Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 43 The Encounter in the Cedar Forest (3)

Chapter 43 The Encounter in the Cedar Forest ([-])
How to do?
Three knight apprentices, one level nine and two level eight, faced a rare monster of level 18.

Seeing the three of Wang Peng, Snow Wolf King Rubes turned around and growled.Eyes emitting green light scanned the three of Wang Peng, and his front paws were digging at the snow, and they were about to pounce on them.

"Liming, go find other people nearby for help right away, He Shi, take care of Karina and Jacob." Wang Peng warned himself to be calm!calm!
"What about you?" Liu Liming turned to look at Wang Peng and asked with horror.

"I'll hold it up."

Liu Liming and He Shi looked at Wang Peng. Wang Peng had already taken out his one-handed sword and stared at the rare monster with both eyes bent down, ready to respond at any time.

"Go! Otherwise we will all die here!" Wang Peng growled at Liu Liming, but kept his eyes on Snow Wolf, ready to respond to Snow Wolf's every move.

Liu Liming became cruel, and immediately turned around and ran at full speed, thinking that Wang Peng, you must hold on!But Liu Liming didn't believe what Wang Peng said that he was here to hold the snow wolf. Jacob, who was higher than him, was knocked out by one move. Wang Peng was indeed very talented but he was only level 9 after all!So Liu Liming ran as fast as he could, looking around and calling for help, hoping that there was someone nearby.

"I, I, I, I will find someone too!" He Shi also ran away as soon as he said that.

Wang Peng also didn't have the time to take care of him. At this moment, he was thinking about how to hold back the Snow Wolf King.

But before he had time to think, Snow Wolf King rushed over.

Wang Peng knew that he would not be able to beat him!So only!run!
Wang Peng directly put the fine steel sword into the system's backpack first, otherwise it would be too heavy to hold in his hand.Even though Wang Peng was running with all his strength at the moment, Wang Peng felt that even Bolt might not be able to outrun him, but it was a wolf chasing him!Snow Wolf was even faster than him.Moreover, compared to Snow Wolf, Wang Peng's body is relatively short, and it is difficult to show full speed when stepping on the snow, but for Snow Wolf, that little snow is no problem at all.

"How did Karina meet such a thing!!!" Wang Peng made a sharp turn, and Snow Wolf jumped out.

Although the snow wolf is fast and ferocious, it is big and not dexterous enough in the forest.

"That's right! Since you are so big, I will only run to places with dense trees!"

Wang Peng turned around and ran to the dense forest on the right.Chasing the huge Snow Wolf King behind him, the snow wolf's powerful hind hooves kicked up snowflakes behind him.The huge body nearly five meters long broke some cedars from time to time, making the sound of trees collapsing.Even though Wang Peng was running at full speed, Snow Wolf's speed was still much faster than Wang Peng's, and there was still a little distance from the dense forest!
At the critical moment, Wang Peng lost his chain, and the snow was very slippery. In desperation, Wang Peng wanted to make a sharp turn to avoid the snow wolf's attack, but his foot slipped and fell heavily on the snow!At this time, the snow wolf had already rushed over.

Wang Peng had no choice but to take out the fine steel sword. As soon as he stood up from the snow, the snow wolf king's huge claws hit Wang Peng. Wang Peng was still photographed, and three paw prints were left on Wang Peng's chest and thigh, bleeding continuously.And the fine steel sword also shattered directly along the original crack.

Wang Peng felt the hot pain coming from the wound on his body, but he didn't care about it directly, and just threw away the fine steel sword in his hand.Although this blow caught Wang Peng squarely, it was also thanks to Snow Wolf's blow that made Wang Peng much closer to the dense forest.Wang Peng stood up, regardless of the injury on his leg, even though he was in severe pain and bleeding, the most important thing at this moment was to keep running, otherwise he would really die!

At the moment when the Snow Wolf King was about to catch Wang Peng, Wang Peng finally entered the dense forest. The huge snow wolf was stopped by the forest and it was difficult to display its speed, but Wang Peng finally breathed a sigh of relief , it seemed that the snow wolf who was yelling at him was angry, and the snow wolf was destroying the forest with its claws and wanted to rush over.Wang Peng knew that the tree was just a tactic to delay the attack, and sooner or later the snow wolf would come after him, so he continued to run into the forest.

The scar left by Snow Wolf's paw was dripping with blood, and Wang Peng couldn't stop it, which pointed out the direction for Snow Wolf to run.Wang Peng found that the dense woods were going uphill, and Wang Peng couldn't control that much at the moment, so he ran wherever it was dense!

But the dense forest will always be finished. After walking uphill for a while, the forest becomes sparse again, and finally, we reach the top of the mountain!There are no trees!Wang Peng wanted to go back and continue to circle the snow wolf in the dense forest, but found that the snow wolf had passed through the dense forest and caught up with Wang Peng!

"I have no choice but to continue running up. I look forward to finding someone soon at dawn!" Wang Peng said as he ran towards the top of the mountain.

However, this is actually a cliff, and after going up, there is exposed snow. When Wang Peng walked up to the top, he found that looking down was actually a mountain stream hundreds of meters deep!There seems to be a stream flowing underground.At this moment, Wang Peng was standing on the edge of the cliff. The Snow Wolf King seemed to see that Wang Peng had no way out, so he walked over unhurriedly with his wolf claws.

Wang Peng looked at the cliff and at the snow under his feet, there was nothing he could do!
Snow Wolf King walked over slowly, sticking out his steaming tongue towards Wang Peng.Enduring the pain, Wang Peng knelt down, grabbed a handful of snow, kneaded it into a snowball, and threw it at Snow Wolf!
"Come and hit me!" Wang Peng challenged.

Snow Wolf turned around to avoid the snowball, his green eyes ignited anger at Wang Peng, his front paws grabbed the ground, and rushed towards Wang Peng with all his strength!
And Wang Peng took out the novice sword with item level one from his backpack. Without the fine steel sword, he could only use this to make up the number.

"Light Slashing Sword!"

"The Crusaders Strike!"

"Shield Technique!"

I saw the snow wolf rushing forward with all its strength, but the lightsaber Wang Peng raised was not aimed at the snow wolf, but at the snow under his feet!

Under the blow of Wang Peng's epee and the huge weight of Snow Wolf, the slightly sloping snow on the cliff side suddenly collapsed.An avalanche, a whole piece of snow sliding down the cliff, together with Wang Peng and Snow Wolf King above!After the Snow Wolf King pounced on Wang Peng, Wang Peng could only dodge a little but it was useless, but the snow wolf king panicked due to the collapsed snow. But after all, it's just snow that can't bear it.

I saw Wang Peng and Snow Wolf King falling down with the collapsed snow.

(End of this chapter)

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