Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 219 Upgrading Tier 4 Humans

Chapter 219 Upgrading to Level [-] Human
After Xie Yannan completely uploaded the plan in his brain to the system, he waited in the room for a long time before finishing the processing.

After the system's automatic broadcast was completed, Xie Yannan couldn't wait to lie down and try it out.

The small lattice bed of this design seems to have a small space, but it is very soft to lie on and does not make people feel uncomfortable at all.

After a few more minutes, the data was broadcast automatically.

【Height: 182cm】

【Weight: 65kg】

[Low weight, cervical spondylosis, high bilirubin, but no other abnormality]

Damn it, this system is so easy to use.

Xie Yannan quickly sat up, half-bowed, and thought for a moment.

High bilirubin is caused by Xie Yannan staying up late for a long time, which is normal, and staying up late hurts the liver.In addition, some time ago, I often did sports in the game room, and it is estimated that even the heart, liver, spleen, lung and stomach were injured together.

As for the cervical spine problem, it was caused by Xie Yannan working long hours in his world, paddling and playing games on his mobile phone.

Cervical spondylosis is a common problem among young people.

Xie Yannan nodded in satisfaction, slid the bell on the wall calling everyone to a meeting, and then slowly came to the conference room.

"I built a gym and a physical examination center. I go to the physical examination center once a month to do a routine physical examination. The instructions are on the wall. As for the gym, I suggest everyone go there every day. Slowly, all the facilities in the shelter will be perfected Wake up, and thank you all for always supporting Xiao Xie."

When Xie Yannan said this, he was almost half-bowed, polite.

"For the medical examination center, everyone can go now. Don't worry, all data is confidential, and everyone can only see their own data."

Xie Yannan just wanted to know Ma Wu's condition, and the rest of the people didn't pose much threat.

Hearing this, everyone felt that Xie Yannan took them seriously, and they were very happy, waiting in line to go to the medical examination center for a physical examination.

Although Xie Yannan said that the data will not be leaked, it has been completely tied to his own system in private.

As soon as the people inside started to use the medical examination machine, Xie Yannan immediately received the relevant data.This is a backhand he left for himself as the leader of the shelter,
However, the overall health of the people in the refuge is relatively good, and there is no major abnormality. Apart from Wei Beiming's blood pressure being a bit high, there is a problem with Ma Wu's physical examination.

The other people's data is complete, but Ma Wu's data is only height and weight, and all health indicators are not displayed. There is no data on blood vessels and bones at all, as if Ma Wu does not have these things.


Xie Yannan always thought Ma Wu was a mysterious figure. After these things, he felt even more strange.

But these were just things Xie Yannan was thinking about in private, and he didn't expose them.

He paused, uploaded all the data into the system, and specially set up an employee database, so that if something went wrong in the future, he could retrieve all the data and see which link went wrong.

This day passed by like this. During this period of time, because Xie Yannan turned off the automatic broadcast of the system points, when he opened it today, he found that the system points had exceeded [-] points.

He smiled, even if it was [-] points, he could not return to the original world. It seemed that the ultimate mission of the system was to upgrade him to the fifth-level shelter.

Regarding returning to the original world, Xie Yannan is not looking forward to it that much, he only hopes that he will improve little by little, and then he can bring the greatest sense of security to those around him.


Xie Yannan remembered that system points can be exchanged for reputation points, which can be used to upgrade high-level humans.

When he opened the reputation value query, he discovered that the reputation value actually increased by 500. These were not things he had accumulated on purpose.

After checking the source, I found out that it was because of Sixteen, and because I received Sixteen, I got the 500 more reputation points.

Xie Yannan lowered his head and thought for a moment. Could it be that because Shiliu does not belong to human beings and he subdued foreign races, it caused the soaring reputation value?

However, it takes 1000 reputation points to upgrade to a fourth-level human being, which means you need to exchange [-] points in the system.

Points are now easy to obtain, Xie Yannan clicked agree without hesitation.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

[Exchange Points for Prestige Points]

[Consume 500 points to exchange for [-] reputation points]

【whether to exchange】


【Successful exchange】

[System points have been updated, there are 15011 points]

[The reputation value has been updated, the current reputation value is one thousand]

A smile appeared on the corner of Xie Yannan's mouth, and he couldn't wait to continue pressing the upgrade button.

[Consume [-] reputation points to upgrade to a fourth-order human]

【Whether to consume】


[The reputation value has been updated, the current reputation value is 0]

【update completed】

Frankly speaking, Xie Yannan didn't feel any abnormality in his body, but his skin seemed to be a little tighter, but the activities didn't have any effect.

He paused, and the strange thing was that the system didn't report what upgrades he had made.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

[Query the fourth-order human advantages]

【search result】

[Short jump and flight, toughened skin, enhanced strength, sharper vision, hearing and sense of smell]

【Responsiveness is enhanced...】


The system played a long list, but the most useful thing was the first two words that Xie Yannan heard, short jump and flight, and skin tempering.

What he understands about short-term jumping is that it is similar to a jumping car, which can jump up directly and then simply fly for a few seconds, or even a dozen seconds. He plans to try this tomorrow morning.

As for skin tempering.

He just needs this skill.

Because of the previous erosion insects, he almost died.

If the skin is tempered, it means that those tiny bugs should not be able to get into his body so easily.

Of course, there is another effect, that is, it is less likely to be injured.

Zombies attack humans in addition to biting and scratching. If the skin is tempered, it is not as powerful as the claws of zombies. You can scratch his skin at will, so you don’t need to be hurt every time in battle.

Moreover, Ma Wu has already researched it, and found that the structure of that thing can be seen clearly under the magnifying glass, which is very similar to the structure of Shiliu. It is speculated that they are also very afraid of infrasound waves, so he specially made an underwater subsonic device for Xie Yannan and let him go down. Take it with you the next time you go to the lake.

It was already very late. Because Xie Yannan was injured today, he couldn't pick up any other interests, so he went straight to the room, fell on the bed and fell asleep.


(End of this chapter)

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