Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 23 The Masked Man on the Roof

Chapter 23 The Masked Man on the Roof
Ling Feng ran fast in the alley, and the distance between him and the criminals kept getting closer.

Due to the delay in confirming their identities just now, the group of masked criminals had already disappeared without a trace.However, I don't know if it's the criminals' bad luck or Ling Feng's luck. There is only one road in this alley for a long distance, and there is no fork in the road, so Ling Feng doesn't need to spend any more time judging the direction of the criminals' escape. Just need a quick chase.

However, after running for two or 300 meters, Ling Feng still did not see the criminals, and something seemed wrong.

Although it took a lot of time to confirm the identity just now, this is only compared to the current emergency situation. In fact, less than 1 minute has passed.According to what Ling Feng saw before, the criminals shouldn't have run so far, after all, they seemed to be carrying a lot of things in their small bags.

"Did I overlook something?" Ling Feng frowned, stopped, and fell into deep thought.

Judging from the situation of passing by just now, there should be a closed community and a few places like staff dormitories near here. In addition, there is only this alley for people to pass through, and there is no other fork until 50 meters from the front street. Normally, criminals can only go there.

But if this is the case, it is impossible for me not to see them until now, which is unscientific.

After confirming again and again that his judgment was correct, Ling Feng frowned even tighter.He looked down at the ground, and indeed he didn't see any traces of a group of people passing by, which was so strange.

Could it be that this group of people has some special ability to hide their traces or take an unusual path?A bold idea popped out of Ling Feng's mind.

Ordinary people may have some strange thoughts when they can't catch up with them, but usually these thoughts just flash by, and then they will be wiped out of their minds by reason as unscientific and impossible Go, or suppress it.

But is Ling Feng an ordinary person?Obviously not, he is a man with a system, and has experienced all kinds of strange situations. In his opinion, super criminals with special abilities and even special functions do not exist, and there may be superheroes who fight criminals Woolen cloth.

How to do it?

Ling Feng looked at the tall buildings around him and felt something in his heart.

As the saying goes, stand tall and see far, you can play a guest role as Spider-Man, occupy the commanding heights and conduct investigations.

Although it is not an easy task to climb high-rise buildings with bare hands, it is only for ordinary people. In the half year in the city of Xuyu Battlefield, Ling Feng has climbed high-rise buildings with his bare hands no more than 2 times. I don't have much experience, even if my current physical fitness is far from as strong as it was then, but with the attribute bonuses of strength +3 and agility +[-] provided by the strengthened equipment combat trousers, ninja gloves, and ninja leather shoes, I can barely do it barehanded Climbing this kind of residential building.

Combat trousers (normal quality, LV3): comfort +2, protection +2, agility +1, strength +1, with skills to prepare for battle.

Ninja leather shoes (common quality, LV2): comfort +1, protection +1, agility +2.

Ninja gloves (normal quality, lv2): protection +2, comfort +1, block +1, strength +1, with skills to block and counterattack.

Ling Feng looked around, and after confirming that there was no one there, he sped up his run-up, jumped onto the iron fence, pushed hard with his right hand, and easily entered the community on the right.

Afterwards, Ling Feng accelerated his run-up and jumped, and then used the anti-theft fence, window sill, air conditioner and other sundries as springboards to quickly climb up to the roof of the old residential building with only eight floors.

Then I was taken aback, there was actually someone up there?And also a mask.

Ling Feng wondered when it became so popular to wear a mask.

The masked man on the top of the building seems to be very focused, holding a telescope and looking around, not even noticing that someone is coming up behind him.

"Could it be a peeping tom?" Ling Feng thought to himself.

Although the man on the roof also wore a mask, Ling Feng knew that he was not one of the gang of criminals just now, because the masks on the faces of the gang of criminals were all animal-type, and one of them was wearing a mask similar to Ling Feng's. The mask is very similar to the monkey mask, and the masked man on the top of the building is indeed wearing the mask worn by Anbu ninja in a ninja anime. Although it is also an animal mask, the style of painting is obviously different. There is also a criminal animal mask between the eyebrows. Possessed, marked like raindrops.

In addition, the figure of the masked man on the roof is also a highlight. He is chubby and a bit fatter than a fat tiger. He is probably an otaku with special hobbies.

"Special operations, please cooperate." Ling Feng deliberately said in a relatively low and serious voice, which will help him to bluff. Keke, and help him dominate the ensuing inquiries.

"Who?" The masked man was taken aback and turned around in a panic.

Are you really doing some ulterior trick?Ling Feng narrowed his eyes and thought.

"I am a member of the Huaxia Special Forces. I am chasing a group of fugitives wearing animal masks. Have you ever seen similar people passing by?" Ling Feng said quickly in a serious tone.

However, when the masked man on the opposite side saw him, he seemed to be taken aback again. He pointed at him and said, " were just down there just now, did you get up here so quickly?"

The masked man is called Chen Wei. As Ling Feng expected, he is an otaku, but he is not a voyeur. He was just about to try on the newly arrived Anbu Ninja cosplay suit, and saw a group of panic-stricken people wearing masks through the window. Zhang's weirdo came running in the alley. Originally, he would just take a look at this situation at most, and then continued to work on his own affairs.

However, when he looked over, the masked monsters were actually sucked in by a black hole that suddenly appeared, and disappeared.

This startled him, he thought he was seeing a ghost in the daytime, and was almost scared to find a place to hide.However, before he could take any steps that were so frightened, his eyes were dazzled by the glare of the sun, and the fear in his body dissipated a lot in an instant.

"It's daytime now, even if there are ghosts, I can't help myself. Besides, if there are ghosts that can appear during the daytime, I can't hide there. It's better to find out the situation now, so that I can deal with it more calmly by knowing myself and the enemy. With this in mind, he picked up the binoculars that he had treasured for many years and ran to the top of the building.

Since the floor he was on was the eighth floor, the roof was very close to him and he got there very quickly.

He picked up the binoculars and looked around, but he didn't find the group of masked monsters at all. In the process of looking for them, he saw Ling Feng running fast.Although Ling Feng ran very fast, if he was in normal times, he would definitely call God a man, but he just saw a group of living people disappear mysteriously, and when he confirmed that Ling Feng was not one of the few people just now, he He looked away, and continued to focus on finding the group of masked monsters who had mysteriously disappeared.

 The book has been successfully signed, and I am here to ask for a wave of votes. Of course, it would be even better if there is a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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