Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 4 Monsters Are the Source of Danger

Chapter 4 Monsters Are the Source of Danger

"Ah" Wang Hu uttered a scream, and immediately fell backwards, but was hit hard by the younger brother who had no time to dodge, and fell forward with his face down
"Ah" there was another shrill scream. It must have been a secondary injury to the bloody nose.

Hearing Wang Hu's screams, even Ling Feng, who had been on the battlefield, couldn't help but mourn him in silence. To a certain extent, the nose is also one of the key points of a person, and it hurts a lot if it is hit.

Although he felt a little sympathetic to Wang Hu, his hands were merciless. He punched one of the two gangsters who hadn't had time to stand still, and the fist hit the bridge of their noses with precision. What a terrible punch.

After leaving the Xuyu battlefield, Ling Feng seemed to have returned to his previous personality with a little escapism.

What is it called? Ling Feng frowned, and while thinking about it, he moved his hands, and arranged the two punks neatly, with their faces on the ground, next to the first down punk, "I remembered, this trick should It's called Friendship Poyan Fist." Ling Feng exclaimed, scaring the last gangster back a step, and sat down on the ground.

"No, I don't have friendship with you." After finishing speaking, Ling Feng took a step forward and threw a precise punch with lightning speed.

Seeing the last gangster also covering his nose and falling to the ground, Ling Feng clapped his hands proudly and said, "This way you are all in order." After easily killing the threat, Ling Feng felt very happy.

Suddenly, the sense of crisis that he thought would disappear suddenly rose to a higher level, and Ling Feng felt a chill behind his back: "Damn, the source of the danger is not them." A thought flashed in his mind, and Ling Feng quickly pulled out the Han sword in his hand , ignoring the punk rolling under his feet, and looked around vigilantly.

Under the dim light, the abandoned street in front of him was clear at a glance. Except for Ling Feng himself and the four gangsters who got up and prepared to fight back, there was no one else, not even a kitten or dog.

But Ling Feng didn't relax his vigilance. He clearly felt that he was being targeted by something. It's a pity that this body limited his perception, and he couldn't exert his powerful spirit. Otherwise, he wouldn't have to be so passive. .

"Stinky boy, you have offended me. Don't think you can scare me with a craft sword of the same style from Taobao. You must know that I was Wang Hu back then." Wang Hu held his nose and spoke fiercely. After he finished speaking, he was so frightened by Ling Feng's cold eyes that he couldn't make a sound.

"Shut up!" Ling Feng, who pulled out the Han sword, seemed to have returned to the peak of the sword soul, and the majestic momentum suddenly frightened the gangsters so that they dared not speak out.

"Don't say I didn't warn you, get out now, or you will be responsible for the consequences." Ling Feng's aura had reached its peak, and the invisible pressure mixed with murderous aura spread around. Even though he didn't specifically target a few gangsters, he killed countless people. The murderous aura accumulated by the monster, even if it is the aftermath, cannot be resisted by a few brave gangsters.

No, as soon as Ling Feng finished speaking, several gangsters rolled and crawled away from this terrifying place.

As soon as the gangsters left, Ling Feng was left alone in the gloomy and quiet abandoned street, and the atmosphere became even more depressing.

Ling Feng concentrated his energy, separated his feet, moved his center of gravity downward, and held the sword handle with his right hand, as if drawing a sword.This is a fighting state he is good at, as long as the enemy strikes, he can draw his sword to meet the enemy with the fastest posture.

"Huh~" The breeze blew by, rolling up a piece of waste paper on the ground, and the white and erratic figure was like a ghost in the gloomy street.

"Huhu~" Another faint sound of wind sounded, and Ling Feng's heart tightened, "The enemy is coming."

After two years of fighting, Ling Feng's combat quality has reached an extremely high level, and his strong combat intuition can directly determine the enemy's attack direction.

"Rear right!" Without any hesitation, Ling Feng stepped forward and immediately used his waist to turn around and strike.

"Sword Skill Half Moon!" The ancient Han sword turned into a stream of light, drew a murderous crescent moon, and slashed towards the black shadow falling from the sky.
"Bang!" "Aww!"

