Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 347 "Lord of Power and Desire" Niu Chong

Chapter 347 "Lord of Power and Desire" Niu Chong

"Ahem. Sister Lihua, according to what you said, the Tyrannosaurus Association is not actually a 'tyrant' organization that oppresses the common people as rumored, but a decent guild that eradicates violence and promotes peace?"

Facing Yu Lihua, who was exuding a terrifying aura for a moment, Lan Yu wisely did not start a conversation, but changed the subject and brought the topic back to the Tyrannosaurus Guild, which had many negative comments.

"Hard to say."

In this regard, Yu Lihua is not too sure.

"Although Wu Jinxiong and others are indeed not good people, we cannot completely deny what they said based on this alone."

"What's more, there are indeed people who witnessed people from the Tyrannosaurus Association arresting or even killing people in the street, but the identities of the people who were killed are unknown. No, this is an indisputable fact.”

"So, whether the Tyrannosaurus Rex Guild is as rumored or not is not certain."

"But what is certain is that if the situation is true, the alliance is inevitable. Otherwise, let alone a large-scale invasion, not to mention ordinary people, even low-level awakened ones may not be able to save their lives. "

Yu Lihua's face became very solemn. Most of the survivors in Lanshan City are scattered in various places in the city in the form of gathering places, most of which are small gathering places with only one or two awakened people.

Although the number of people in such small gathering places is generally small, it is better to survive than some conspicuous medium-sized gathering places or large gathering places as long as they are careful to avoid purple monsters.

But this is in Blue Mountain City, where there are currently few purple monsters. If such a large-scale invasion really happens, if you are lucky, you can hide. If you are unlucky, they will be wiped out without any chance of resistance.

In the eyes of most people, the Tyrannosaurus Association may be a dragon's lair and a tiger's lair that eats people and does not spit out bones, but it is undeniable that its rather militarized management can greatly improve the defense against purple monsters.

Not only that, Yu Lihua has always suspected that there are some secrets hidden behind the high walls of the Tyrannosaurus Association. She even has a feeling that the Tyrannosaurus Association that has been rejected by people may be the last hope of Lanshan City.

"Is the situation...really going to get this bad?"

Lan Yu, who has always been optimistic, also felt the heavy pressure.

"Maybe it will be worse. Before the disaster, we had more than 70 people in Blue Mountain City. What about now?"

"Although we are called the Protector Knights, we actually only have nine Awakened in total. Except you and me, two third-level Awakened, everyone else is just a low-level Awakened. If we really want to fight, Even the lowest-level purple monsters, we may not be able to deal with more than thirty."

"Not to mention, not all of us here are awakened, there are dozens of ordinary people, I am afraid that as long as a dozen purple monsters appear together, we will suffer casualties."

"In comparison, the Tyrannosaurus Guild, which is shrouded in a high wall that is said to be able to isolate space cracks, is much safer, especially for ordinary people who basically have no ability to resist."

Although the facts were cruel, Yu Lihua still kept telling everything.

"And when does the 'Alliance' start?"

After pondering for a while, Lan Yu asked weakly.

"That's not clear yet, but even if we wanted to, it wouldn't necessarily go that smoothly."

After all, not everyone believes the news of a large-scale invasion, and not everyone is willing to give up their power as 'Lord of the Gathering Place'.

For example, Niu Chong, the owner of the shopping mall where Ling Feng is now.

"Boss, what should I do?"

A slightly fat middle-aged man with khaki hair stood anxiously in front of Niu Chong and asked.

His name is Huang Tubai, and he is the only third-level awakened person except Niu Chong in the mall gathering place. His ability is to manipulate rocks and harden defenses, and he is Niu Chong's most powerful subordinate.

"Why panic, isn't it an invasion? You are not an ordinary person who cannot fight back."

Niuchong said with a cigar in his mouth, leaning on the back of the black chair, stroking his smooth bald head with his eyes closed.

"But this is not an ordinary invasion, it is a large-scale invasion, a large-scale invasion that even the fourth-level awakened Zhou Jinlong must be cautious about."

Looking at the unhurried Niu Chong, Huang Tubai said in a panic.

When he went out for activities today, similar to Yu Lihua, he also met the "messenger" sent by Zhou Jinlong, and learned the news that the purple monster was about to invade Lanshan City on a large scale, and then hurried back to tell Niu Chong the shocking news .

But Niu Chong's reaction, Huang Tubai felt a little bad.

"Large-scale invasion? Can't even deal with the fourth-level awakened? Who said that."

Niu Chong glanced at Huang Tubai sideways and said.

"It's Zhou Jinlong's messenger, he."

Huang Tubai thought he hadn't made it clear, and was about to repeat it again, but was interrupted by Niu Chong's shout.

"Fart, Zhou Jinlong invaded when he said we would invade. I also said he would die tomorrow. Why didn't he die?"

Niu Chong roared viciously at Huang Tubai.

Fortunately, there are not many purple monsters in Lanshan City at this time, and the room has been specially sound-proofed, so there is not too much sound coming out, otherwise it will inevitably lead to death.

Huang Tubai was shocked by Niu Chong's roar. Although he was also a third-level awakened person, he was just an auto mechanic before the disaster, and he was inferior to Zeng, the "Black Boss" in terms of combat effectiveness and ruthlessness. " Niu Chong.

Rumor has it that before the disaster, Niu Chong was a ruthless man who could chase people down eighteen streets with a watermelon knife.

Most importantly, after Niu Chong's roar, Huang Tubai seemed to understand something.

Although Zhou Jinlong's "messenger" did not say it clearly, it was mentioned that the alliance was going to the Tyrannosaurus Guild's territory, and once he went to the Tyrannosaurus Guild's territory, Niu Chong, the owner and strongest person in the shopping mall gathering place, was nothing more than It's just a slightly stronger third-level awakener.

Not to mention the entire Blue Mountain City, even in the mysterious Tyrannosaurus Guild, Niu Chong's fighting power is not in the top ten, even in the top twenty.

And Niu Chong is a person with a strong desire for power. If he hadn't rescued him before, his combat power would be relatively weak. With his status as a third-level awakened person, Niu Chong might not let him stay in the gathering place.

After all, as a third-level awakened person, there are many threats to his "rule".

Even a third-level awakener is afraid that Niu Chong, who threatens his "rule", will go to the Tyrannosaurus Guild that has a fifth-level awakener?
After staying by Niu Chong's side for a while, Huang Tubai, who understood Niu Chong as a human being, figured out the joints, and suddenly looked at Niu Chong differently, and other thoughts sprouted in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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