Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 198 Diving to the bottom of the lake again

Chapter 198 Diving to the bottom of the lake again

"Tell me, what are the conditions?"

The other party took the initiative to come to the door, Xie Yannan expected that it would definitely not be so simple.

"They said they want all the vaccines we produce, and they want the people who produced the vaccines to stay in their shelters. They can provide us with one weapon every month, and when the first month's weapon is returned in the second month, another It can be exchanged for a new weapon. In short, we cannot have more than one weapon in our hands."

Shiliu was a little uneasy when he said these words, these are all the overlord clauses.

Xie Yannan paused for a moment, it's really meow, bullying people because of his weapons.

"Uncle Ma, I don't think I can completely hand over Zeng Rui and the vaccine to them. I guess the cooperation will be in vain. What do you think?"

Obviously, if Zeng Rui is going to leave, what will be the guarantee for the subsequent arms treaty?

"I don't think it's necessary to cooperate. You don't need to reply first, so as not to directly annoy the other party."

It seems that Ma Wu and Xie Yannan thought of something together.

"No... They are continuing to send signals again, just like the words just now, asking repeatedly, I guess you still have to give a clear answer."

Shiliu seemed a little uncomfortable hearing this voice, and kept urging Xie Yannan to give a reply quickly.

"Answer them directly. They said that we can't do it. I'm afraid there is no way to cooperate for the time being. It's okay if we just provide vaccines."

Xie Yannan knew that once such words were spoken, the other party would be offended.

Shortly after Sixteen sent the signal, although he had a metal brain, his face obviously became more and more ugly.

"Sixteen, what's wrong with you?"

Xie Yannan hurriedly asked with concern.

"They said that we rejected them first, so don't blame them for taking our shelter at any time."

"I knew it would be like this. If you don't do anything, enemies will come to your door. It seems that you have to go to the bottom of the lake quickly to find out if there are any other weapons."

This side is unreliable, but thinking that there is still a long distance to the bottom of the lake, at least there is new hope.

And now Shiliu does look very powerful, although the stone slab cannot be opened, maybe he can change his shape and enter through the cracks in the stone slab.

Thinking of this, Xie Yannan directly agreed with Liushi that he would take Xiaoxiao to the Mountain with him tomorrow morning.

For Xie Yannan, Xiaoxiao is now his weapon, and Shiliu is his brain.With these two helpers by my side, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to go deeper into the bottom of the lake.

Xie Yannan paused, planning to go back to the shelter to rest today, and go out at dawn tomorrow.After all, everything under water and underground is unknown.

"Underwater? I'm a little afraid of water..."

"You are so supernatural, how can you be afraid of water? Isn't it because your people live under the water?"

Xie Yannan smiled, "It's okay, the three of us don't get separated."

After everything was settled, Xie Yannan became a little flustered. After all, it was equivalent to offending the big shot in the weapon shelter, and he didn't know what danger he would encounter next.


Early the next morning, Xie Yannan took Xiaoxiao and Shiliu on the road.

It turned out that there were only Xie Yannan and Xiaoxiao on the motorcycle, but suddenly there was a small thing, and only Wing Shiliu was squatting at Xie Yannan's feet.

Fortunately, his body can change its shape, and he can use his most comfortable posture to take a space.

This time going to Fanshan was very strange, there were always some weird things that would attack Xie Yannan in the past.

With Sixteen this time, it was like bringing a natural protector by my side, and there were no occasional abnormal noises.

They went straight to the lake, Xie Yannan made a simple explanation, put on the whale skin and went directly to Xiaoxiao, Shiliu sank to the bottom of the lake.

Because he had been here many times, Xie Yannan took the two little friends behind him straight to the original big stone slab at the bottom of the lake.

But it seemed that after entering the water, Shiliu became very scared, obediently following Xie Yannan's side, clinging to him, never leaving for half a step.

"Shiliu, don't be nervous, I will protect you." Xie Yannan kept comforting Shiliu, but he could still feel his shivering body.

It was speculated that maybe he was afraid of water, so he could only pull him up and walk forward with the feeling that he was riding on his shoulders.

"This slate is not an ordinary slate."

Shiliu jumped off Xie Yannan's shoulders, observed for a few minutes, and sighed.

"I know, I guess, to go to the deeper bottom of the lake, I have to go down to this stone slab. Unfortunately, I can't find a way to open it at all. I have used brute force, but it doesn't seem to work at all."

Xie Yannan sighed.

Looking at Shiliu squatting on the ground and observing carefully, he looked like a little expert.

"It's okay, it's okay, if I'm not wrong..."

Shiliu supported his head with his small hands, "This should be an adsorption stone. It will produce mucus when it meets water, and the adsorption stones will adsorb each other. The force is at least hundreds of times stronger than that of AB glue when it solidifies. Don't mention you, even if Ten of you may not be able to open it."

He spoke in a dignified manner, and then stretched his hand in and tested it lightly.

However, his strength is not as strong as Xie Yannan's, and it is even more impossible to shake it.

"Then is there no other way? Don't the underground people come out and communicate?"

Xie Yannan asked back, and frowned slightly, he knew about AB glue.

Once, out of curiosity about the stickiness of AB glue, I put a small dot on my eyebrows. After mixing A and B glue, it solidified immediately.

As a result, the glue on the eyebrows could no longer be pulled off, and finally I had to reluctantly remove a large part of the eyebrows.

"There are other ways, but it's a bit troublesome."

Sixteen stuck out his tongue while talking.Fortunately, although this guy is afraid of water, he can still breathe normally underwater.

"You just say, what can I do, and I'll take care of the rest."

Whenever something happened, Xie Yannan still acted like a leader and never flinched.

"The adsorption stone is mainly sticky when it meets water. If it can be isolated from water, there will be no such worries at all."

"Separated from water?"

How is this possible?This is a 100-meter-deep lake bottom, how could it be possible to come out of a space alone so that this stone does not touch the water.

"Yeah, so I said, it's hard to do, for you."

Sixteen changed the subject, "However, for me, it's an easy task."

"You mean you can do it?"

The Shiliu in front of him is just a small dot. What a seven-foot man with a system can't do, such a small thing can do.

Xie Yannan pursed his mouth in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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