Chapter 44 Saved a Scientist
Xie Yannan returned to the motorcycle and was not in the mood to go racing anymore. He thought he was such an awesome person, but in the first few minutes, he proved that he was like a fool.

He fumbled in his pocket, wanting to smoke a cigarette to relieve his worries, only to realize that there is nothing in this apocalypse.

Really meow bad!
Xie Yannan rode the motorcycle forward slowly, hoping to meet a few monsters to let himself vent.

Men are under a lot of pressure, and there are only two ways to vent, one is a woman, and the other is a game.In this apocalyptic world, you can only vent your dissatisfaction and desires by tearing up zombies.

Sure enough, I didn't come for whatever I wanted, and the journey was peaceful and quiet, with not even a hair in sight.

"Help, help..." Xie Yannan listened intently, as if there were intermittent calls for help.

Xie Yannan stopped the motorcycle, and then thought again, in this last world, everyone is for themselves, why should I save someone who has nothing to do with it.

He hesitated for a while, but couldn't help but quickly walked forward to see what happened.

[The system has automatically started scanning]

【Zeng Rui】


[Ordinary people: health]

【Age: 56】

【Past Occupation: Researcher】

【mutated dog】

[Estimated number: two]

At this moment, in the bushes, the old man was holding a thick pot cover in one hand and a hoe in the other, desperately resisting the attack of two mutant dogs.

Fortunately, because the mutant dogs themselves are unconscious, they just rush forward straight forward, and they don't know how to turn or anything like that.

【Storage shop】


【Whether to call】


Xie Yannan held the ax in his hand, approached the mutant dog, and sang, "Sister, sit on the head of the bed, brother, I will sit at the end of the bed... Enenaiai walk on the bed..."

In an attempt to completely attract the mutant dog's attention.

Sure enough, the mutant dog mechanically shook its head and moved its nose, as if it immediately realized Xie Yannan's existence.Then he adjusted his direction and rushed towards Xie Yannan.

The two mutated dogs were nothing to Xie Yannan. He aimed an ax in each hand and chopped off the mutated dogs' heads, knocking them down in minutes.

After the bone of the mutant dog's forehead was knocked, blue liquid sprayed out and sprinkled Xie Yannan all over.

Ugh~ It's really disgusting!

[The result is a mutant dog, get 10 points]

[The system points have been updated, the current points are 60 points]

Xie Yannan rubbed his arm stained with blue blood on the leaves next to him, then helped the old man up, "Grandpa, why are you here alone?"

Now that the system detects that the old man in front of him is a healthy human being, Xie Yannan is no longer afraid.

"I've run out of food at home, so I can't just stay in the basement and starve to death. I just wanted to go out to find something to eat, and I ran into these monsters. Hey, being bitten by them, I might as well let me starve to death. In this world ..."

The old man sighed, feeling that his life was not long.

"You are a researcher, what kind of research do you do?" Xie Yannan only felt that the work on the old man, the blue logo was very familiar, I don't know where I saw it, but I couldn't remember it for a while.

"I'm a researcher at the Empty City Research Institute. Hey, it's a pity that I was occupied by zombies and blown up by those who wanted to snatch the vaccine. There is no vaccine, and I can't research it so fast. But give me a little more time, at least there will be a lot of vaccines." Great progress, but now in ruins, nothing left."

After finishing speaking, the old man sighed deeply again, and looked at Xie Yannan dully, "Young man, I advise you to store up more food if you have a chance, stay in the basement and don't come out for a walk, some people eat people, really Not even a beast..."

He was choked up as he spoke, and he didn't want to go on, Xie Yannan knew it was interesting and didn't ask further.

"Empty City Research Institute?" Because of Xiaoxiao's reasons, these few words immediately involved Xie Yannan's nerves, and he asked cautiously, "Old man, are you willing to come with me? I have a simple shelter myself, although currently It’s still relatively simple, but the safety and food are relatively guaranteed.”

Xie Yannan mainly wanted to take the old man back to see Xiaoxiao. After all, the two lost injections became Xie Yannan's heart disease, but he couldn't find a way to get them. He happened to send them to an empty city research institute, so Xie Yannan naturally wouldn't let go.

"Can I live and eat?" The old man Zeng Rui's eyes blurred for a while, and he smiled like a child again, "Why do I want to live longer, because next year is my wife's 50th birthday , I promised to make her a cake myself, although she is gone, the promise is still there."

"Young man, I believe in you, I'll go with you. In this last days, there are probably no people who can take risks and go to others. You are the first one I have met."

Seeing Zeng Rui nod decisively in agreement, Xie Yannan helped him, who was overly frightened just now, to his motorcycle.

[The reputation of the system has been updated, and the current reputation is accumulated to 10]

Xie Yannan smiled and said nothing.

He rode his bike into Bung Valley, and then he noticed a strange smell, a bit like honey, but with a more flowery smell than honey.

"Brother, you're back." As soon as Xiaoxiao saw Xie Yannan, she stepped forward and took his arm. She glanced at the old man next to him, and reflexively let go of Xie Yannan's hand.

" are Grandpa Zeng?"

Xiaoxiao was both surprised and delighted. When she was bitten by a zombie, he was the one who developed the ten injections.Without this old man in front of her, she would have died long ago.

It's just that the old man is dirty all over, his hair has been twisted into strands, and he has no energy.But Xiaoxiao didn't take it seriously, she opened her arms and stepped forward to hug Zeng Rui, "Grandpa, it's great that you're still alive, that's great."

Zeng Rui also recognized Xiaoxiao. He patted the little girl on the back while saying, "You are still here, which means my research is successful."

The tone is full of excitement and pride, this is a huge research.

But after being excited, he quickly regained his senses, "But that kind of vaccine doesn't work for everyone. Your RG blood type, less than one person in a thousand, has a big flaw."

After he finished speaking, he looked around, "Is it just the three of you living in such a big place? Uh uh uh, there is still food growing there.

"Now there are four of us. Grandpa Zeng Rui is welcome to join our small team. We will strive to build the strongest shelter."

Xie Yannan half-jokingly said.He was still thinking about how to get Xiaoxiao away, so that he could ask Zeng Rui about her condition.

(End of this chapter)

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