Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 212 Resisting the Cannon

Chapter 212 Resisting the Cannon
Shiliu hesitated, his tone already a bit timid, but Xie Yannan fell into deep thought.

Shiliu has repeatedly emphasized before that this energy ring is quite powerful, so he should store it well and not hand it over at will, but now he is asking himself for it.

Xie Yannan made a small difficulty on the question of whether to give or not.

But thinking about whether Shiliu had done anything that put the refuge in danger since he came to the refuge, instead, he has been doing his best to help him.

Moreover, the battle this time is more or less fierce, and maybe the sixteenth test will be able to turn the tide in the end.

Thinking of this, Xie Yannan didn't hesitate any longer, and directly handed the bracelet into Shiliu's hands, "I believe in you, and you will mobilize those skeletons."

Xie Yannan naturally didn't know how useful the energy ring was. He simply meant that Shiliu wanted to take away the right to use the robot, so he didn't ask any questions.

When everyone is distributing weapons.There was a sudden loud bang from the gate, followed by some collapsed sounds, like stones mixed with metal rolling down.

"Oops, it's the Burning Ray Gate..."

Xie Yannan looked towards the gate, and sure enough, the Burning Ray Gate had begun to collapse, and the surrounding hillsides were in danger.

There were shells and other things attacking outside the gate all the time, and they kept exploding.

Although the shells cannot pass through the burning ray door, they can explode outside the door, directly uprooting the burning ray door.

Damn, these people are really tough.

Xie Yannan took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

Although this group of people came to attack, they only blocked the gate, but did not carry out air strikes.

You must know that the top of his head is only that kind of tempered glass. If there are a few more powerful shells, it will definitely be over immediately.

That means that the other party doesn't want to make this refuge full of holes, but wants to capture it for their own use.

Otherwise, what can be solved with a few shells, why take such a big detour? !
Xie Yanan frowned, waved his hand, and asked everyone to hurry to the gate of Burning Ray.

At this moment, the stone outside the gate and the metal on the gate kept rolling down. If this continues, the shelter will soon become a ruin due to the chain reaction.

"Listen, people inside, get out of here, and I can spare your life and arrange a job for you, building a building or something."

In the smoke, there was a resemblance of a heavy cannon, and the sound of a horn amplified came from inside.

"Otherwise, I will flatten this refuge."

This person speaks with confidence, presumably he has made full preparations and plans to directly take over the shelter.

Moreover, it seems that he should be the representative leader of this battle, and he can't wait to show off his victory.

"You got your head caught by the door, you dare to go to your grandfather's place to play wild."

Xie Yannan is a third-order human being, so he doesn't need a speaker at all, and can directly raise his voice by dozens of decibels.

The penetrating power of the sound was so strong that Ma Wu and the others next to him couldn't help covering their ears with their hands.

"Hey, you have such a small robot in your refuge, it's probably a sweeping robot."

The other party probably moved the control panel and pointed the gun barrel directly at Sixteen.

Only then did Xie Yannan realize that Shiliu was standing next to him at some point.

"Sixteen, you don't know how to fight, so go back quickly."

The little guy was still trembling slightly, but he showed no fear on his face, which made people laugh a little bit.

"Brother Nan, in front of the enemy, how can I sit back and stay at the top of the sixteenth. The ones here are just scum, what are you afraid of?"

Sixteen would never do anything he was not sure about.

Are all the slags here? !

Xie Yannan pursed her lips, and shot the weapons in front of her again.

There were three heavy cannons, and the one that looked like a cannon had several machine guns on it. Xie Yannan couldn't name them.

At the same time, there are several unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flying in the sky, which also seem to have trailing bombs, and may launch an attack at any time.

It's just that the other party is just tossing around the Burning Ray Gate to see if they can make a final negotiation with Xie Yannan.

If the other party really makes a move...

Xie Yannan has already made up a scene in his brain, his shelter will be called a complete ruin in minutes, and even the bones and scum can't be picked up.

"You all go back." Xie Yannan thought for a moment, wanting all the following brothers to return to the shelter safely, and he fought desperately outside the door.

After all, everyone is human, and a random bullet would kill them all.Xie Yannan is at least a third-order human being, and his strength and reaction speed are much better.

If even he can't resist...

Then leave it to fate.

"Wherever you go, you will live and die together."

Xie Yannan did not expect that several people standing behind him actually said this sentence in unison, as if they had discussed it in advance.

"Okay, let's do this first."

Xie Yannan was just about to make a move, but saw Shiliu take out the energy ring, and the chip. After the meeting, Xie Yannan thought that the chip was lost, but he didn't know when Shiliu put it away.


The words haven't finished yet.

The door to the heavy cannon clicked open, and a man stepped out.

He is much shorter than Xie Yannan, but he seems to be about the size of two of him, his eyes are full of flesh, and even his face is full of flesh.

Wearing a black windbreaker, he feels good about himself, but he looks like a street skater.

After he got out of the car, he put his hands on his hips and sighed.

"I didn't expect that I, Zhang Li, would break through this refuge so easily. Look at these people, they are busy packing up their things and fleeing."

After speaking, he laughed a few times.

"This... what's going on?"

Xie Yannan lowered his voice and asked Shiliu beside him.

"It's a phantom. I told you that the energy ring is far more powerful than you imagined. I used the welcome and energy ring to create the illusion that they have won. The opponent is full of heavy weapons, and we have no chance of winning head-on. I hope this can muddle through."

Shiliu is indeed a little clever ghost.

So the other party thought that they had taken the shelter, but it was just a visual error.

"But how do you do it?"

"It's very simple. I can feel the infrared wavelength emitted by his body. The hallucinatory effect produced wakes up when it takes effect on him alone. It's just that the infrared lock is not as real as the retina lock, but it is enough to deal with them."

Sixteen smiled. For him, these little tricks were a piece of cake.

"Is that so..."

(End of this chapter)

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