Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 50 Strong T is in place, milk dps (1)

Chapter 50 Strong T is in place, milk dps ([-])

In this way, Wang Peng studied in the Knights' Inner Court for nearly two months.

During this period, Wang Peng was already proficient in riding skills, and it was not a problem to tame a strong horse within a few minutes. As for the physical fitness and fighting skills later, Wang Peng's fighting skills became more and more sophisticated.On this point, Wang Peng was appreciated by his mentor Bert and praised by other students.

During the two months, Wang Peng also got to know Bert's other students a lot.Including Wang Peng, there are a total of 13, most of them are men, around the age of 20, and those with higher levels, such as 18 and 19, are basically around 24 years old.Only after seeing this did Wang Peng realize how terrifying Bert's talent was. Bert was only 28 years old, but he was already a level 38 great knight.Most of the students are men, and there are only 2 women, who can be described as heroic in shining armor.

Wang Peng has a good relationship with these people. Since Wang Peng is a freshman, everyone treats them politely. Even if Wang Peng occasionally makes mistakes, he will point them out with a smile.

In the math class in the afternoon, Wang Peng didn't find it difficult. The math he taught was very simple. Even Wang Peng's knowledge of math and science could rival his teacher's.As for the history class, after a big conflict with the old elf Ifrit last time, it seemed that Ifrit didn't like him very much.Wang Peng finally learned later that the reason why Ifrit hated Medivh so much was because the old Ifrit lost his only son during the first orc war, and the crime of the first orc war The source is Medivh's fall!
As for the subsequent church service, it was the most difficult moment of Wang Peng's day.Wang Peng also hopes that he can believe in the Holy Light, but no matter what Teacher Bert says, or the other Paladins and Holy Priests in the church who preach the mysteries of the Holy Light, Wang Peng cannot feel the reverence of the Holy Light.In this way, two months passed.Wang Peng's level is at 10% of level 28, which is extremely difficult because it is completely different from his previous training.During this period, even Wang Peng's mentor, Bert, was promoted from level 38 to level 39!
In the past two months, among the students in the outer courtyard, one after another broke through level 9 and entered the inner courtyard to study, Qin Wendong, Yang Qipan, Liu Liming and others entered one after another.In other academies, Yan Xi and Liu Mengmeng have also broken through level 9 and entered the mage's inner court.It can only be said that Dashu didn't put much effort in his training, he was still hovering at level 9, but he was quite welcomed by the trainers of the Priest Academy.

One late night, in a chic hut at the Knight Academy, Bert and Gutasov, the director of the Knight Academy, were discussing about Wang Peng. Bert felt the sharp difficulties Wang Peng encountered in the process of practicing. , came to seek advice from his former mentor Gutasov.

"Dear teacher Gutasov, do you think Wang Peng can be called a qualified paladin? In the past two months, although I watched Wang Peng slowly adapt to the atmosphere of the knight academy and began to learn how to be a knight. Etiquette and fighting skills are also very bad. But I am helpless with the belief in the Holy Light, I have never seen such a person. May the Holy Light forgive him." Bert said, the young man was surprised.

"Ah~ my friend, honorable Sir Bert Knight," the aged Gutasov addressed Bert as a friend.

Gutasov stroked his gray beard and looked kindly at the puzzled young mentor.

"Missionaries, they travel all over the world of Azeroth to spread the faith of the Light, especially among the dangerous races. The mission is difficult and dangerous, but you have never seen them shrink back, my friend. What you are doing is a great mission, do you understand? Although it is difficult for Wang Peng to understand and believe in the Holy Light at this moment, isn’t this exactly your mission? You have to guide him to accept the baptism of the Holy Light and complete the sacred mission .”

Burt suddenly realized that, indeed, the great mission is never simple, and he had forgotten the original mission during the long teaching process.

"Dear Gutasf Holy Knight, thank you very much for your enlightenment. For the sake of the Holy Light." Bert put his left hand on his right chest, bowed slightly forward and nodded to Gutasf.

So during the following church services, Burt specially explained to Wang Peng the detailed history of the Holy Light, the deeds of the great priests for thousands of years, and the glory of the powerful paladins that have appeared in the past ten years.I also often discuss with Wang Peng the philosophical issues about life, society and the world. I often invite Wang Peng to have dinner together, and often take him for a walk in the college after dinner.

So one day when Karina and Wang Peng were having lunch in a restaurant, Karina asked him mysteriously.

"Hey, Wang Peng, let me ask you, what is a gay?"

Wang Peng almost sprayed Karina with the water he just drank. What the hell is this? How could Karina know such words.

"Oh, Qin Wendong told me that you and brother Burt are gay, and he didn't tell me what he meant. If the master wasn't on the side, I would definitely kill him." Karina's small face was full of Contempt for Qin Wendong.

"Well, the so-called homosexuals mean that Mentor Bert and I are brothers and sisters, and the relationship is very harmonious."

"That's it! Well, that's right. Brother Bert and I are also gay." Karina said cutely, and Wang Peng almost sprayed her in the face again.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, why did you come over to eat with me suddenly today?" Wang Peng cut a piece of meat from the roast chicken, put it in his mouth with a knife and fork.

"Why, I'm your good friend, can't everyone have a good meal? Do you dislike me so much?" Karina stared at Wang Peng with big eyes, and angrily inserted the knife and fork on the wooden table.

But seeing that Wang Peng was still eating calmly, he pulled out the knife and fork with a cute and unconvinced expression. .

"There is indeed one thing."


"That is, when freshmen enter, they usually form a group of 5 people. There is no mentor to lead the team. When the students go out to practice, they basically form a group of 5 people like this. When you first entered the Knights' Inner Court, there were no other groups. However, as the past few months have passed, more and more people have broken through the tenth level in various colleges, and the college estimates that they will organize a five-person team soon."

Karina held her chin in her hands and looked straight at Wang Peng.

"Well, it's pretty good." Wang Peng replied.

Teams of five, the teams in World of Warcraft are basically based on 1T (tank, that is, the so-called protection professions such as guardian knights and protection fighters, etc.), a nurse (the nurse is also the treatment) and three dps (also Is the output, the occupation of the attack).

"So?" Wang Peng raised his head and glanced at Karina, knowing that this little beauty who was a few years younger than him would definitely not just come to deliver such an ordinary message.

"So, how about joining my squad?"

(End of this chapter)

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