Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 160 Destroying Biochemical Apples 2

Chapter 160 Destroying Biochemical Apples 2
Xie Yannan touched the resulting sealer, the system was really thoughtful, even the outermost layer of heat-insulating glass was made of two layers.

But this container is not completely airtight, otherwise how would the apples be put in it.

It reserved a hole at the top for Xie Yannan to put things in.

After Xie Yannan briefly checked that there was no problem with the sealer, he called out the apples and put them all inside.

Fortunately, the sealer has a relatively large space, so after putting the apples in, there is still a lot left.

According to what Ma Wu said, all can be processed by high-temperature calcination.

However, because the melting point of metal is lower than that of glass, high-temperature calcination will cause the inner metal container to be melted away, leaving only the outer glass.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]


[Provide ignition point: 1500 degrees]

【Service fee: 1000 points】

【Whether to buy the service】


[System points have been updated, there are 12901 points]

1500 degrees is already the melting point limit of glass. If the temperature goes higher, the glass will also melt.

Xie Yannan paused, after a while, the temperature of the whole room rose a lot.

Although it is airtight, it is obvious that there is a dull explosion sound coming from the sealer all the time, like the continuous sound of firing artillery.

However, in only ten minutes, the inner metal seal had already begun to be melted by the high temperature, melting into molten iron little by little, and falling into the glass container.

Fortunately, the glass is more insulated, otherwise Xiaoxiao and Xie Yannan would have been burned to the bone by the heat.

After the metal sealer was completely dissolved, Xie Yannan could see what was inside.

The high-temperature melting apples inside produced all green smoke, and the dark green smoke was something Xie Yannan had never seen before.In those American blockbusters he had watched, they were just in the form of some biochemical bombs.

When these things really appeared in front of him, he was actually a little scared. If all these things were leaked out, at least a huge city would be destroyed.

Xie Yannan couldn't imagine who was so crazy as to create these things, and he was completely incapable of competing against them.

Slowly, the apple juice and iron were fused together, and the dark green gas became less and less, and they finally sank to the bottom and fused into a large board.

The system is very smart, Xie Nan can clearly feel the temperature drop, this should mean that the matter is coming to an end.

But he always pays attention to the condition of the glass sealer, not daring to be sloppy at all, for fear of sudden burst or leakage.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. The high temperature melted quickly and cooled down quickly, and the temperature returned to normal soon.

Ma Wu told Xie Yannan that after everything was done, don't open the airtight containers, they will fuse together, and ordinary things can't open them.

He took Ma Wu to do a simple test on his test box.

The test can only be done around the glass and cannot be opened for testing, but the test results show that there is no toxicity.

Xie Yannan paused, hesitant to open it up and try it out, after all, it doesn't look very good inside, the apple and steel melted together, and then re-solidified, turning into a solid black board, like a completely Inlaid on top of the glass container.

However, he still had no intention of disobeying Ma Wu. He felt that there was no big problem, so he locked the basement.

In order to prevent others from discovering this place again, he deliberately closed the wooden door of the basement and poured a layer of cement on it, which looked like a normal floor with no flaws.

This prevents others from discovering the basement.

After doing all this, Xie Yannan simply wandered around the room, trying to find if there was anything he could bring back.

It's a pity that there doesn't seem to be anything in this room that Xie Yannan thinks can be recycled, and it's getting late, so he's anxious to go back.

Still, this trip at least dealt with the bio-apple threat.In addition, the mutated vines grow underground most of the time. From the current point of view, this thing is more powerful than he imagined, and it seems that he should pay more attention to it in the future.

Xie Yannan and Xiaoxiao drove back in the octopus, it was already dark, but they were not far away, so there was nothing to worry about.

It's just that the octopus is driving on the dark road, like a big moving lantern, which is particularly eye-catching.

This is the second time that Xie Yannan wandered outside at night.That meeting with Wei Xiaofei was the mutated firefly, which completely refreshed his three views.

But this time he was driving again. If he was in the car, the danger was obviously much less.

He was also in the mood to look through the glass to see what was going on outside the window.

Sure enough, the scene flowing outside the window was even more exaggerated than he had imagined. He thought it was silent.

Unexpectedly, looking carefully, some strange things fly by in the sky from time to time, and there are some things crawling on the ground rustling.

Occasionally, something like a fire swayed in front of him. If Xie Yannan was not a third-level human being, and his senses were much better than ordinary people, he would not have realized that something was wrong.

It's just that he is here now. Unless it is a giant or a very aggressive creature, these are just trivial matters to him and do not pose any threat at all.

What's more, for a one-kilometer journey, it takes only ten minutes to return to Benggu.

After the door opened, he and Xiaoxiao drove in in the Octopus Car.

Sure enough, unknown small flying objects kept rushing inside, but because the burning ray door did not recognize them, they burned and turned into ashes as soon as they touched the burning ray.

Xie Yannan paused. He was already very tired after tossing around all day today. He planned to take a good rest and go to the small laboratory that Zeng Rui mentioned early tomorrow morning to collect some experimental supplies.

You must know that according to Zeng Rui's description, there should be some strange creatures in the small research room, Xie Yannan plans to do nothing tonight, just take a good rest, and do a big job tomorrow.

[Generate 350 degrees today, get 350 points]

[4.2 tons of purified water today, get 4200 points]

【Purify 2.9 square meters of natural gas today, get 3000 points】

[All humans in the shelter survive for more than 24 hours and get 100*7 points]

[System points have been updated, there are 21151 points]

【One anti-epidemic pill】

[Sell or store]


[System points have been updated, there are 31151 points]

Since that woman appeared repeatedly, Xie Yannan and Wei Xiaofei had less time to do their homework.

Tired, he fell asleep on the bed after a simple wash.

But this night, it was very strange, he had a dream that had never appeared before.

(End of this chapter)

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