Chapter 250 Locust Attack
But he was hinting to himself that those were just hallucinations, they were in the game.

Xie Yannan pushed open the door, guessing, maybe after opening the door, there will be another world outside, what if there are really dinosaurs?

But after opening the door, the weather, which was originally broad daylight, suddenly darkened. Something fanned a gust of wind, and a fishy smell blew towards him, making him extremely uncomfortable.

There are so many dense things that he has some dense phobias and doesn't know what to do.

Because he didn't know what these things were, and based on his realistic thoughts, he was afraid that they would get into his shelter. He quickly retreated to the shelter and closed the door. His whole back was pressed against the door, in shock.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan..."

Wei Xiaofei's hurried voice floated over, Xie Yannan looked around, but didn't see Wei Xiaofei, but the voice was clearly very close.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan..."

Wei Xiaofei started calling again.

"Little Fei..."

Xie Yannan pricked up his ears and frowned. He himself was disturbed by the locusts in the game while he was still in the game.After condensing and distinguishing for a long time, I realized that the sound came from the door of the game room.

It was Wei Xiaofei calling him.

Xie Yannan retreated from the game while struggling, sweating profusely, the perception of the game just now was really too bad.

He paused for a few seconds, stepped on his slippers, and opened the door.

Wei Xiaofei threw herself into Xie Yannan's arms with a terrified expression, as if she was frightened by something.

"Xiao Fei, don't worry, speak slowly."

Xie Yannan hurriedly comforted her, her heartbeat hadn't calmed down yet.

"There are so many locusts at the door of our shelter..."

Wei Xiaofei seemed to have rushed over. She was out of breath when she spoke, and she was a little confused.

locust?But wasn't the locust in the game just now? !
Xie Yannan was also dazed, he obviously woke up in the game and saw Wei Xiaofei standing by the door, which made it even more clear that those locusts were just in the game.

"There are so many locusts, isn't it like the sky is falling?"

Xie Yannan confirmed it several times, and then briefly looked at Wei Xiaofei's expression to confirm that he was not in the game, then suddenly seemed to think of something, took Wei Xiaofei's hand and ran towards the door of the shelter.

At this time, although the shelter was protected by a very thick wall, the buzzing sound of locusts still came in.

Xie Yannan was certain that he had indeed seen the scene of the locust disaster in the game just now.

And now, in real life, he has also encountered locusts.

With the disgusting experience just now, Xie Yannan did not open the door blindly this time, but stood there quietly and calmed down for a while.

Xiaoxiao, Shiliu and Ma Wu also rushed over.

"Xiaoxiao sounded the alarm that the shelter was under attack as usual, so we all came over to gather and find out what happened."

Ma Wu didn't understand, he didn't even open the door, what could happen?
But as a fourth-level human, Xie Yannan's sense of smell and hearing are naturally much better than theirs, and it's normal for him to be able to hear many things that they can't hear.

"Locust plague."

Xie Yannan spit out these words lightly.

I feel outrageous.

The system had just issued a mission for him to upgrade the disaster shelter. Before he could upgrade, it immediately caused a locust disaster for him. Sure enough, the system didn't intend to let him take a breather.

Xie Yannan couldn't help but greeted the system again in his heart.

Just come, at least a high-end disaster.

He has severe trypophobia and finds locusts particularly disgusting.

When he was a child, in his time, he often went hungry because the locusts destroyed the crops at home.

Once again, he reached out to catch a locust, pinched its head, and it kept spitting out brown liquid from its mouth, making Xie Yannan's hands full of stench.

Not only that, the moment he let go, the locust jumped directly to his eyes, scratched his eyes, and infected his eye membranes.

The scar on the corner of the eye is still there until now.

So, from then on, he hated it.Because of the shadow left by him when he was a child, even a big man of 1.8 meters tall, he was a little afraid of this thing.

He is not afraid of snakes, but he is afraid of this, and it seems a little funny to say it.

Xie Yannan sighed, "I have no way to deal with this thing. The outside should be surrounded by them. I don't know if everyone has any good solutions."

Xie Yannan is clear about the root cause of locust formation, which is drought.

For a long time, there has been no rain for more than half a month, and the weather is relatively hot.After this climate, it is suitable for locusts to reproduce and lay eggs crazily, and live as many as they can, with almost no mortality.

"The natural enemies of locusts are frogs, but where are we going to find so many frogs?"

Qin Xiaocheng also sighed.

"It's better to set it on fire or blow it up."

"How is it possible? The shelter was built with hard work. I don't want it to have a little man-made damage. Burning and bombing are not the best way."

Shiliu had been standing there quietly listening without speaking, and it took a long time for him to utter a few words.

"Maybe we could try a mechanical bullfrog."

Bullfrogs also belong to the category of frogs and are also natural enemies of locusts.

"But the locusts are everywhere, and the bullfrogs can only bounce on the ground, they can't completely cover the locusts at all, and the locusts that are slightly taller will still flood."

Xie Yannan was a little worried. This thing is either a mutant creature or an ordinary natural disaster, but it is difficult to control it.

"We can make flying bullfrogs, flying mechanical bullfrogs, and just set the frequency of attack at the frequency of locusts. But I don't know how to make weapons, which can provide thinking direction, and in the end, design attack targets."

When Shiliu said this, he shifted his gaze to Ma Wu, after all, this is Ma Wu's best field.

"Then how many flying mechanical bullfrogs need to be manufactured to meet the demand?"

Xie Yannan asked slowly, you must know that it takes time and effort to make this thing, but it is also the best solution right now.

"Uncle Ma just needs to make one, and I will copy the rest. I can also participate in the manufacturing process and help finance steel and other things, but I don't know how to design these things."

Shiliu smiled and said that he could work as a handyman to speed up the progress.

"That's no problem, it should be possible."

Ma Wu nodded, "If I cooperate with Shiliu, it is estimated that one or two hours can be made, but the frequency and the grinding and loading and unloading of parts need you and Xiaoxiao to do it together."

(End of this chapter)

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