Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 236 Three Multiple Selves

Chapter 236 Three Multiple Selves
"Then let's hold our breath and go in. Sixteen, can you and Xiaoxiao do it?"

Xie Yannan is now a fourth-order human being, holding his breath is no problem for him at all, and his body skin is covered with a layer of hardened substance, even if the skin can breathe, there is no need to worry about those things getting in.

"I have no problem. Xiaoxiao should be fine. She is a robot. It should be easier for her to hold her breath."

Sixteen nodded, and the three of them unified their simple gestures.

After all, you cannot communicate with your mouth.

Then, they took a few deep breaths on the spot, and walked up the stairs together.

"There is monitoring, it's all monitoring here, we should have been discovered long ago."

Surveillance is not easy to gesture with gestures, so Shiliu had no choice but to use his body to make a text projection.

"Don't be afraid, they've all come in anyway, let's find out the situation first." Xie Yannan picked up a stone, and then gesticulated a few words on the ground.

Everyone continued to move forward.

After climbing less than twenty steps, Xie Yannan's vision suddenly went dark. When he opened it again, he found many blurry shadows around him.

Take a closer look, it's all yourself.

"Sixteen, is this a phantom?"

Xie Yannan was worried that there was something wrong with his vision, so he quickly asked Shiliu next to him, and gave him a color.

Sixteen shook his head, "No."

Xie Yannan didn't even dare to breathe out, and kept holding his breath.Although it is a fourth-order human being, after a long time, it is still a little hypoxic, and the brain is still a little uncomfortable.

But it is not difficult to tell that the men in front of me look exactly the same as themselves, no matter their height, shape, clothing, or even hairstyle.

Even when Xie Yannan moved his fingers, these people followed suit.

It was outrageous, Xie Yannan felt like he was looking in a mirror.

Moreover, these people slowly surrounded Xie Yannan, wrapping Xie Yannan inside.

Xie Yannan, who was a little hypoxic, felt even more depressed.

But because if he made a move, he was bound to breathe, so he gave Xiaoxiao a thumbs up as agreed before, and then gently slid it against his neck.

This is to let Xiaoxiao destroy the enemy.

Xiaoxiao naturally understood.

But because all the "Xie Yannan" made exactly the same movements as him, Xiaoxiao didn't realize for a while which one was her master, and stood there motionless with a dazed expression.

Although Shiliu had stated before that no matter what happened, he would not participate in the battle, but Xie Yannan could only turn to him for help at this moment.

The hypoxic state of the brain became more and more serious, and I felt that I would be in a faint state in the next second.

But looking at Shiliu's appearance, it seemed that he was really unwilling to do anything.

Xie Yannan could only support his weak body, and planned to call the skeleton robot directly from the system, only to find that the system did not respond at all.

In desperation, he had to use the stun gun again.

Although the stun gun's lethality is not that great, it should be enough to deal with the countless "self" in front of me, after all, they all look like mortal bodies.

Xie Yannan didn't hesitate, and shot around.

But what makes him even more strange is that every time he shoots a "self", he feels that his original body has been hurt again, which is even more uncomfortable.

There were more than 30 "Xie Yannan" inside and out, he only felt as if he had been shot more than 30 times, the full screen mind was supporting his body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out directly from his mouth.

Then the whole person fell down unconsciously.

"Brother Nan..."

After Sixteen approached, he called softly.

Then he leaned close to his ear and said, "You can breathe normally now. Those vocal cord insects seem to have been lifted away. It seems that my tribe does not want your life."

"Maybe it's because you have something they need... maybe an energy ring."

After Shiliu said a few words to himself, Xie Yannan slowly opened his eyes, but he still felt weak all over.

Although he was able to breathe freely and felt that the consciousness of his brain had returned a lot, he was still a little brooding about Shiliu's failure to rescue him just now.

"Don't ask, I won't fight, and I don't know how to fight at all."

Every time Shiliu seems to be able to see through Xie Yannan's mind directly, he can say what he wants to say in advance.

"I know, I won't force you, but what happened to me when I saw those thirty or so just now... Besides, I don't seem to be able to use the energy ring."

Xie Yannan was most puzzled by this point. He obviously still had such a powerful weapon, but he couldn't use it at all.

"It should be a copy. But it's not a real human being."

Sixteen said while pointing to the ground.

Just now Xie Yannan used a stun gun to attack the ground where those people were standing, and there was no trace of any human beings at all.

Instead, there are only some humble insects, grasshoppers, mice, and even birds...

But they all died because of the stun gun designed by Xie Yannan, lying there quietly, surrounded by a pool of fresh blood.

"But why hit them? My whole body hurts."

Xie Yannan would never forget the feeling just now, every time he attacked, it was as uncomfortable as if a bullet hit him.

"This is the same as the phantom. In fact, you are not injured. You just vomited blood, but it was caused by holding your breath for too long."

After Shiliu explained it simply, Xie Yannan understood it completely.

He touched Shiliu's head, "It's okay, they are your clansmen after all, if you don't take action, I don't blame you."

"I don't think we have any worries about our lives now. With their abilities, it was easy to kill you just now. My people are just testing us, not to mention that you have something they want on you."

"The most important thing is that they can detect the energy ring on your body, but they can't find anything on your body, so they don't dare to act rashly."

Although Shiliu is small in stature, when it comes to analyzing things, he is not inferior to Ma Wu and the others in the slightest.

"I see. Are we going to continue looking for stones now?"

Xie Yannan asked in a daze, she still remembered the purpose of coming here, and she didn't want to make an enemy, let alone such a powerful enemy.

"We are under their surveillance anyway, and there are countless surveillance cameras above our heads. We can do whatever we want, and it is very easy for them to do whatever they want to us."

With Shiliu's encouragement, Xie Yannan slowly supported his body with his arms and sat up. Although his body was still a little uncomfortable, it was much better than before, at least he could move normally.

And since the other party didn't intend to take his life for the time being, they just gave him a reassurance.

(End of this chapter)

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