Chapter 331 Cracks
Trial Card: Mugla Village Cemetery

Card Quality: Normal

Card Level: 3
Card effect: open or upgrade the exclusive space
Description: The system absorbs the trial card formed by the original core of the trial land [Ghost Graveyard], which can be used to activate or open the exclusive space.

The introduction of the trial card [Mugola Village Cemetery] is still very simple, except that the card level is two levels higher than the previous [Cyanwood Forest], Li Yi didn't see any advantages.

For others, a high card level is a good advantage, but for Ling Feng, who has a strange enhancement system, this advantage is not an advantage at all.

So what if the level is low, just strengthen it and you can go up.

Moreover, since the trial card is formed by absorbing the original core of ten consecutive drops, the attributes will be more or less related to the previous trial ground.

Compared to the eerie [Ghost Graveyard], Ling Feng prefers the [Forest Clearing Occupied by Rabbits] with pleasant scenery and comfortable environment.

'I can only get trial cards of [Yin Beast Building] at most in a short period of time. Although the level of [Yin Beast Building] is relatively high, the strengthened trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land] may not be worse than it . '

'Moreover, compared to the environment of the [Yin Beast Mansion], the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land] produced in the [Forest Clearing Occupied by Rabbits] should be even better. '

"But [Yin Beast Building] has an advantage. Because it is a modern urban environment, it has many modern metals, parts and other supports."

"It is helpful to the manufacture of the mechanical legion, but it is only a certain amount of help. If you want to create a more powerful mechanical legion, those materials are not enough at all."

"Besides, since [Yin Beast Mansion] has these unique resources, the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land] may also have unique advantages. It may be a place full of aura. Practice will help."

After seeing that the trial card [Mugola Village Cemetery] produced by [Ghost Graveyard] had similarly simple information, Ling Feng began to weigh the pros and cons with the scant information, mainly considering what trial card he would use to open a dedicated space.

There are only three trial cards that Ling Feng can get in a short period of time, which are produced in the three single-player trial places he opened.

[Ghost Cemetery] is filled with gloom and the environment is gloomy and depressing. Except for those special trees whose specific functions are not clear, there are no special products that have not been found for the time being. Therefore, the trial card [Mugola Village Cemetery] produced by it is The least favored by Ling Feng, he was immediately excluded from being a core card by Ling Feng.

Literally speaking, the exclusive space may belong to Ling Feng alone, or it may be a similar personal base. He doesn't want his base to be a gloomy and depressing cemetery all the year round.

The most important thing is that in [Ghost Graveyard], there are no special products that Ling Feng can look up to, and the trial cards produced by it are probably similar.

After excluding the trial card [Mugola Village Cemetery], Ling Feng has two options left, one is the strengthened [Aoki Spiritual Land], and the other is the [Yin Beast Mansion] that has not been fully cleared. 】The unknown trial card produced.

Since the trial card is formed by systematically absorbing the origin of the trial place, Ling Feng believes that the exclusive space it opens has a lot to do with the origin of the trial card.

Therefore, what Ling Feng is hesitating about now is probably whether he wants the low-level resources of [Yin Beast Mansion] or the comfortable environment of [Aoki Spiritual Land].

After much consideration, Ling Feng decided to choose [Aoki Spiritual Land] as the core card of the exclusive space.

After all, the resources in [Yin Beast Mansion] are actually not too rare, but the environment in [Forest Clearing Occupied by Rabbits] is even more rare, and the green wood that grows in it is actually an excellent timber resource , the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land] after system enhancement may have precious resources related to it.

"Then, use the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land]."

"Ding, are you sure to use the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land]?"

"It is detected that the exclusive space is in an inactive state, and the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land] will be used as a core card to activate the exclusive space."

"From then on, the trial cards other than [Aoki Spiritual Land] will exist as supplementary cards."

"This process is irreversible, please consider carefully."

After Ling Feng silently used the trial card [Aoki Spirit Land], the familiar prompt appeared again.

This time, after thinking about it, Ling Feng directly chose "Yes" without hesitation.

"Ding, confirm to use the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land]."

"Exclusive Space is Opening"

"Ding, the exclusive space has been successfully opened, and the trial card [Aoki Spiritual Land] has been selected as the core card."

"The exclusive space and the core card are beginning to merge. After the fusion is successful, detailed data will be generated based on the core card."

"The fusion time is estimated to be four hours, please be patient."

Looking at the series of prompts that popped up, Ling Feng curled his lips, and it still takes time to fuse. It seems that this exclusive space is quite crowded.

Ling Feng looked up at the time. It was already past six o'clock. The [Wilderness Fighting League] finals started at eight o'clock in the evening, and now there are less than two hours left.

"For the 100 million bonus, let's have a meal first, and then go online and prepare..."

After undressing the Black Dragon Soarer, Ling Feng took off the [Black Dragon Demon Armor Belt] and put it in the system backpack.

"What would you like to eat?"

"Or a buffet?"

"The restaurant we ate at today was pretty good. Not only was it cheap, but the ingredients tasted good too."

Ling Feng immediately thought of the self-service hot pot restaurant that he ate at noon, but then thought of the weird expressions of the waiters, and dismissed this idea.

With his appetite, if he always eats at the same restaurant, he might overwhelm the entire restaurant. It’s okay to go once in a while, but it’s embarrassing to go too much.

"Why don't you die? I ate quite a lot at noon today and I don't seem to be very hungry. Can we have a big meal after the game in the evening when we get the bonus?"

"Well, it's such a happy decision."

Ling Feng took out a piece of chocolate and gnawed slowly, nodded, and was about to go back to the room and go online to make some adaptive preparations.

"Ding dong."

A message popped up suddenly, Ling Feng took a closer look and found that it was Ge Xiaoyu.

"What's the matter with me? Does she want to invite me to dinner again?"

With a hint of doubt, Ling Feng clicked on the message from Ge Xiaoyu.

"Chen Feng, Ziyi and I discovered a strange thing."

There is also a picture under the information, and Ling Feng zooms in to see it.

The place on the picture seems to be the cubicle of a certain toilet. This is not the point. The point is that there is a strange crack above the squat toilet in this cubicle, about the size of a fist, suspended in mid-air.

Through this small crack, Ling Feng can see the scenery that is incompatible with the toilet cubicle, brown tree trunks, dense and strange vines, behind the crack seems to be a forest.

"What is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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