Chapter 156 Mechanical Bat? !
It is indeed a bat, exactly the same as a bat, slightly smaller than a bat, except that it has a pointed mouth.

The blood it bleeds is red, not the blue or dark green blood of mutated creatures, so they are not mutated animals at all, but just alien creatures.

Although I have been to many places and read many books, I don't know many abnormal phenomena like nature.

Maybe this is just the beginning of the alien creatures in the end of the world.

Xie Yannan sighed and frowned.When the thing died it curled up like a little ball.

When flying normally, it is like a gliding tablet.

Xie Yannan couldn't help but raise his head, intending to see where the scattered bats had gone.Now he is not afraid that he will attack. After all, the system has made it clear that they are afraid of rays, and he is equivalent to having a meteorite pendant as a talisman.

The shelter returned to its previous brightness, although it was still dim and dim.When I raised my head, I saw that the entire top of my head was clean and there were no traces of any flying animals at all.

Oh no, no.

The corner of Xie Yannan's mouth curled into a smile, and he squinted his eyes, trying to see the roof more clearly.

The weird thing about this shelter is that its roof is black, pure black.

Because the distance is too far, Xie Yannan can't tell whether those things lying on the roof are those small things, but he always feels that the roof is a bit thick.

Since they attack involuntarily, it might as well be like this. Xie Yannan does not want to destroy the natural ecology here, and this kind of bat is really weird. He is worried that it is not a local creature here. His current strength is still unmatched.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go back."

Xie Yannan finally had time to turn her eyes to Xiaoxiao, only then did she realize that the wounds on Xiaoxiao's body were almost healed, but the clothes on her body were all cut, which proved that she had indeed suffered a lot of injuries just now.

"Xiaoxiao, why didn't you attack those bats just now?"

Logically speaking, Xiaoxiao is a very intelligent robot, so she shouldn't make this kind of mistake. She knows that the enemy is in front of her, but she doesn't do anything about it.

"Master, it seems that once I get close to these things, I can't activate my own energy, and I can't use force against them." Xiaoxiao said truthfully.

"But they are just ordinary animals to you." Xie Yannan took two steps forward, feeling that there was a contradiction in Xiaoxiao's words.

He couldn't help but stop, picked up a bat, and looked at it again to see if he had missed any clues.

Just looked at the surface.

He gritted his teeth and poked the bat's belly open with his middle and index fingers.

Although this behavior was a bit disgusting, Xiaoxiao said that the bat was disturbing her, so Xie Yannan still had to figure out what was going on to avoid having to deal with similar situations in the future.

He actually didn't pay much attention just now, but now he discovered that the bat's body had no temperature at all. Even if he inserted two fingers into its body, he didn't feel any temperature abnormality.

But they obviously just died? !It is impossible for endothermic animals to cool down so quickly!

It wasn't Xiaoxiao's reminder, he wouldn't think there was anything wrong with these things at all.

He put another hand on it, each grasped half of the bat's belly, and tore it apart from the middle.

The sticky red blood made him feel nauseous, and he could only comfort himself that he could just endure it a little longer.

What is this special thing?
After Xie Yannan tore the bat apart from the middle, it was not the normal white bones inside, but rather like the gray-green metal inside Xiaoxiao's body.

He touched the bone resemblances, and his intuition told him that these were indeed metal.

Xie Yannan exploded on the spot!
Suddenly he seemed to understand something. These things were not natural creatures at all, but man-made.It can't be said to be man-made, it depends on what it is made of, similar to Xiaoxiao's type.

Is it a mechanical bat? !

Xie Yannan swallowed, and in order to reduce chance, he randomly tore apart several other bats one after another.

Sure enough, their structure is exactly the same.

I didn't notice it just now, but looking seriously now, these bats seem to have no difference in size to the naked eye, and they should come from the same batch of machinery.

What the hell!

What's the situation? !

He peeled off the bat's skin with his bare hands, and took out the entire skeleton that supports the bat's energy and movement.

It's all made of metal, and where the bat's heart should be is a big ball of metal, which is supposed to be their source of energy.

Xie Yannan tried to break or split the metal ball, but there was no way, and with a little force, the metal ball would burst automatically.

Self-destruct? !
This technology is too clever, right? !

Moreover, the skeleton of the entire bat is not the mechanized steel bars one by one, but is made of soft titanium wires intertwined one by one.

That's why its body is very soft to the touch, and it can become the size of a thin film when flying, or turn into a ball when it dies.

Realizing that this matter was not simple, Xie Yannan quickly stored two bats in the system.

Although living things cannot be stored in the system, dead ones do not count.Now the monsters encountered are getting more and more sophisticated. I thought they were alien creatures, but I didn't expect them to be small mechanical creatures.

This thing needs to be taken back to Ma Wu for careful study. This simply opens the door to a new world for Xie Yannan. Is this a mechanical creature that naturally exists in nature?Or an artificial mechanical creature?

Xie Yannan couldn't help but looked up at the roof again, his whole body was terrified.

But the naked eye can't tell what's on it at all, and maybe the number is far more than what the system reports.

It's better to leave quickly.

"Xiaoxiao, let's go back quickly. You can't use force. I think I should know the reason."

Because they are all mechanical, and the bat itself interferes with the signal to a certain extent, it should be normal for such a situation to occur, but in the end we have to wait for Ma Wu to explain.

It was only now that Xie Yannan discovered that this apocalypse was more dangerous than he thought. There seemed to be various forms of creatures, or he didn't know whether they should be called creatures at all.

Fortunately, the journey back to Bungu was fairly smooth, but Xie Yannan was a little preoccupied and a little confused, not knowing what to do in the future.According to his ability, such a small bat has already made him at a loss, and he still doesn't know what danger lies ahead.

He also hopes that he will gradually become stronger to fight against it.Now it seems that we must speed up our own progress.

(End of this chapter)

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