Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 61 Demon Hunting Points (2 more!)

Chapter 61 Demon Hunting Points (Two Updates!)

The knight statue is indeed a good strengthening item, but the process of strengthening it is not so smooth, because it allows Ling Feng to try again and fail to strengthen it.

The knight statue was strengthened by Ling Feng three days ago, that is, the night of the hospital accident.

Due to the successful enhancement of Xiaofengjian card and its anti-sky effect, Lingfeng once again chose the previous collection as the enhancement target.

For the purpose of probing, Ling Feng chose an unimpressive knight statue as the strengthening target. Unexpectedly, this attempt made Ling Feng taste the taste of failure twice.

Fortunately, the failure of the enhancement will not cause the items that received the enhancement to disappear, so Li Yi started the third normal enhancement.

Because there are only three chances for ordinary enhancements a day, Li Yi planned that if the enhancement was not successful this time, he planned to enhance the quality, because he was very curious about what was so special about the statue of the knight that the enhancement failed.

Fortunately, he wasn't too wrong, um...he really thought so at the time.

Under Ling Feng's expectation, the third strengthening was finally successful.

After testing the skills of the knight statue, he was very happy.

The continuous use of quality enhancement has strengthened the two models, and the enhancement results are indeed good.

Name: bear model

Quality: Excellent
Type: plastic model

Rating: 1
Rugged: 2
Beautiful: 2
Skill: Bear Strength
Bear Power: Strength +2, stackable (lasts 3 minutes)

Durability: 3/3
Description: Feel it?The roar of the bear, this is the power of the bear that resides in it, it can make you infinitely powerful.

Name: The Nun of Prayer
Quality: Excellent
Type: plastic model

Rating: 1
Rugged: 2
Beautiful: 3
Ability: Prayer of Healing

Prayer of Healing: Heal friendly troops with a radius of one meter, and the healing level is model level*1.

Durability: 3/3
Description: Praying is not in vain, this model will allow you to witness miracles.

Whether it is power blessing or treatment, they are both very practical abilities, not to mention stackable power blessing and range of treatment.

Maybe it was because the strengthening on this day exhausted Ling Feng's luck, and in the strengthening on the second day, Ling Feng found a familiar feeling again.

That's what Africa feels like.

On the second day, even though there was no strengthening failure, Ling Feng had a bitter look on his face, and these bitterness came from a bunch of beautiful models.

They're delicate, they're beautiful, they're lifelike, but useless, useless, useless.

They are all models with a beauty of 4 or more, even a glare effect, and a skill of "simulating a real person".

But what's the use of simulating a real person? It's just a simulation of a real person. Although it feels and looks like a real person, what's the use? It can't move. It's still a model of a muscular man. What's the use! ! !

Ling Feng couldn't figure out why he chose this model to strengthen, and why he didn't choose a young lady.

Choosing a young lady can at least be eye-catching, um, eye-catching.

Ling Feng calmed down the turbulent emotions, packed up the things that should be packed, put on the lightning backpack and went downstairs.

Luo Lingxue has to go to work today, apart from Ling Feng, Alice, and
Fatty Huang Jiji.

This fat man, since chatting with Alice three days ago, has been running to Ling Feng except during class time.

If it wasn't for Ling Feng holding his sword against the dead fat man's neck, he probably would have slept at Ling Feng's house even to sleep.

"Alice, I'm going out. I probably won't be back at noon. If you're hungry, there are ingredients in the fridge that you can cook yourself, or you can order takeaway." Ling Feng said to Alice who was chatting with Huang Jiji.

After Ling Feng finished speaking, he turned to look at Huang Jiji and said: "Damn fat man, let me clean up the garbage you left after eating, otherwise, I will help you improve your physical fitness." As he said that, Ling Feng showed an evil smile. .

Huang Jiji on the sofa shuddered, stood up, raised his head and chest, and shouted loudly: "Got it, Brother Feng, go slowly."

On how to improve physical fitness, Huang Jiji has something to say.

It's very simple, as long as you stand still and let Ling Feng beat you up, when you are beaten to death, take a sip of Ling Feng's brand of water, and it only takes three seconds, your waist will not be sore, and your face will not be sore. No more pain, refreshed and full of vigor.

Then he was beaten by Ling Feng.

Repeatedly, not only the physical fitness has been improved, but also the willpower has been exercised.

Knowing the miraculous effects of this method, Huang Jiji said that he never wants to try it again.

On the night of the accident in the hospital, Captain Tielong came to Lingfeng's house and brought two good news.

The first news is that Ling Feng made a great contribution by eliminating the undead warriors who suddenly appeared before. The East Lake Branch of the Demon Hunting Association (Special Battle Base for Hunting Demons) decided to give him a cash reward of 10 yuan, and the equivalent of completing two The point reward for the C-level task is 100 points.

The second news is similar. Ling Feng sealed the ghost-level ghost monster that attacked the hospital and made a great contribution. The Donghu City Branch of the Demon Hunting Guild decided to give him a cash reward of 10 yuan, as well as the equivalent of completing three C-level tasks. Bonus points, which is 150 points.

Needless to say, cash came in time as Ling Feng happened to be short of money.

As for the points, it is the abbreviation of Hunting Demon Points. Every time you complete a task, in addition to the task rewards, you can also get corresponding point rewards according to the task level, 10 points for E-level tasks, 20 points for D-level tasks, and 50 points for C-level tasks. Two hundred points for B-level tasks, five hundred points for A-level tasks, and one thousand points for S-level tasks.

This is just the official standard given by the Demon Hunting Guild. In fact, A-level and S-level missions have never appeared. The highest-level missions that have appeared are only B-level missions, and there are very few of them.

Later, the officials divided each task into smaller levels. Starting with D-level tasks, each level of tasks is further divided into five sub-levels, just like the level of strength, D1, D2, D3, D4, and D5. analogy.

However, there is no difference in the point rewards obtained for each small-level task, and the division of small levels is only to better distinguish the difficulty of the task.

As for the function of the points, in addition to being used to exchange for special items provided by the Demon Hunting Guild, they can also be used as currency for trading among members of the Demon Hunting Guild.

In the current situation where D-level missions are the mainstream, points seem to be quite valuable.

In the flea market of the Demon Hunting Terminal, someone bid 1000 yuan per point to buy points.

In other words, judging from this alone, the points in Ling Feng's hands are worth 25.

25 may seem like a lot, but Ling Feng believes that the value of 250 points itself is definitely more than 25, otherwise, the transaction volume of that person's store would not be so small.

And after Ling Feng visited the flea market and the official store of the Demon Hunting Guild, he felt that his idea was correct.

 Thanks to Dantai Hongcai, my name is Habit, CCTZ, how difficult it is to come up with a name, and Ched for the recommendation ticket

(End of this chapter)

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