Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 26 Excellent Level Super Enhancement

Chapter 26 Excellent Level Super Enhancement

At noon that day, two heavily armed men in black came to the Donghu City Police Station.

"You guys are here, please come inside." Li Zhenfeng, who had received the news early and was waiting at the door, said with respect.

"Hmm." Two men in black wearing black special equipment nodded and said.

In this way, Li Zhenfeng led the two of them slowly towards the director's office. During this process, the three of them did not talk or have any physical communication.

When passing through the office area, other police officers looked at the two men in black with curious eyes. They were very curious as to what kind of identity they were so that Ju Li, who was not afraid of the rich and powerful, could greet him in person and be so respectful.


After a soft knock, the door of the director's office was carefully closed by Li Zhenfeng.

"Brother Yang, who do you think those two are? How come Director Li treats you so respectfully." A young policeman asked in a low voice after touching the arm of the middle-aged policeman next to him.

"I don't know, but looking at the clothes on his body, he is carrying a gun and wearing a bulletproof vest. He must be someone from a special department." After a little thought, the middle-aged policeman replied.

"Special department?" The young policeman frowned, as if he was thinking about what special department the man in black belonged to.

"Brother Yang, do you know what special department they belong to?" After a while, the young policeman asked the middle-aged policeman next to him after thinking to no avail.

The middle-aged policeman looked at the closed director's office, shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe some secret special forces."

"Secret special forces? Brother Yang, didn't you just say special departments? Why did you become special forces again?"

Middle-aged policeman: "..."

"I said Xiao Li, Brother Yang answered you like this, even if he told you, he didn't know, so you couldn't hear it, why are you so stupid." Another young policeman sitting opposite the young policeman said.

"Oh, so that's the case, Brother Yang, why didn't you say it earlier." The young policeman next to the middle-aged policeman suddenly realized and said.

Middle-aged policeman: "..."


Director's Office
"What's your name?" Li Zhenfeng asked after pouring a cup of tea for each of the two men in black.

"Iron Tiger" the older man in black replied blankly.

"My name is Xunhou..." the young man in black said with a smile.

He wanted to say something at first, but after being glared at by Tie Hu, he put on a serious expression and kept silent.

Li Zhenfeng, who saw everything in his eyes, immediately saw that the two of them were led by Tie Hu.

"Ahem, Comrade Tiehu, what kind of assistance do you need from us?"

"Director Li, you just need to take us to meet E-class member Ling Feng."

"Uh...this" Li Zhenfeng showed a troubled expression after hearing Tie Hu's answer, "To be honest, Comrade Ling Feng hasn't contacted us since he went to search for criminals this morning, so we don't know what happened to him. Location."

"Haven't contacted you all this time?" Tie Hu frowned.

"Could it be that you're in trouble?" Tie Hu thought to himself.

After all, in his opinion, emergency support signals have been sent. Except for the situation where he cannot escape, at this time, Ling Feng should come to the police station to meet with them, so as to explain the situation and discuss the next move.

But now, Ling Feng didn't come to the police station, which made Tie Hu feel that the situation might be a bit troublesome.

As everyone knows, Ling Feng didn't expect the situation to be so urgent at all. He just spoke in a strong tone when talking to the masked man.

Because, in Ling Feng's view, the matter has gone beyond what ordinary police should handle, so professionals should be notified as soon as possible.However, because Li Wei misunderstood the special forces of hunting demons, he believed that the members of the special forces of hunting demons were very powerful, and such strong people would ask for support, so the situation should be very urgent.

In addition, Ling Feng did not convey the message himself, but asked an ordinary person to convey it. Therefore, Li Wei felt that Ling Feng did not even have time to notify him because the situation was too urgent, so "request for support" became "Emergency support".

All in all, this is an "emergency support" oolong incident caused by Li Wei's misunderstanding caused by Li Wei's inappropriate actions. In fact, the matter may not have reached such an urgent level.

But the instigator of the oolong incident knew nothing about it.

So, where is Li Yi at this time?
back in time...

In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, Ling Feng hid behind the concrete railing on the roof, avoiding the eyes of Little Lolita's mother and pretty young lady.

Then, looking at the golden sun... in a daze.

After a brief moment of stupefaction, he figured it out, his future was destined to be more than ordinary, perhaps even more magnificent than he had imagined.

"I seem to be too passive." Ling Feng looked at the sunlight falling on the roof of the building, thinking of the few days after leaving the Xuyu battlefield.

Whether it was the spirit wolf or the blood-eyed wild lion, he had no choice but to fight, and before the fight, he was not sure of victory.

This is not in line with his character. He prefers to be prepared, have a certain chance of winning, and take the initiative to attack rather than passive and insecure engagement.

The moment he joined the Demon Hunting Guild, the future had gradually become clear. The encounters with monsters would not be limited to accidents. Maybe there were other things besides monsters that he had never come into contact with. This was his intuition.

"If you want to take the initiative, you must become stronger." Ling Feng took off his mask, showing a determined look.



When the sun was shining on the top of the building, the light dimmed, and a blue light as brilliant as a galaxy appeared out of thin air, pouring into the mask in Ling Feng's hand like a bird returning to its nest.

Suddenly, the mask was radiant, and the soft blue light filled Ling Feng's field of vision. When the blue light dissipated, the exquisite and gorgeous Monkey King mask was revealed, and the ordinary face of Monkey King became lifelike.

"Super enhanced!" Ling Feng's eyes widened, surprise written on his face.

The moment Ling Feng's words blurted out, the system's reminder also sounded from his mind, confirming that it was indeed a super enhancement.

"Ding, the strengthening is successful, the experience value is +3, and you can get the Eloquent and Changeable Mask."

"Ding, trigger the super enhancement of the elite level, and reward the elite level promotion card*1"

Listening to the prompt in his mind, Ling Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Since it was not the first time to trigger the super enhancement, he was more surprised when he triggered the super enhancement than the first time.

Because, as we know from the excellent upgrade card that triggers the super enhancement reward for the first time, the chance of triggering the super enhancement is only one in [-].

Excellent Level Upgrade Card: A rare card that triggers super enhancement rewards, which can improve the quality of any item to Excellent Level. If the quality of the target item is Excellent Level or above, it will be given a skill instead.

Note: The probability of triggering super enhancement is only 0.01%, please use it with caution.

 Thanks to NPC.Br, Lai Lai, Chiyu, Shu...Jiu for recommending tickets.

  Due to being too tired the past few days, there is no update, and I would like to say sorry to everyone here.


(End of this chapter)

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