Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 300 Malicious sight, warning!

Chapter 300 Malicious sight, warning!

Needless to say, Zhang Shen was taken aback by Ling Feng's righteousness, Ge Xiaoyu and Luo Ziyi had no doubts, Lou Zhengyang was expressionless, Gu Tianyu and Yang Zhengchu looked at each other without speaking.

In short, the matter was decided by Li Yi.

After thinking about it, for the safety of several people, Ling Feng suggested to let them stay here first, go up and clean up the monsters on the first floor, and they will follow up. Every time Ling Feng clears a floor, they will go up to the next floor. It not only ensures their safety, but also keeps them from being too far away from Ling Feng, so that Ling Feng can return in time if something happens.

A few people, well, mainly Lou Zhengyang and the other three, the other three have no fighting power, and they couldn't help if they wanted to, so they consciously accepted Ling Feng's arrangement.

After listening to Ling Feng's words, Lou Zhengyang and the others felt that what Ling Feng said was quite reasonable. As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry, and they can deal with Yin ghosts, but Yin evil beasts are a bit reluctant.

They are not people who seek wealth and wealth. Facing a large number of high-level monsters, they wisely accepted Ling Feng's suggestion. They have also seen Ling Feng's strength. Killing monsters is easier than mowing grass. They are equivalent to three-legged cats. Don't bother others.

"Then it's decided, you wait here now, I will come as I go."

After finishing speaking, Ling Feng let [Starry Night] enter the state of the "Demon Slayer" sword again, and rushed up the fourth floor from the next stairs without looking back.

The structure of the whole unfinished building is almost the same. Except for the exit of the stairs and the pillars, there are only some small sundries left over from the fourth floor. On the dark floor, more than a dozen monsters are scattered everywhere. Moving slowly.

Until Ling Feng officially flew into the fourth floor, the entire fourth floor was like a hornet's nest that was stabbed. The slow-moving monster suddenly seemed to be enraged, and rushed towards Ling Feng aggressively. A sinister beast even flew towards Ling Feng directly. Fortunately, Ling Feng was wearing the helmet of a black dragon soarer, otherwise he would have smelled the stench from their mouths.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick."

"Sword Skill: Full Moon Slash"

The silver-red sharp [Starry Night] sword drew an arc around Ling Feng at an extremely fast speed, and the hot flames suddenly lit up. The bodies of several evil beasts.

After that, Ling Feng flew forward suddenly.

Ling Feng left suddenly, and several vicious beasts collided directly. A smooth incision was made on the ferocious black head, and even the brain was sliced ​​into two halves. The entire skull was only connected by a thin layer of skin. Together, the scene seemed a bit bloody.

However, the lives of these vicious beasts are very tenacious. A small half of their brains have been cut off and they are not completely dead. Their huge bodies are still twitching after hugging the ground.

Ling Feng had no choice but to turn back and decapitate a few vicious beast owls. After the system reminded them, their bodies quickly turned into gray smoke and disappeared without a trace.

For the other monsters, Ling Feng did the same. If he couldn't kill him with one sword, he would strike again. After ten seconds, the monsters on the fourth floor were cleared by Ling Feng.

As the initiator, Ling Feng did not stay too long and quickly went downstairs to inform others.

After the others moved to the fourth floor, Ling Feng rushed to the fifth floor and started killing.

In this way, although the number of monsters gradually increased with the rise of the floor, Ling Feng still cleared the floor at an average rate of ten seconds per floor.

This unfinished building has a total of thirteen floors. After about 3 minutes, Ling Feng came to the No.13 floor.

At this time, Ling Feng had killed more than 200 monsters in this building, and the experience value of the singular enhancement system had also soared to more than 1000 points, which should be enough to raise the system level by several levels.

Ling Feng is looking forward to what kind of surprises the upgrade of the singular enhancement system will bring him.

"Phew, it's the last floor. After finishing this floor, we can come to an end."

To be honest, it's good to get the rewards from being crushed like this, but it's also quite boring.

In addition, the whole building is covered by Yin Qi, and there is a cold and dark feeling everywhere. Although Ling Feng's body will not be affected by this, as a living person, he prefers the feeling of being in the sun.

Therefore, Ling Feng didn't want to stay in a place like this for too long, so it would be good to leave as soon as possible.

"Well, this layer feels a little different."

Ling Feng, who was suspended in the corridor, frowned and thought.

As the topmost floor of the entire unfinished building, where the Gate of the Yin Beast is located, the concentration of yin energy on the thirteenth floor is of course the highest in the entire building, and the temperature in the floor has therefore dropped to a very low level, compared to the twelfth floor. The building dropped a full four or five degrees Celsius, close to freezing point.

And the strangest thing is that, as the location of the Gate of Yin Beasts, the thirteenth floor is not as densely packed with ghosts and evil beasts as Ling Feng imagined.

When Ling Feng looked from the corridor, it was empty instead. Except for the 'clouds' formed by the very thick gray mist on the floor and ceiling of the floor, Ling Feng didn't even see a single monster.

"How is this going?"

Ling Feng was suspended in front of the exit of the stairs on the [-]th floor, only one step away from officially stepping out of the area on the [-]th floor. In the previous floors, as soon as Ling Feng stepped into this area, various monsters would attack.

"Could it be that the monsters on this floor are all hidden, and they won't appear until you enter?"

Ling Feng thought of a more reasonable explanation, and he did not believe anyway that there would be no monsters on the thirteenth floor, the core of the distorted area - the gate of the Yin Beast, which is illogical.

Thinking of this, Ling Feng looked through the exit of the stairs and looked forward to the right.

Over there, in the center of the entire floor stands a gray-brown stone gate. A huge ghost face is carved in the center of the stone gate. Surrounding the ghost face are various monsters. Ling Feng also saw ghosts and ghosts in it. The figure of the evil beast.

In addition to all kinds of monsters, there are tall buildings like modern buildings interspersed among them. Some clouds with lightning are above the buildings, outlining a depressing and terrifying "picture of a hundred ghosts".

At this time, the gate of the Yin Beast was neither completely opened nor completely closed, only a small gap was opened, through which the gray Yin Qi continuously gushed out, and divided into two streams, which poured into the water that settled on the floor and floated on the ceiling. In "Clouds".

Following Ling Feng's gaze, there were some changes in the Yin Beast's Gate, especially the grimace, which seemed to come alive, with a line of sight passing through the empty eye sockets to stare at Ling Feng.

Obviously there was nothing in those empty eye sockets, only deep black, but Ling Feng stared there felt a cold and biting malice, that malice seemed to be warning Ling Feng not to get close to it, or even step into the tenth place. third floor.

Otherwise, Ling Feng will be sanctioned.

(End of this chapter)

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