The dull impact sound and the beast-like scream sounded almost at the same time, and the black shadow falling from the sky was swept away by Ling Feng's long-prepared sword skills.

"Walk on the Wind · Flash"

After hitting the target, Ling Feng didn't stop, and at this time, he must take advantage of the victory to pursue.

He stepped on nimble sliding steps and quickly approached the target. The blade cut the air at an extremely fast speed, making bursts of hissing sounds, and slashed across the neck of the enemy, and purple-black blood spurted out.

"Treading the Wind·Two ​​Flashes"

"Windwalking·Three Flashes"

As the saying goes, if one mistake is made, the whole game will be lost. After Ling Feng took advantage of "Sword Skill Half Moon", he launched a thunderous offensive, "Treading the Wind - One Flash", "Two Flashes" and "Three Flashes" across the board successively The monster's left neck, left leg, and right neck finally pierced the monster's left eye and brain with a sharp stab, then abandoned the sword and retreated, just right to avoid the monster's dying counterattack.

"Hoo~ho~ho~" Lingfeng propped his sword scabbard on the ground and let out a heavy breathing sound. Although the battle only lasted a few seconds, the fierce and exhaustive offensive almost exhausted all his energy. He was also mentally exhausted.

"Kill the spirit wolf, experience +1, level up."

Ling Feng ignored the prompts coming from his mind, and began to carefully observe the attacker's body while resting.

The dark hair, the head with a long sword stuck in it, the claws and claws gleaming with cold light, the ferocious backstab, the body the size of an adult wolf dog, and the purple-black blood splattered all over the ground, all these remind Ling Feng that he seems to be Encountered something.

"Spirit Wolf, insidious and cunning, good at sneak attacks, outstanding in agility, an assassin hidden in the shadows." A clear voice came from behind Ling Feng, who was shocked, but he didn't choose to turn back, but forced his body to move quickly Forward, pull out the Han sword, and form a sword-drawing style. The sharp and fast sword-drawing technique is very suitable for the current situation.

"Boy, you can kill the ghost wolf beast so quickly, you are really strong." With long black hair, a delicate face, and a devil figure, the unidentified beauty stood frivolously not far from Ling Feng, with an appreciative smile on her face. , a black tights show her figure vividly.

"Who are you?" Ling Feng stood guard with his sword, his eyes wandering between the two daggers tied to her thighs and the long knife on her back.Whether it was the time of appearance, the relaxed look, or the equipment on her body, it all showed that this woman in front of her was not an ordinary woman. Most importantly, Ling Feng still felt a sense of oppression on her body.

This is a strong man, Ling Feng thought.

"Oh, don't you know, is it a basic courtesy to introduce yourself before asking someone's name?" The woman put her chin on her hand and said with great interest.

After hearing the words, Ling Feng frowned slightly, ignored the woman's words, still looked at her vigilantly, and said, "What's the matter?"

"You're quite wary." The woman raised her eyebrows, "I don't mean any harm." After she finished speaking, she spread her unarmed hands, the meaning was very clear.

Ling Feng hesitated slightly, and then lifted the sword drawing posture. He believed her, not because she was a beautiful woman, but because he knew that if she wanted to kill himself, he probably wouldn't even have the chance to draw the sword. , and the timing of her appearance.

If Ling Feng guessed correctly, when Ling Feng was attacked just now, she had already come here and watched the whole process of killing the ghost wolf beast.If she had any ill intentions towards him, she could have taken the opportunity to sneak attack at the moment she killed the ghost wolf beast.

Of course, in addition to the above reasons, there is another reason, that is, Ling Feng Congxin, he knows that his current state is barely enough to run, so he is Congxin.

Ling Feng stood quietly and looked at the woman, taking the opportunity to recover his strength.

One minute later, Ling Feng spoke calmly.


He slowly retreated a certain distance, then turned around and left quickly, the woman did not stop him, and soon, his figure disappeared at the corner of the street.

"What an interesting boy, and he said goodbye, thinking he was shooting a costume movie." Looking at the street corner where Ling Feng disappeared, the woman covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"However, it really resembles him..." The woman stood there in a daze, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes.

 Tickets, do you have tickets?Give me one! (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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