Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 69 A Crow (1)

Chapter 69 A Crow ([-])
At that time, changes occurred in the entire Linzuo Town.

Both Dean Sidney and Gregory failed. Facing the experience of the two death knights and Les Frostwhisper, although Sidney and Gregory tried their best, they still could not recover from the defeat. Although in the end Sidney severely injured the dwarf death knight with the power of the holy light, he couldn't kill him, and he fell into a pool of blood.And Grigori faced a powerful Lich, under the powerful undead and frost spells, it was difficult for melee fighters to defeat the Lich, and eventually they were trapped by chains and could not move.

"Why didn't you kill them?" said the dwarf death knight. He was seriously injured at the moment. Although he was not fatal, he was still gnashing his teeth at the holy knight.

"No, I want to transform them all into powerful death knights and undead warriors. They will become the most loyal servants of my Scourge. Why should I kill them?"

As Les Frostwhisper spoke, he released a powerful necromancy spell to imprison the souls of Sidney and Gregory. The two men looked hideous under this painful spell, but they were unable to resist!

"The Holy Light will punish you!"

"Hahaha, what a joke! Take these two people to the basement and imprison them with the priest. Their souls are too stubborn and I have to torture them. As for this," Les Frostwhisper said disdainfully Look at Count Bashir, "Let him be imprisoned with his baby daughter. Maybe they have some use value."

After the terrifying lich that appeared just now, the entire forest town was in chaos, and everyone was terrified.The guarding soldiers were frightened by the level 70 liches and death knights, but before they could escape, they were hacked to death with an axe.A group of skeleton warriors and zombies appeared in the town!Les Frostwhisper wished that the entire town would die, and the Scourge would welcome these dead souls.

The old knight Sidney and the warrior Gregory were imprisoned by the two death knights in the basement of the town hall. Les Frostwhisper specially transformed the basement here into a prison built with undead magic, full of dead The spiritual breath, bones and corpses everywhere formed the foundation of the magic circle.There are many people detained in the basement at this moment.Among them was Priest Biar, who was chained to the wall and covered in scars!
"Your Excellency Knight Sidney, Warrior Gregory! You, why did you come here?" Biar opened his eyes with difficulty and saw the seriously injured old Sidney Knight and Gregory who was bound by chains. sad.

"Enjoy your last time. You should be proud of becoming a powerful death knight. On behalf of the death knights, I welcome you in advance. Hahaha." The two death knights looked powerless Everyone is very excited, for the Lich King!

The door closed with a "bang", and the whole basement was filled with the breath of undead, and the roar of innocent souls!Sidney and Gregory were imprisoned atop two other piles of bones, a powerful energy bound them.

"Old Biar, I'm glad to see you alive. I thought you were killed by that lich?" Gregory saw the priest bound to the wall.

"We've been tricked!" Sidney said, coughing blood violently.

"Sidney, how are you?"

"I'm fine, just seriously injured, but the holy light protects me, and it won't hurt my life." The old knight waved his hand, the injury is not the main problem at the moment.

The weapons and armor on the two of them were all removed. In World of Warcraft, the attribute bonus of equipment is the most important in the later stage. After losing the equipment, they almost lost 80.00% of their strength!
"Indeed, we fell for it. The lich probably already budgeted into our plan, and then set up a trap. After losing the two of us, the entire land of Haiyan can be said to be greatly reduced in strength, and Earl Bashir also fell into its trap." In my hands, it seems that the land of Haiyan is more or less ominous!" Sidney Knight lamented.

"King Varian disappeared mysteriously, and the Scourge took the opportunity to invade Sea Rock Land. The king's disappearance must be related to the Scourge Army. The fall of Sea Rock Land is just a small matter. If there is a problem in the entire alliance, , that is the real catastrophe!" Pastor Biar shook his head, he was far more worried than the safety of Haiyan Land.

And in the prison at this moment, although the prison has been destroyed by fierce fighting, it can still be used to detain parallel mages like Bashir. After being locked in a cage with a magic circle, Bashir almost There is no power to bind chickens.After all, Bashir was already old. Although he was rich, he couldn't stop the years. Wrinkles appeared on his face, and his hair started to turn gray.

"Father!" Karina was suddenly extremely happy when she saw her father being imprisoned. Although she was trapped here, her father was not dead yet!

"Karina! Are you injured?" The frustrated Bashir was also very excited when he saw his beloved daughter, and he got up excitedly.

"No, I'm fine, father, how are you?"

"I'm fine, direction, Karina, someone will come to rescue us, don't be afraid, father is here."

Bashir said with tears in his eyes, and felt in his heart that there was little hope for them, but as a father, he needed to give hope to his daughter!Hey, at this moment, Earl Bashir hates why he is just a businessman, but he is powerless to see his daughter imprisoned.

"En." Karina wiped her tears and held back her sobs. "Father, this is the Wang Peng I told you about, and he is also trapped here; and this is Mr. Wendis Knight."

"Wang Peng? Is it the Wang Peng who saved you in Luoxue Town?"

"Yes, Lord Earl." Wang Peng politely gave a knightly salute to Earl Bashir.

Since Earl Bashir was imprisoned, Wang Peng has been observing this old man who doesn't look very strong. Earl Bashir is older than Wang Peng imagined. After all, monogamy is not practiced here. Karina There are many brothers and sisters on top of him.The Earl is worthy of being a businessman, he doesn't have the vigor of an ordinary professional, nor the wisdom of a mage, he feels majestic and shrewd.

"I couldn't thank you in person last time, but this time I met like this. Thank you very much for your help to my little girl."

Bashir replied politely, and Wang Peng didn't pay much attention after looking at it twice.How can a quasi-knight who is only level 10 help them in their current situation?

Wang Peng also seemed to have noticed Earl Bashir's dislike for him, so he didn't do much. He continued to sit down and look at Yan Xi who was lying beside him. At this moment, his only hope could only be pinned on Yan Xi's Argus pardon. The Staff of Order is up!

And finally, Yan Xi woke up!

(End of this chapter)

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