Doomsday: Unlimited upgrades to the shelter

Chapter 102 Upgrading Laser Defense (Subscribe)

Chapter 102 Upgrading Laser Defense (Subscribe)
Qin Xiaocheng found a trailer, moved the group of people onto the trailer, then pushed the trailer out of the canyon, and turned back after a while.

"Brother Nan, it's been dealt with. It's estimated that after tonight, they won't even have bones left."

"Okay, our defense is still too weak, even people can come in and out at will, let alone zombies."

Xie Yannan frowned, fiddled with the gun in his hand, thoughtfully.The most powerful defense so far is actually the laser tunnel.

It would be nice to have that kind of laser tunnel all around.

Xie Yannan looked back at Ma Wu, he seemed to be lost in thought.

"Uncle Ma, if we strengthen the defense around here, will it work to build laser tunnels?"

Ma Wu shook his head, "I've seen your laser tunnel. It is indeed lethal to slow-moving monsters. It is also the weapon with the strongest defense ability at present, but it is only limited to in-situ defense. If there are moving monsters, wear them After the laser tunnel is broken, it will not play any role.

"But we can set up an arc-shaped laser tunnel, similar to an oval-shaped runway, to wrap the entire mountaintop, with closed lasers on both sides, and intermittent lasers on the runway between the two sides. In this way, even if it is a monster, it can If you get around by luck, the two secret laser rings will also cause a lot of damage to it."

Xie Yannan understood what Ma Wu meant, that is to completely remove the original defenses. Those crossbows and barbed wire are not a big deal, they can be recycled into the system.

"What about the air defense? It also adopts the laser design mode? Install a laser ray at a small distance? Arrange all the laser rays at the center of the valley according to the layout of the crossbow?"

"This is indeed the most effective method at present. As long as it is not a very small mutant monster, or a very fast mutant monster, it is impossible to break in."

Ma Wu nodded, this valley seems to have everything in place, but in fact it is basically defenseless, and the situation is worrying.

While they were chatting, Wei Xiaofei walked up from the basement and said, "Brother Nan, are you okay? You know that if I came up just now, I wouldn't be able to do anything. Instead, I could only cause trouble for you."

As she spoke, she handed over her own sachet, which contained refreshing mint, "I made one for everyone, not only to prevent the situation just now, but also to prevent mosquitoes."

Wei Xiaofei distributed the sachets in his hands to everyone.Although Ma Wu is the elder, she handed the sachet to Qin Xiaocheng first, which made Xie Yannan, who always thought Wei Xiaofei was very sensible, couldn't help but thump in his heart.

"You all should go back. It's almost dawn. I want to think about how to deal with the defense."

Seeing that everyone had dispersed, Xie Yannan sat alone on the stone bench next to him. He didn't expect that it would be so difficult to run a shelter. Previously, he was so busy doing infrastructure construction that he ignored the weakest defense works.

He worked there for a while, thought about the method Ma Wu said, and thought it was feasible, but in this way, although he resisted foreign monsters, his compatriots could not pass through the laser protection net at will.

If you want to do it, follow the orders and prohibit it, and treat everyone equally, including Wei Xiaofei and Xiaoxiao. In this way, if someone has the heart of rebellion, I can't be caught off guard.

To be honest, the person he wants to guard against most now is that man named Ma Wu, he is really unpredictable, as if he knows everything.

【The system has automatically turned on the storage function】

[several steel protective nets]

[Sell or store]

[Sale: 2000 points]

[System points have been updated, currently 30529]

[200 crossbows]

[Sell or store]


This thing is really worthless.After this time, Xie Yannan already has a clear plan. After calculating, if he wants to buy things from the system or upgrade things, he must also ensure that they can be used later to maximize the utilization. If you buy and sell like this, the points will be all Let the system earn back again.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

【Upgrade laser protection net】

[Whether the system automatically generates drawings: 2000 points]


[Upload conceptual design drawings]

【Required points: 25000 points】

【Whether to plan an upgrade】


【Whether additional functions are added】


[System points have been updated, there are 5529 points]

【System processing...】

[Basin valley defense increased by 20%]

After a while, Xie Yannan clearly felt that even in the dark field of vision, there were more pillars erected around him.At that time, the base tower was necessary for firing lasers.

But Xie Yannan didn't keep the laser on all the time, there's no need to waste resources like this, although the energy in the valley now comes from meteorites, it's not known how long this end-of-the-world situation will last.

And in the later stage, Xie Yannan plans to build some higher-tech weapons, and the source of energy will all depend on these meteorites, so save as much as you can.

Now there are a bunch of bows and crossbows in the system. Xie Yannan plans to gather all the crossbows and install them on the top of the gate of the basin, densely linked together. The gate is currently the weakest place in the defense of the valley, because The area involved is very broad, and he hasn't thought of a good solution yet.

Even if there are any monsters attacking, these two hundred crossbows can resist for a long time.It is unrealistic to use laser defense, because it involves switches, which can easily hurt one's own people.

[The system has automatically turned on the smart mode]

[Upgrade the defense of the gate]

[Materials: 200 crossbows]

【Upload idea drawings】

【Processing fee: 1000 points】

【Whether to upgrade】


[System points have been updated, there are 4529 points]

[System upgrade...]

[Basin valley defense increased by 5%]

It was almost dawn, Xie Yannan tiptoed down to the basement, reckoning that Xiaoxiao and Wei Xiaofei should have fallen asleep long ago, but found that Xiaoxiao was standing at the bottom of the laser tunnel with her eyes open.

"Little girl, what's wrong with you?" Xie Yannan was a little puzzled.

"Brother, I heard a sound from the system: it has entered automatic sleep mode. Then I couldn't move here, but the strange thing is that I don't feel tired at all, but I can hear all the wind and grass outside clearly. "

Xiaoxiao said everything calmly.

When it comes to robots, Xie Yannan has completely forgotten about his Liwa robot, and he doesn't know where Hui Wanghui and his group are going.

"Xiaoxiao, you lie on the bed and try it out. Let Uncle Ma help you look at the program tomorrow. Is there any way to adjust it? It's not a solution if you stand here."

(End of this chapter)

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