Singular Enhancement System

Chapter 17 Really fragrant!

Chapter 17 Really fragrant!

"Ling Feng, are you okay? Are you injured?" Luo Lingxue ran up to Ling Feng, touching left and right, her pretty face full of worry.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" Ling Feng grinned, enjoying his girlfriend's concern.

"Do you know? I was worried to death just now, I thought..." Luo Lingxue hugged Ling Feng suddenly, with tears in her eyes, her strength was surprisingly strong, for fear that Ling Feng would suddenly disappear.

"I promised you that I will protect you for the rest of my life, no matter what the price is." Ling Feng smiled with gentle eyes.

"Fool, big fool..." Luo Lingxue buried her head in Ling Feng's chest, feeling each other's heartbeats.

"I'm willing to be your big fool..." Ling Feng pulled out his hands and embraced her in his arms.

"Ahem... Can you two pay attention to the occasion, I'm about to throw up." A crisp voice sounded, and the source of the voice was the mysterious woman wearing a mask.She really couldn't bear it, so she couldn't take into account the singleness next to her... nobleman, yes, she was a single nobleman, definitely not a bachelor.

The words of the mysterious woman had an effect—the opposite effect.

Luo Lingxue let out an "ah", and buried her red face like Ling Feng's chest.

And Ling Feng's face turned red, and then he calmly cast a glance at the mysterious woman, and said, "I'm sorry, please bear with me for a while."


Ling Feng looked at the silent mysterious woman, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Ahem, Lingxue, I have something to do, I have to leave for a while, you go back to the dormitory first, I will find you later."

"Where are you going?" She raised her head and hugged Ling Feng tightly with both hands.

"Don't worry, I just want to talk to this..." Ling Feng suddenly remembered that he didn't seem to know the name of the mysterious woman, and she took the small notebook back before he had time to read it.

After pondering for a while, he said: "This lady from the special forces will go to talk, may take a long time, you don't have to worry."

Ling Feng originally wanted to say that he would go back soon, but after thinking about how many questions he had in his mind, it might take a lot of time, so he changed his mind temporarily.

Luo Lingxue looked at the mysterious woman suspiciously, and after a while, out of trust in Ling Feng, she let go of her hands.

"Then... I'll wait for you, be careful yourself."

"Well, I will." Ling Feng smiled.

"Then I'll go first, see you later."

"see you later."

Ling Feng waved his hand, and quickly followed the mysterious woman who had already walked to the door. The two gradually drifted away under the silver moonlight.

"Lingxue, who is he?" After Ling Feng walked away, Mu Rou was the first to come up and ask.

"He's my boyfriend!" Luo Lingxue didn't hide her roommate's question, but her pretty face was still flushed.

"Wow, when did you have a boyfriend?"

"What's his name?"

"how did you guys meet?"


With Mu Rou taking the lead, other girls also came up and asked Luo Lingxue in a hurry.

Many girls saw Ling Feng's performance of fighting the blood-eyed mad lion just now. Although Ling Feng was not very handsome, the inexplicable temperament on his body attracted the attention of many girls.

But what they didn't expect was that this brave man was actually Luo Lingxue's boyfriend. For a moment, the gossip souls in their hearts burned blazingly.

"Bingbing is injured, we should go see her instead of chatting here!" Luo Lingxue said with a frown facing the girls who were chattering and asking questions.

"Yes, the vice president is injured."

"Then let's go see her."

"Yes, go have a look."

Han Lubing: "..."


On the other side, Ling Feng and the mysterious woman had already reached the north gate of Donghu University.

Although the mysterious woman was dressed strangely, she was not stopped by the guards, because a group of heavily armed soldiers had temporarily taken over here.

"Zhang Qinglong, the captain of the seventh team of the HX group, reports to the chief." A 1.9-meter tall man who looked like a captain came over and gave a military salute to the mysterious woman, and shouted loudly.

The mysterious woman returned the military salute seriously and ordered: "You will be responsible for the rest of the matter. If you have any questions, just ask Captain Iron Dragon."

"Understood, sir!" Zhang Qinglong replied loudly.

"Go back to work."

"Yes, sir!"

After receiving the order from the mysterious woman, Zhang Qinglong went back to work. As for what were they doing?It seems to be... recording a statement.

"Your level seems to be very high." Ling Feng said casually.

"Average, Donghu is third."

Ling Feng: "..."

Well, the newly established chief character set collapsed.

"Where are we going now?"

"Go to your home."


"What did you say?" Ling Feng was stunned.

"Go to your house, isn't your house nearby? What an ideal place to talk." The mysterious woman said as a matter of course.

Ling Feng: "..."

In the end, Ling Feng still led the mysterious woman into the house. Anyway, her home address was not a secret to her, and there was no need to hide it. After all, in front of the power of the state, a home address is not just a matter of moving fingers.

"Sit!" Ling Feng pointed to the sofa in front of him, and sat directly opposite.


Then, the room fell into silence.The mysterious woman sat opposite Ling Feng, looking at each other.

"Hey! Why don't you bring me some tea or drinks?" The mysterious woman took off her mask, revealing her exquisite face, and said to Ling Feng.

"Why? Aren't we going to talk?" Ling Feng frowned.

"If you don't greet me, I won't talk to you." The mysterious woman pouted.

Ling Feng: "..."

what is this?Proud?The hell sir?He was simply a child in adult form.

Ling Feng complained in his heart, but on the surface he looked calm and said: "The door is over there, please go!"

After finishing speaking, he slowly got up and left the sofa. How could he lose his momentum at such a time.

"Hey, don't say it, if you have something to say, where are you going?" The mysterious woman turned around and shouted to Ling Feng.

Ling Feng didn't turn his head back, and said, "Get a drink."

The mysterious woman was taken aback.

"Iced black tea or green tea?" Ling Feng's voice came from inside.

Mysterious woman: "..."

"Iced black tea and green tea." She pouted and said.

After a while, a glass of red or green drink was placed in front of the mysterious woman.

"Iced red and green tea, please." Ling Feng sat opposite her calmly, made a gesture of invitation, and at the same time silently unscrewed the Assam milk tea in his hand.

MMP, the mysterious woman snatched the Assam milk tea from Ling Feng's hand with lightning speed, and quickly took a sip.

Well, it’s so sweet!

Ling Feng, who had been robbed of the Assam milk tea, still looked calm, reached out to pick up the "tea" in front of the mysterious woman, took a sip slowly, and smacked his lips.

"It's so fragrant!"

Mysterious woman: "..."

"Would you like a sip?" Ling Feng asked as he handed over the cup.

The mysterious woman looked at the strangely colored liquid and shook her head decisively.

"It's a pity." Ling Feng regretted.

After speaking, he took another sip and smacked his lips.

"The drink has been drunk, let's talk now." Ling Feng looked at the mysterious woman with burning eyes.

The mysterious woman opened her mouth, and after several times, she let out a long sigh.

"alright, you win."

 Thanks to NPC.Br for the upvote

(End of this chapter)

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