Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 107 The mall was attacked

Chapter 107 The mall was attacked

Xie Yannan remembered that the wall in front of him would disappear, and then he would be able to enter the underground shopping mall smoothly. With an attitude of giving it a try, he clenched his fist with his right hand, swung it and slammed it forward forcefully.

The bricks on the wall fell to the ground.

In front of you is the previous shopping mall.

No, to be precise...

just now……

It is an underground ruin.

Xie Yannan carefully stepped over the broken bricks on the ground, went in and took a look, the original row of villas had long been piled on the ground one by one, and occasionally one or two surviving walls were riddled with holes. , as if attacked by some weapon.


What exactly is going on?Xie Yannan stood there blankly for a while.

You must know that when he came a few days ago, it was not like this. Everyone was living in an orderly manner. Although the entire basement seemed a little stuffy, the safety performance was guaranteed.

Xie Yannan simply walked around, but found no one, and even under the collapsed ruins, there seemed to be no trace of his compatriots.

Did they all retreat?Deliberately destroy this place before retreating to avoid being used by others? !

This is not logical. Xie Yannan has seen this environment the first time he came here. Even if he gave it to him, he would not want to use it as a shelter. There is no soil or water, and he will rely entirely on the stock for food. Even if there is an exhaust fan, there is a stuffy smell after all, making him feel like he has a phobia of claustrophobia.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]


【Life Search】

【Search Range: Doomsday Underground Mall】

【System searching】

[System prompt; life exists]

【The system has automatically started scanning】

【Yang Zi】


【28 years old】

【severe injury】

【Chinese Pastoral Dog】


【2 years old】


Xie Yannan's eyes widened. He didn't expect that there were actually people buried in the ruins. The key is that there are living people, so he felt an inexplicable excitement. You know, before he came here, he conservatively estimated that he would at least live there. 2.300. Person number [-], how could it be possible to retreat smoothly and completely?

He quickly followed the system's instructions and walked to a ruin. The woman was buried under the house in front of him.

It wasn't completely buried, but after careful observation, her arm was actually exposed on the brick surface, and occasionally twitched a little, as if she was struggling for death.

Wait, wait, the system just said that the woman was only seriously injured, and did not indicate that she was infected with the virus.

Xie Yannan just wants to know the truth here, after all he still wants to exchange for department stores.

He pulled the bricks on the woman's body, then put his hands on her two shoulders, and pulled it out forcefully, and the woman was pulled out of the ruins.

As soon as Xie Yannan laid her flat on the ground, the woman spurted out a mouthful of blood, not only from her mouth, but also from the nasal cavity and ears. Different amounts of blood overflowed. Xie Yannan speculated that she suffered a serious brain injury.

"Wake up, wake up..." He gently pushed the woman, trying to wake her up.

But the woman didn't react at all except that her whole body was shaking and blood was pouring out, and finally she didn't move at all.

Xie Yannan frowned, and put his hand next to her nose to test it out.

At this time, she was dead.

How could this be?
He took a closer look at the woman in front of him. Although she was a little messed up by the ruins, she was not dressed like an ordinary person. She should be the merchant or resident of this shelter.Could it be that this shelter was really attacked?

Suddenly, she saw something in the woman's hand that seemed to be tightly held. He squatted down, gently opened the woman's hand, and took out the small thing.

This... This looks like a USB flash drive?
This is undoubtedly a USB flash drive, although this era is ten years ahead of Xie Yannan's era, but it does not prevent him from still having normal observation ability, usb10.0, the replacement speed is too fast.

When it comes to storage, I suddenly miss those good things in my computer.

Ah, blah blah blah!
Xie Yannan forced himself not to think about those messy things.But the point is that a bare USB drive is completely useless to him, without a computer, there is no way to read it.

Although, you can try the system.

[The system has automatically turned on the only mode]


[Read the content of the USB flash drive]

[U disk positioning: in the hands of the host]

【Service fee: 300 points】

【Whether to read】


[System points have been updated, there are 18146 points]

Xie Yannan paused for a moment. Sure enough, the system does not have to find ways to exploit him anyway. When he becomes stronger one day, he must abolish the system.

He quietly waited for the result of the system reading the data, probably because of the encryption of the U disk itself, the system actually read it for a long time before making a beeping sound, indicating that the reading was completed, and then presented a picture in front of Xie Yannan. projection.

What came out was the surveillance footage of the entire apocalyptic underground mall. It seemed like this woman should be a member of the management here.Oh, what a pity.

On the screen, the shopping mall under the apocalypse was peaceful, and suddenly a group of people came.He looks averagely dressed and seems to be trying to buy something.

They were not satisfied after entering several stores in a row, so they got into an argument with the people in the underground shopping mall for no reason.

It's a pity that there are only pictures on it, and I don't know what they said at all.

But Xie Yannan has been here before, although the people who live there feel superior to others, but they will not offend people for no reason, the most likely reason is that the other party did it deliberately, because there are other purposes.

After a while, the conflict became a bit irresistible, and the two sides fought.

At this time, the security guards hidden in every corner of the mall rushed out, holding black electric shock batons, intending to directly use force against this group of unkind people.

But what happened, this group of provocative men took out a gun each, and shot each of these spectators.

Xie Yannan already understood when he saw this.Isn't this gun the same paralysis gun Wang Hui used to attack them?Xie Yannan could see clearly.

As soon as the needle inside was issued, the person who was shot would stand there straight and unable to move.

This is obviously Chi Guoguo's attack.

Looking further down, Xie Yannan couldn't bear it anymore, almost the entire refuge was brutally murdered.The man was killed immediately after being stunned, and the woman was dragged to an unknown corner, which happened to be in the blind spot of surveillance, and only one man with one head could be seen coming out of it, sweating profusely.

Don't think about it, you know what disgusting things happened there, and it was used as a tool.

(End of this chapter)

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