Chapter 41 Pastor?

"Thank you." Hua Wuyou smiled.

"You're welcome." Ling Feng smiled, turned his head away, and looked at the distant sky through the window.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the moon and stars are rare.

Looking at the bright moonlight, Ling Feng frowned slightly, as if he had forgotten something.

Suddenly, he turned his head and asked Hua Wuyou, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"About eight hours." Hua Wuyou said after looking up at the clock hanging on the wall with Ling Feng's back against it.

Ling Feng followed Hua Wuyou's gaze, only to find that there was a round clock on the wall he was leaning against. At this time, the hour hand of the clock was pointing to 11, and the minute hand was pointing to 3.

Combined with Hua Wuyou's answer, Ling Feng came up with the current time.


"It's over, I accidentally released Lingxue's plane"

Ling Feng has already remembered what he forgot.It turned out that seven o'clock tonight was Luo Lingxue's graduation party, and he had promised Luo Lingxue to attend it before.It's already past eleven o'clock in the evening, and the graduation party should be over.

"However, with my current injury, even if the graduation party is not over, going there will only cause trouble." Ling Feng sighed and thought.

As the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.How did Ling Feng know that he would encounter so many things today, and even ended up being seriously injured. Now he still has to think about how to explain his injury to Luo Lingxue.

"What's the matter?" Hua Wuyou who was next to him asked with concern when he saw Ling Feng's sudden look of melancholy.

Hearing this, Ling Feng raised his head, looked at Hua Wuyou with a concerned face, hesitated a little, and said, "I'm thinking about how to explain the injury to my girlfriend."

After a pause, Ling Feng added: "She still doesn't know my current occupation and ability."

"." After listening to Ling Feng's words, Hua Wuyou fell silent. For ordinary people who don't know the existence of monsters, they can't easily disclose their occupations and information related to monsters.

In doing so, in addition to the need to block news, it is also a way to protect ordinary people.After all, neither demon hunters nor monsters are easy to mess with, and rash contact will only lead ordinary people who have no self-protection power into danger.

"By the way, I remember that the code says 'For ordinary people who don't know the existence of demons', and my girlfriend is a witness to the attack of the blood-eyed mad lion, can it be properly disclosed?" Ling Feng recalled The sentence in the newcomer's handbook keenly captured the loopholes in the premise of the confidentiality requirement.

"That's right, but for ordinary people, it's not good to know too much." Hua Wuyou said after hesitating.

"I have a sense of proportion." After Hua Wuyou's affirmation, Ling Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Ling Feng and Luo Lingxue have been in love for many years, if Ling Feng doesn't say anything, Luo Lingxue won't ask, but if it goes on for a long time, sooner or later something will go wrong.

To maintain a relationship, trust between each other is very important.And a large part of trust comes from the limited confession of both parties. If one party does not say anything and blindly conceals it, it will only make the other party think wildly and plant hidden dangers for this relationship.

With the accumulation of time, when the suspicion or uneasiness of the other party reaches a critical point, just a little spark can plunge this relationship into an unprecedented crisis or even beyond redemption.

"Please hand over my backpack." Ling Feng saw early on that his equipment was placed on the bed next to him, and the changed clothes were among them.


Ling Feng found the lightning backpack, unzipped it, and took out the phone.

Turning on the lock screen, Ling Feng saw many missed calls, most of which were from Luo Lingxue, and two were from Huang Jiji.

In addition, he also received many WeChat messages.

Luo Lingxue: Ling Feng, where are you?Reached?

Luo Lingxue: Ling Feng?

Luo Lingxue: It's already eight o'clock and you haven't come yet. Are you going to let me fly?
Luo Lingxue: Are you there?Just call me back.

Luo Lingxue: Why didn't you answer my call? What happened?
Luo Lingxue: It's ten o'clock, so hurry up and get back to me, otherwise I'll ignore you.

Luo Lingxue: It's eleven o'clock. I've arrived at your house and met your friend. Where did you go?

Luo Lingxue: You idiot, please reply to me quickly. I'm so worried about you.
Looking at the WeChat messages, Ling Feng sighed. As I said just now, Luo Lingxue was a witness to the attack by the blood-eyed wild lion, and she knew that there were some secrets about Ling Feng.

Luo Lingxue must be very worried that Ling Feng can't be contacted suddenly now.


"Ling Feng, you finally called me, are you okay?" Luo Lingxue's joyful voice came from the other end of the phone, but at the same time there was deep concern.

"Lingxue, I'm sorry to make you worry." Ling Feng said guiltily.

"Big idiot, as long as you're fine, where are you now? I'll go find you!"

"I'm fine now. I'm outside. Come find me tomorrow. It's too late now. It's too dangerous for you to be alone." After repeated hesitation, Ling Feng still didn't tell the news that he was in the hospital. Anyway, he didn't have it now. What a danger.

After a while, the Healing Bottle will generate another drop of healing spring water. As long as he drinks it, Ling Feng will be able to recover to a good degree. Tomorrow, he will tell Luo Lingxue that he is in the hospital.

At that time, even if Luo Lingxue came to the hospital, Ling Feng would be fine, so there was no need for Luo Lingxue to worry about him.

".Oh well"



"I'll tell you my secret tomorrow"

"Really?" Luo Lingxue's voice was full of surprise.

"I lied to you as a puppy."

"Then it's settled, Ling puppy."

"Why are you calling now?"

"Who told you to let me fly"

"By the way, Lingxue, remember to bring Alice here, I have a solution to the language communication problem. Well, that's it for now, see you tomorrow."


After hanging up the phone, the ward with Ling Feng alone returned to calm again, and Hua Wuyou left as early as Ling Feng started calling.

"Oh, I forgot to ask her about the Demon Hunting Equipment and the Demon Hunting Guild again." After making the phone call, Ling Feng thought while looking at the chair Hua Wuyou used to sit on.

"Be sure to remember next time." Ling Feng secretly made up his mind that he must ask these things the next time he sees Hua Wuyou.

"Remember what?"

Suddenly, Hua Wuyou pushed open the door and asked.

"Hey, you didn't leave?"

"Of course, why would I leave you alone? After all, you were injured only to intercept monsters that suddenly appeared. You can be regarded as a self-sacrificing hero. For a hero, the country will not treat you badly." Worry-free said, and slowly walked into the ward, followed by a young woman.

"This is Ji Mengfei, the pastor specially invited by the state for you."

"What? Priest?"

 Thank you for coming, Yezuo Ubinie, for the recommendation ticket without sip

(End of this chapter)

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