Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 124 Upgrading Tier 3 Humans

Chapter 124 Upgrading to Level [-] Human
[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]


【Inquiry service】

[Comparison between third-order humans and second+order humans]

【Increase the ability to move freely underwater】

【Strength increased by 10%】

[Movement speed increased by 10%]

【Improve eyesight by 10%】

Xie Yannan scratched his head, if he wanted to dive to the bottom of the lake smoothly, he had to be able to move freely in order to find out the secrets underneath.The so-called free movement is nothing more than being able to breathe underwater without suffocating to death.

But a new problem arose.

The gate at the bottom of the water is clearly marked, and there are strong radiation materials inside. If he wants to break through, I don't know if he can resist the radiation. After all, he is only a human body.

However, that third-order human must be upgraded no matter what, Xie Yannan has a hunch that the secret behind that door must be not simple, and it may hide something he needs.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

[Exchange Points for Prestige Points: 2000 Points = One Prestige Point]

【How many reputation points need to be exchanged】

[Twenty reputation points]

[Whether to redeem]


[System points have been updated, there are 16430 points]

[The reputation of the system has been updated, and there are currently [-] reputations]

[Consume reputation points to upgrade the host: [-] reputation points]


[The prestige value has been updated, the existing 0 prestige value]

Xie Yannan paused, and stood there quietly without moving. After a while, he felt obvious changes in his body.

In addition to feeling like my body is slightly burning.The most direct feeling is that, except for the nasal cavity, every cell in the body is breathing, making him feel that even if he holds his breath with his nose, it will not affect his demand for oxygen.

This is awesome. This is similar to the principle of fish breathing in water. Fish can use gills and scales, and he can use skin?

Xie Yannan deliberately held his breath all the time, but found that the nose and mouth were no longer the only breathing channels, he could feel the shrinking and opening of the pores of his body, and different things were absorbed through the pores every time.

In addition, the sensory system is much more sensitive than before.

Originally, Xie Yannan was short-sighted, even when he was a second-level human being, he could only say that his eyesight had barely returned to normal.

But now, even though the sky had begun to turn twilight, he could still clearly distinguish the intervals and outlines between the green and yellow leaves on the branches in the distance.

He walked slowly into the research room.Before Zeng Rui mentioned more than once that he wanted to upgrade the petri dish again, because he wanted to develop a longer-lasting anti-epidemic pill.

But due to the embarrassment of points, this matter has not been completed.

"Grandpa Zeng, how is the overall situation now?" Xie Yannan felt that his breathing became easier at this moment.

"It's still the problem of Xiaoxiao's antibody serum. After all, this is the most important medicine, and I always feel a little out of step. If possible, we can upgrade it to agar as a base for cultivation. At the lowest end of the petri dish, put agar on the top Then put on the antibody serum."

"Under the catalysis of agar, the speed of antibody serum will increase exponentially. Using a little more serum can also make up for the lack of current medicinal materials."

After all, Xie Yannan brought back nothing but Xiaoxiao, who was almost useless, when he went out this trip, and there was not enough raw material for the pills produced today.

"That's okay, Grandpa Zeng goes out for a walk to exercise his muscles and bones, and I'll think of a way."

Xie Yannan pushed Zeng Rui away, and then looked around the environment around the laboratory.After the last upgrade, the entire research room became obviously a bit crowded.

He planned to expand the research room by about one meter from the left and right walls, so as to facilitate the upgrade of the production line.After all, the petri dish has been upgraded, so the corresponding production line must be upgraded.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]


【Extended Research Laboratory】

[Requires system to generate drawings: 500 points]


【Upload idea drawings】

【Labor cost: 2000 points】

【Whether to upgrade】


[System points have been updated, there are 14430 points]

[System upgrade...]

After two beeps, Xie Yannan clearly felt that the room in front of him was one-third larger than before.Moreover, Zeng Rui's living room was planned on the far right side of the research room at the beginning. He thought it would be swallowed up by the system as a research room, but he didn't expect that when the system expanded the research room, it would directly move Zeng Rui's living room to the right. up.

The previous position is not affected in any way.

Xie Yannan is quite satisfied with the system's slightly intelligent service.

The next step is to upgrade the petri dish. The size of the petri dish is completely enough after the last upgrade, but some catalysts are needed to catalyze them so that they can split and generate faster.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]


【Upgrade petri dish】

[Materials required: agar]

【Labor cost: 1000 points】

【Do you need to upgrade】


[System points have been updated, there are 13430 points]

[System upgrade...]

Although Xie Yannan hadn't had much exposure to chemistry in university, he was good at chemistry in high school, and he knew that agar was the catalyst to complete the foundation in the process of cultivating things.

He saw a lump of white solid colloidal substance under Xiaoxiao's antibody serum, which was a bit similar to jelly, except that it was pure milky white and a little transparent.

After the serum was put on it, it was clearly observed that it was expanding a little bit.

Of course, this is because Xie Yannan can only see it now as a third-order human being, and the naked eye of ordinary people cannot recognize it.

Well, that works pretty well.

Xie Yannan thought that the sky outside should be very late, but the lights in the basement were a bit dim, which made him feel that the vision effect was extremely poor.

Damn it, I’m going to upgrade the lights today.

In order to save electricity, all the bulbs used twenty-watt lamps.And there are no more energy-saving and advanced bulbs in the system, only the oldest tungsten bulbs like gourds.

With a power of twenty watts, it can barely illuminate at most.He now plans to upgrade all energy-saving lamps.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

[Upgrade energy-saving lamps]

[Required raw materials: glass catheter]

[System warning: Insufficient storage of raw materials...]

Uh uh uh, Xie Yannan was dumbfounded. He thought that this light bulb could be directly upgraded like other things, but he never thought of it, because when he bought it from the system for the first time, there were no energy-saving lamps in the system.

Therefore, it is natural not to upgrade directly, but only after he gathers enough raw materials, let the system only provide service processing for upgrade.

 happy weekend!
(End of this chapter)

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