Chapter 71 Run! (one)


Count Bashir, Karina, and Knight Wendice all looked at the old man who suddenly transformed from a crow with wide eyes. This was actually the former guardian of Azeroth and the strongest mage at level 100. , is also the culprit who once fell and opened the door to darkness!
"You are actually still alive!" Earl Bashir looked at the old man in gray robe in astonishment.

Bashir couldn't believe that the fallen guardian Medivh had been killed by the great warrior Anduin Lothar and the archmage Khadgar in Karazhan, the tower of Medivh. Although there have been rumors that Medivh has been resurrected, But this is just a rumor after all, no one has actually seen the appearance of Medivh!

Medivh used to be the object of worship and learning for all mages, but since Medivh's death, the name has become extremely scary and seldom talked about.Bashir didn't know what purpose Medivh came here at this moment, whether he was an enemy or a friend of the alliance!
However, just when the surprised three seemed to have something to say, the old man Medivh tapped the ground lightly with the staff, and an invisible wave spread, and Bashir The Earl, Karina, and Wendis were overwhelmed by this wave of fluctuations, and immediately lost consciousness and fell asleep in the cage.However, none of the four Wang Peng had any influence.

"Medison, are you here to save us?" Wang Peng asked in surprise.

Others don't know, but Wang Peng naturally knows that after the resurrection, Medivh is no longer possessed by demons, and he has become kind and kind again.

"Yes, young knight." Medivh took off the hood of his cloak, revealing a vicissitudes of life but still with resolute eyes.

"But I'm not just here to help you, I'm also here to seek your help."

"Our help?" the four of them wondered.

"Yes, young mage, I need to borrow your staff." Medivh said to Yan Xi.

Yan Xi was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly had a feeling of being seen through, why did Medivh know that he had a powerful staff?And Wang Peng suddenly became alert.

"Don't doubt, young man, fate guides me. The entire Stormwind Kingdom is facing catastrophe. The Lich Kel'Thuzad took the floating fortress Naxxramas to the Plaguelands, but the king disappeared and the internal affairs were chaotic. I Your help is needed, young mage."

What!Naxxramas has appeared!Wang Peng was surprised when he heard Medivh's words.Naxxramas is a floating military fortress of the Undead Scourge. It is run by the Lich King's most trusted lieutenant, the Lich Kel'Thuzad. Naxxramas is the last of the four major team dungeons in World of Warcraft 1.0. , according to the plot, it shouldn’t appear at this moment.

Suddenly, Wang Peng wondered whether this so-called Medivh was real!

"I believe in you!" Yan Xi said firmly when Wang Peng was puzzled.


Medivh took a step back, raised his staff and easily opened the cage with a spell, and opened the cages of Earl Bashir and others by the way.Wang Peng glanced at the top of Medivh's head, the guardian who used to be level 100 is actually only around level 60 now!Dead and resurrected, the mighty Medivh has lost most of his strength, which is lamentable, but even so, Medivh is still worried about the fate of this Azeroth, Wang Peng suddenly felt ashamed, he actually doubted the great mage.

The four of Wang Peng walked out of the cage, and Yan Xi took out the [Stand of Argus' Pardon] from his system backpack.

"Very nice staff, young mage, I don't need to know how you got this staff, fate guides me."

Medivh looked at this powerful weapon that was shining with powerful energy, and there was emotion in his eyes. The ordinary wooden staff in Medivh's hand disappeared, and he stretched out his wrinkled hands to take the powerful staff.I saw that Medivh, who had received Argus's pardon stick, had a strong aura all over his body, as if he had the demeanor of a great guardian back then.

"Thank you, young mage." Medivh put away his staff and said sincerely.

"Then what should we do next?" Wang Peng asked.

"Time is running out, the enemy is at hand, I need to rush to the north immediately. Unfortunately, I can't rescue others now, I must save my strength to fight against the mighty Kel'Thuzad, I will send you to Sea Rock City, you need to tell them immediately What happened here, and then immediately come to support."

"I have eliminated the memory of this staff among the three of them, I think this will be a help to you." Medivh said, and used magic to wake up the three people who were sleeping.

"What happened? Medivh, did you save us?" Earl Bashir who woke up seemed to have forgotten something.

"Come on, we need to get out of here quickly! Get your things, I think you'll need them."

Everyone walked out of the cage, and Wendis and the others took away their magic bags on one side of the cage, which contained their weapons, armor and various useful things.

Saying that, Medivh condensed a strong blue arcane energy in his hands, and a crystal magic circle appeared at the bottom of everyone's feet!
"Step into this magic circle and I will send you directly to Sea Rock City, and I will go to the Plague Land to bless you my friends."

The magic energy became more and more intense, even Wang Peng could see the strong magic energy emitting from the eyes of the old Medivh at this moment!Wang Peng and the others stepped into the magic circle, while Medivh controlled the teleportation spell outside.

And at this time, the powerful lich Les Frostwhisper, who was studying how to turn Sidney and others into undead in the town hall, felt this extremely powerful spell energy!Shout out.

"who is it!"

"Not good!" Medivh also noticed Les Frostwhisper and accelerated the speed of casting spells.

I saw the arcane energy booming, and when the magic circle disappeared, Wang Peng and his party also disappeared in the prison.

"Ah, it's that nasty mage!" Les Shuangyu roared angrily.

At the moment when Wang Peng and his party disappeared, Les Shuangyu and the two death knights also hurried to the prison, but only saw a human mage here, and the others were gone!
"Bastard, kill him!" the Lich roared and launched a frost attack.

However, Medivh took off the [Stand of Argus's Pardon] from his back, and quickly and smoothly released a blast of flames.

"I don't have time to play with you." Medivh said with a flash and disappeared in place.

"Asshole, search for me!"

However, after the flash, Medivh immediately used the teleportation spell and disappeared in Lin Zuo Town.

After the group teleportation, Wang Peng and his party thought they would reach Haiyan City directly, but after a teleportation, everyone fell from the sky, but they found it strange that they were actually in a wilderness at the moment!
(End of this chapter)

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