Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 79 Repelling the Undead (3)

Chapter 79 Repelling the Undead ([-])

On the afternoon of the third day, the fiery red sun set from the shadow of the mountains in the west, and the orange glow shone on the entire Haiyan City, and bursts of cooking smoke rose from the residential area.For many ordinary people, after a tiring day, they can finally go home to reunite with their families, sit together to eat and chat, how nice it is!
Just as the sun was setting, suddenly there was a sound of horseshoes on the road leading to the inland of Haiyan City, and there were densely packed soldiers in silver-white armor.A lion's head with a blue background and white stripes is held on the spear of the frontmost warrior among them, which is the symbol of the alliance!

"I'm back! Look! It's Lord Ronal!" the soldier standing guard at the gate of Haiyan City said in surprise.

Three days ago, the city lord led the elite of Haiyan City out of the city without any warning or warning. There was almost no news within three days. Everyone was guessing what happened, and worried about what would happen to the city lord. matter.But he's finally back!
At the front of a large group of elite troops was a tall man riding a huge gray-white horse. He was wearing pure black armor, and behind him was a huge war blade, exuding a dazzling aura. The white light complements the armor, making it look extremely mysterious.But everyone in the Sea Rock Land knew that this person was Ronald Oliver, the lord of the Sea Rock Land and the Lord of Sea Rock City.The huge war blade emitting white light is the heirloom blade of the Oliver family, and is only awarded to the most powerful warriors of the Oliver family in each generation.

"Go and make arrangements for the wounded, as well as the soldiers who died this time, and distribute pensions to the family members according to the list. This matter should be announced by the kingdom soon. Be sure to tell the family members that they are all The brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives to defend the land of Haiyan deserve each of us to be proud of them."

Ronald said to his adjutant, his expression revealed the strength and perseverance that had been battle-tested.

"Yes, Lord City Master." The adjutant in his thirties replied immediately, and rode to the back to arrange for the injured.

Ronald looked at the gates and walls of the tall and majestic Haiyan City not far away, with a hint of emotion in his eyes.

"Castile Lord Ronal, fortunately, this time the crisis has been resolved safely. It's great to see that the land of Haiyan is still peaceful and peaceful!"

Beside Ronald was Sidney Paladin, the dean of Worthford College. The old knight also looked at Haiyan City, feeling melancholy and emotion rising from his heart.

"Dear Sidney Paladin, yes." Lord Ronal said respectfully.

Although Ronald is the lord of Haiyan Land, there is a big gap with Sidney Paladin in terms of age and strength, so Ronald still respects this Paladin very much.

"Let's go, enter the city!" Ronald ordered!
Soon, various news about this incident came from the Stormwind Kingdom.First of all, the official news of the kingdom is that in the Eastern Plaguelands, the undead Scourge army invaded the kingdom, but finally repelled the enemy under the fierce struggle of the alliance warriors.However, all kinds of gossips kept coming from the adventurers in the north, spreading details in various taverns and hotels that did not appear in the official description, such as the reappearance of the once fallen guardian Medivh!
When Wang Peng found out, it was already noon on the second day after Lord Ronal returned with his army. Wang Peng and the other four gathered together to chat in the tavern in the academy.

"I heard that Medivh appeared in the Plague Land!" A person said mysteriously
"You must be drunk. Medivh died a long time ago. How could he still appear in the Plague Land?" The person next to him curled his lips.

"It's true. I heard from my brother that he fled back from the north just now. I heard that this time the north suffered heavy casualties. In the end, it was a powerful mage holding a super staff emitting green light that defeated Kerr. Sugard, this is how the undead army retreats!"

People around were dubious, but Wang Peng and the other four knew it well.


"That is, why do you think that the land of Haiyan survived the disaster? It was because the main force of the undead army in the plague land was repelled, and the crisis in Linzuo Town was resolved." The man was very proud of the news he knew.

Wang Peng listened and knew about it.In the announcement issued later by Haiyan City, it also explained the crisis in the land of Haiyan.The announcement said that a powerful lich in the Scourge invaded a place in the Sea Rock Land, attempting to catastrophe the entire Sea Rock Land, but with the efforts of Ronal City Lord Sidney Dean and others, finally lifted crisis.Wang Peng also knew that Stormwind City seemed to have sent a powerful paladin to help contact the crisis in Haiyan Land.

"Speaking of which, Axi, why did you give the staff to Medivh so decisively? What if he doesn't return it?" Wang Peng suddenly remembered and asked.

"Because I looked into his eyes and thought he was real."

Wang Peng sighed, a woman's intuition is really scary.At that time, Wang Peng was still doubting whether Medivh was real, because according to the plot in the game, Medivh had never been seen since he appeared during the Holy War on Mount Hyjal decades ago, and Blizzard officials did not provide any information. According to the explanation, some people speculated that he retired into seclusion after his success, and some speculated that he went to the void to find a way to defeat the Burning Legion.So when Medivh appeared at the beginning, Wang Peng was very suspicious.

"However, since we have come to the real World of Warcraft, I don't know if we can get the chicken leg staff?" Dashu suddenly thought that the chicken leg staff was a powerful weapon for Medivh, the legendary quality in World of Warcraft. The name of the weapon [Atiesh, the Legendary Staff of the Guardian] because its head is like a chicken leg.

When Wang Peng heard what Dashu said, he suddenly thought of a question.In World of Warcraft, there are versions, and each version has the highest level equipment, but in this world, there is no such setting.So how high is the level of such legendary weapons and equipment? [Atiesh, the Legendary Staff of the Guardian] is only the highest staff at level 60 in the game, but in this world, logically speaking, it should not be worse than [The Staff of Argus's Pardon]. .

"Don't think about it. In the game, I remember that the entire national server only came out with more than 1000 pieces. Besides, there must be only one in this world. It may still be in Khadgar's hands, so don't think about it." Wang Peng immediately A basin of cold water.

But at this moment, Wang Peng was also thinking in his heart, can he get the legendary equipment it has!
(End of this chapter)

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