Chapter 222 The New Refuge
Early the next morning, Xie Yannan was still immersed in a sweet dream when he was woken up by Shiliu.

Although this guy claims to have lived for thousands of years, he doesn't know anything about men and women.

Xie Yannan and Wei Xiaofei were still hugging each other and sleeping on the bed, so he just barged in without even knocking on the door.

"Brother Nan, I received an alarm again. Based on the frequency, it should be the weapons shelter from before."

Sixteen held his chin, and looked at Xie Yannan helplessly.

"Get the hell out of here and knock on the door before you come in next time."

Wei Xiaofei was so shy that she kept slipping into Xie Yannan's arms without saying a word.

"Uh uh uh, well, I forgot."

Shiliu said sorry, probably didn't understand what was wrong with him, but followed Xie Yannan's instructions, and left the room first.

"Brother Nan, don't blame him, it's just a robot, you don't need to compete with robots." Wei Xiaofei knows the general situation very well, and has always been as gentle as water.

"I have my own sense of propriety. Fei, do you still like this room? You can watch the stars at night, and you can just close the absorbent curtains during the day."

Xie Yannan moved the button at the head of the bed, and the flat curtains were closed directly.

The entire curtain is directly tiled and adsorbed on the shell glass above the head, and will not fall down under the influence of gravity.

This is what Xie Yannan did together after finishing the roof last night.

The curtains were carefully designed by Xie Yannan. After the curtains were closed, the room became much darker, but the floor was covered with stars.

He directly used the system to process the curtains yesterday, and cut out the shapes of stars on the cloth, densely packed with thousands of them.

"Brother Nan, thank you." Wei Xiaofei smiled a little embarrassedly, and plunged into Xie Yannan's arms again, "Go and do your work, I'll cook something delicious for you at home."

Xie Yannan nodded, kissed Wei Xiaofei lightly on the forehead and left.

The threat of weapon bases is a big problem. It seems that it is impossible to cooperate with them. We can only develop new partners.

[Congratulations on being upgraded to a secondary shelter]

[The system rewards 1 points]

[System points have been updated, there are 24311 points]

Xie Yannan did not expect that the smart home shelter could be achieved so easily.

[Enable Level [-] Shelter Upgrade Status]

[System description: The third-level shelter is a weapons shelter]

[Please host to complete the upgrade of the third-level shelter as soon as possible]

【Do you need to buy a Level [-] shelter upgrade map】


Level [-] shelter?Weapons shelter?Xie Yannan smiled.

It seems that the system is becoming more and more user-friendly.

After all, strengthening the force of the shelter is exactly what Xie Yannan wants to do next.

Before going out, Xie Yannan deliberately came to Zeng Rui's research room to have a look. Since the vaccine was successfully developed, the shelter has stockpiled a lot of vaccines, and the vaccines have an expiry date outside the body.

It seems that a more reliable partner must be found as soon as possible, otherwise so many vaccines will easily be scrapped.

"Grandpa, can this shell be fused together to make a vaccine?"

Xie Yannan saw that Grandpa Zeng carefully studied the shell meat under the microscope, so he couldn't help asking.

"Just having this idea, it is still very difficult to actually operate."

Zeng Rui sighed and shook his head, "I will try my best."

Then, he looked at Xiaoxiao next to Xie Yannan, "It's just a pity that this little girl turned into a robot."

Xie Yannan knew very well that Zeng Rui said so little now, apart from concentrating on research, it was because of Xiaoxiao's matter, which he always felt very regretful.

She was originally a girl of flesh and blood, but now she is completely reduced to a dull robot, and no one can bear it, let alone the grandfather who watched her grow up.

"Don't worry, the things we are exposed to are becoming more and more high-tech. If there is a chance to save Xiaoxiao later, I will definitely not hesitate."

Xie Yannan gave a guarantee, but he was also very confused.

Thinking not to waste too much time, he took Xiaoxiao and Shiliu out in the jumping car.

Today, I mainly want to search around carefully to see if there are any things that can be exchanged for vaccines. After all, daily necessities are consumables, and most of the things cannot be manufactured by his shelter.

Although in Xie Yannan's shelter, both raw materials and food are currently well stocked.

But for weapons, whether it is the defense ability of the shelter or the attack ability, it is quite weak.

Although it was aimless, General Sixteen planned his route well.

It is divided into four directions: southeast, northwest, and if you want to search along the rising sun, try to search in a blanket manner within a radius of ten kilometers.

Not only can we look for other cooperation opportunities, we can also sweep out other potential threats.

However, because in this apocalyptic world, all kinds of monsters are emerging one after another, and it seems that the surrounding area is beginning to become deserted.

"These...hey, I can't run into a single living person even if I walk for a long time."

Xie Yannan sighed, feeling a sense of loneliness in his heart.

You know, in the era he lived in, there were high-rise buildings everywhere, not to mention thousands of households in a high-rise building, at least hundreds of households.

Moreover, the horn in the car kept honking, and it would wake me up countless times even in the middle of the night.

At that time, I felt that the whole day was really noisy and irritating.

But here, it's really quiet and terrifying. Occasionally, when one or two birds fly by in the sky, Xie Yannan will think that they are mutated monsters, and the calls they make are not normal at all.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

【Discover the shelter ahead】

[Refuge Level: Level [-]]

Xie Yannan simply shut down the system, not wanting to listen to those messy mission reports.Anyway, the system can't provide a specific location address, so it's better to search slowly by yourself.

Not long after walking forward, a large factory building appeared in front of Xie Yannan.

This is the kind of large factory building with reinforced cement, which is made of steel.

The walls alone look solid.

Ordinary walls are only 20 centimeters thick on one side, but the walls of this workshop are obviously twice as thick as ordinary walls.

After upgrading to a high-level human, this vision is really useful.Xie Yannan can identify these details with the naked eye even if they are far away.

Xie Yannan asked Shiliu to drive around the shelter, and he was sure that this was a shelter.

After this circle, no windows can be seen in the place that parallel vision can see.

The only door is still very hidden, and it is made the same color as the wall, but from the outline, the other walls can still be distinguished.

You can only see it when you look up. There are only a few ventilation windows at the very top of the shelter. There are 3 windows on each of the four walls.

(End of this chapter)

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