Chapter 261 Alien Rhinoceros

"However, since it can't see, hear, or ask, it's easy to handle."

Xie Yannan guessed that if the direction of the prey is only determined by the vibration of the ground, it means that throwing an object in the distance and causing the ground vibration can attract the rhino's attention and prevent it from continuing to guard them here.

As soon as he thought of it, he did it immediately, Xie Yannan squatted down, and gently reached a big rock on the ground.

Because he is now a fourth-order human being, with a slight mention, Shan single-handedly picked up the stone.

Without hesitation, he directly threw the stone to the farthest point on the opposite side.

With this throw, the stone was almost 200 meters away from them.

There was a loud noise when the stone fell to the ground. He had been tentatively standing there just now, but he suddenly reacted quickly and rushed directly to the place where the sound was made. This speed would not be slower than that of a sixteen motorcycle.

After arriving at the destination, the rhinoceros tilted its body downwards a little, aimed its horn at the big stone, and pierced it hard.

It was very hard marble, and it was poked by the horn of the rhino, which directly poked a big hole, which shows how strong the horn of the rhino is.

At this moment, Xie Yannan and the others were still standing there without moving, quietly waiting for the rhinoceros to make further moves.

After the rhino pierced the stone, it stood there for a few minutes, as if sensing if there were any other abnormalities around it, and then directly kicked a big hole on the ground with six legs, jumped into the big hole with its whole body, and directly gone.

"It should be fine, it's gone, it should have gone directly from the ground."

Sixteen waved his hand, and everyone began to move cautiously.

Xie Yannan looked closer to the big pit where the rhinoceros left, and the loose soil had almost completely filled the path that the rhinoceros left. It was only because of some messy footprints that it proved that a huge monster had come before.

"So, it's because we moved his soil, which caused it to be hostile to us?" Xie Yannan paused, the environment the rhino lived in was indeed different from ordinary ones, and the soil was almost unpolluted.

Or maybe it was purified for other reasons.

"I guess this rhino should be able to purify the soil by itself. The alien rhino lives in the soil, just like a large earthworm."

Shiliu really understood these things very well. After a brief analysis, Xie Yannan also understood what Shiliu meant.

"Then how many creatures of this size do you think are underground?"

What Xie Yannan is worried about at the moment is his refuge. After all, the surroundings of the refuge are also normal soil. Xie Yannan is worried that those rhinos will attack his refuge. If there are too many rhinos, the consequences will be immeasurable.

"I don't know, but rhinos like this are generally social animals. Therefore, we only saw one today. It must be said that it is because of good luck."

Sixteen paused and said, "Brother Nan, are you worried that these guys will mess with our shelter? That's not true. I think since they survive here so well, they won't mess around like this. And, It's so far from our sanctuary."

Xie Yannan understands what Sixteen means. Every animal has its own rules of survival. It is not a last resort, and it will not leave its habitat. However, since he discovered this loophole in the ground, he thought he wanted to strengthen the land of the refuge. Defensive, just in case.

But the embarrassing situation now is that there is simply no extra raw material for him to mobilize to increase the surrounding defense capabilities.

This means that even if he wants to increase the defense capabilities of the refuge, he must first go to the bottom of the sea to find those sea fish fry.

It was still relatively early today, Xie Yannan was a little bit unsure whether there were any raw material factories around that he had missed, so Shiliu went around riding a motorcycle to look for it.

Sure enough, the surrounding area was empty, and there was nothing left. Even if there was a factory, it was an abandoned factory, and nothing could be collected in it.

There must be a reason for the task assigned by the system. It seems that the task of collecting sea fish fry must be completed as soon as possible.

The defense ability of the ground has indeed improved a lot compared to before, but the defense ability of the underground is almost zero. In case the enemy attacks from the ground, and it is very concealed, it is impossible to defend against it.

After Xie Yannan went back, it was just after noon, and he walked to Wei Beiming's room non-stop, wanting to see how his new whale suit was made, and picked it up to have a look, it is estimated that it will be finished tomorrow.

He lifted the weight easily, feeling very satisfied.

"This time, the whale suit has been improved. It can not only prevent slight radiation, but also prevent slight corrosion. However, it has not been completed yet, and it should be almost ready by tomorrow morning."

After Wei Beiming said something briefly, he didn't continue talking, but continued to do what he was doing non-stop. After all, this job was still very energy-intensive.

Xie Yannan naturally left with great interest, taking advantage of this gap to free up the soil in the system.

He went to the second floor of the vegetable greenhouse and poured out all the soil. The color of the soil looked good, unlike the acidic gray soil before the shelter, but the soil was obviously not nutritious enough, and there were few parasitic earthworms in it. There are very few of them.

Xie Yannan went to the grove to collect some fallen leaves, spread them all on the soil just now, and turned the soil a few times to mix the soil and soil evenly. Finally, he got some manure from the chicken coop and cow coop , Sprinkle it on it, and then you will think that this is a qualified nutrient land.

As for what to plant, Xie Yannan already had a plan in mind.

Wei Xiaofei is a girl who loves to eat corn, and he plans to use the entire land to grow corn first.

Corn is full of treasures.

Corn stalks can be eaten directly as sugar cane, which is sweet and sweet.

Corn silk can also be used to boil water to prevent heatstroke and colds.

As for the corn itself, it is delicious directly boiled.The excess corn can be removed from the corn seeds, dried, ground into flour, and made into tortillas. This is Xie Yannan's favorite way to eat.

Any surplus food can be used for storage.

After all, the food in the refuge can only be said to be barely enough for everyone to eat. Excluding the part that had to be handed in before, there is basically no surplus.

The yield of corn itself is very high. If you can store some food on corn, it is indeed a good choice, so Xie Yannan plans to plant all this land into corn.

(End of this chapter)

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