Xie Yannan from seeing the teeth protruding from its mouth.

[Kill the mutant rat and get 12 points]

【System points have been updated, now 6815 points】

These are not the most important, the most important thing is that they can attack after disappearing under Xie Yannan's nose, it can be seen that they are like thinking monsters, not like mechanical zombies.

The last days are getting more and more dangerous every day!
Xie Yannan was becoming more and more afraid to be careless now, he put on a baseball cap, moved forward cautiously, and looked back from time to time, not knowing when the mutant mice that were hiding would attack, his heart was extremely irritable.

As soon as he continued walking for tens of meters, he saw several corpses on the ground.

To be precise, it is called a few skeletons.

The flesh on the corpse was gone, and the white and blood-red bones were exposed.It looked like he was attacked while he was alive, and then his body was eaten by some monster, even his internal organs were looted.

Two adults, one child, and the skeletons of the three hug each other tightly.Even the scalp was torn into a mess, showing the ferocity of the monster.

Could this be done by these mutant mice?So even though it seemed like a peaceful place, no one came to take refuge at all? !

Xie Yannan shook his head, he had to be extremely careful today, he clenched the wooden stick a little more tightly.

Continuing to walk into the depths of the forest, the light became weaker and weaker, and the sight became worse and worse. Although Xie Yannan was not timid, he still shrank when he saw the darkness ahead.

"You really want to eat me, but I'll come out, what kind of mouse is hiding like this." Xie Yannan yelled directly.

If he entered the dark woods and was attacked again, he would have no power to fight back, so it would be better to lure them out now and do him a favor.

The entire forest was still very quiet, except for the echo of Xie Yannan's roar, there were no birdsong or crickets.

Very meow!
Just die, he hasn't collected any medicinal materials yet, without these things, he can't live.

He bite the bullet and stepped into a darker forest. He simply took out the flashlight, looked around and looked around, and there seemed to be nothing unusual.

It's just that this dark area really affects the vision too much, and it's impossible to tell which are weeds and which are medicinal materials.

Even though Xie Yannan had already read the illustrated book of medicinal materials just now, he is indeed a bit weak in memory as a science student.Besides, there are more than a dozen medicinal materials, some of which are simply too mouthful to read.

Honeysuckle, Bupleurum, Yuxincao, Polygonatum, Astragalus, licorice, perilla leaves, isatis root, Schisandra chinensis, Prunella vulgaris...

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]


【Item search】

[Search for medicinal materials: 500 points]

【Whether to buy】


[Search Tips: The medicinal materials you are looking for must be within ten meters of the host in order to successfully complete the collection]

【System points have been updated, now 6315 points】

The value of this point flower, relying on Xie Yannan's strength alone, it is impossible to collect so many medicinal materials in a short period of time, if not, it will cost his life and turn him into a pile of bones.

Now there is a system to help with automatic collection, he just needs to get close to the haystacks of suspected medicinal materials, and more importantly, pay attention to the possible dangers around him.

Dog's life matters, dog's life matters.

(End of this chapter)

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