Chapter 191 Mysterious Slate
【Weapon Base】

What a surprise, as Xie Yannan originally expected, this is indeed a weapon base, a place to store weapons.

It's a pity that he only took those few pieces away, and the rest had no shadow at all.

[Entrance: Stone slab on the lower right side of the gate]

The system has been translating non-stop, and Xie Yannan is trying to find keywords.

Suddenly, I understood the meaning of the entrance, which must be to enter a deeper lake bottom.

Xie Yannan paused, and walked with Xiaoxiao to the lower right side of the original gate.

But the lower right side is all covered with soil, and there are no traces of stones at all, let alone slates.

Xie Yannan followed the instructions of the pattern and groped several times before finding the possible location of the stone slab. After pawing with Xiaoxiao for a while, they pulled the soil away, and a large stone slab appeared in front of them.

This is definitely not an ordinary stone slab. Judging by its flatness and pattern, it is not an ordinary natural formation, but a deliberate acquired one.

Xie Yannan seemed to have opened the door to a new world, his hands trembled a little, he moved his body slightly, and looked around for possible switches on the stone slab.

But the whole stone slab was formed, it was almost ten square meters, and it was closely attached to the ground, and there was no indication at all.

If there is no way to control it, then just come and see if it works.

Just now all the concave-convex patterns and text in the room have been fully translated, Xie Yannan randomly checked two houses and found that the text and patterns of all houses are exactly the same.

In other words, there is no superfluous instructions on how to open this slate.

If it's not soft, it's hard.

Although Xie Yannan felt a little reckless, he thought that the seizure of these weapons did not cause the underwater building to self-destruct. He just forced the door open, so there shouldn't be any major problems.

Xie Yannan and Xiaoxiao stood on one side of the stone slab and lifted the stone slab upward together.

But even with all the strength in his body, he couldn't make the stone slab move in the slightest.

This is unscientific. It is completely impossible to see what connects the bottom of the lake and the stone slab.

Xie Yannan paused, and after a short rest, he and Xiaoxiao started a new round of confrontation.

But it was still the same, the slate didn't move at all, but the two were panting tiredly beside them.

Xie Yannan is now wearing sharkskin, it is fine to move normally and breathe normally.But Xiaoxiao is a robot after all, and many materials in her body are made of metal. After a long time, she felt that her body was slightly corroded by the lake water, and she made some strange warning sounds a little uncomfortable.

Ma Wu had reminded Xie Yannan of this voice before, as soon as he heard it, he realized that he couldn't stay here for long.

It seems that it is really not good to be tough.

Even if I am a student of architecture, I don't know what material the stone slab is made of.

Ordinary stone, under the strength of him and Xiaoxiao, might have broken from the middle long ago.

What's more, the thickness of this stone slab is not enough, only about three centimeters.

Although Xie Yannan was a little unwilling, but more or less it was a little harvest, and brought Xiaoxiao back to the shore.

After landing, the bag he carried was no longer in its original position, and the contents seemed to have been turned over.But after careful inspection, it seemed that nothing was missing, so he thought that he was worrying too much, and returned to the motorcycle with Xiaoxiao, planning to go back as soon as possible.

For some reason, Xie Yannan always thought that the thing under the water might have something to do with Shiliu, so he planned to get Shiliu first when he went back.

After Xie Yannan returned to the refuge, he went to Shiliu's place before he could go to Ma Wu to inquire about the situation.

Shiliu still lived in the cave, but he was locked in a cage, which was custom-made, about the size of five or six Shiliu, so it was convenient for Shiliu to do daily activities.

A small horn hung from each top of the boxy cage.

Xie Yannan understood that it was designed by Ma Wu to generate an infrasound wave field, so that Shiliu could not teleport or change form, and it could also shield what it said was the bomb in its body.

Seeing Xie Yannan approaching, Shiliu waved his hand excitedly, "Big fool, you're back."

"Silly brother-in-law." Xie Yannan said angrily, looking at the little guy, the words that came out of his mouth were so unpleasant, "Let me ask you something, do your people live on land or underwater? "

Xie Yannan suspected that Shiliu was an advanced intelligent creature living at the bottom of the water, and it happened to have some advanced weapons as a backdrop.

"I can't say that." Sixteen feigned surprise and covered his mouth with his hands.

"Then let me ask you, do you live in the water?" Xie Yannan changed his words, anxious to quickly confirm whether those things in the water had anything to do with intelligent creatures like Shiliu.

"No, although we can live in the water, it has never been like this." Sixteen shook his head and denied it repeatedly.

"No...then..." Is that my direction is wrong?There are still other advanced intelligent creatures, and they still have to survive in high-intensity underwater, resist pressure and be able to breathe.

Even if most fish can't do it, who can?
"I'm not lying to you, life in the water is not convenient." Sixteen made a strange expression, "Anyway, as long as privacy is not involved, I will cooperate. Can you ask your Uncle Ma to help dismantle my body?" bomb, I think he is quite powerful."

Sixteen was a little aggressive, and said it carefully.

Xie Yannan nodded, "I still have a lot to ask you later, and I will definitely save your life."

Who cares, win people's hearts first.And now it seems that this little thing knows a lot. If he can not only get information from his mouth, but also harvest it as a weapon, it will kill two birds with one stone.

Xie Yannan smiled, and made a promise word by word, "Honesty and mutual assistance, never cheating, and I won't lie to children."

"According to my age, it's not an exaggeration for you to call me an ancestor. I'm still a child. I laughed so hard."

As Shiliu was talking, he really laughed out loud.

But at this moment Xie Yannan was pressed heavily on his heart by a big stone slab, and he didn't care about other things, so he hurried to find Ma Wu.

Ma Wu is still concentrating on the previous anti-surveillance research, because the use of the radio has gradually weakened the electromagnetic field of the valley, and the surveillance shielding should be completed soon.

Except for the strange stone slab at the bottom of the water, that thick wooden stick encountered on the forest path can be attacked as a whole, or divided into bows and arrows to attack.

Xie Yannan remembered clearly, not to mention that he was attacked, and then all the bows and arrows seemed to be locked on the target, and they kept running behind his ass.

 ! Push a friend's book.

  Those who came to him for medicine, those who sought revenge, those who asked for trouble, those who wanted to repay their kindness, and those who wanted to thank him, made Wei Qing's peaceful days gone forever.

  Finally one day, he couldn't bear it anymore.

  [Stop pretending, it's his grandma's, I'm having a showdown!I'm not human! 】

  【I am a god! 】

(End of this chapter)

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