Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 38 Miss Karina (1)

Chapter 38 Miss Karina ([-])

The biggest task of going to Luoxue Town is to help the townspeople clean the snow on the town, because you will find that you just cleaned the town yesterday, and you can’t open the door the next day, because the snow has covered the door.Of course, that is when the door opens outward. If unfortunately the door of the house you live in opens inward, be careful.

"Ah!" Wang Peng just got up, stretched himself, and opened the door.

"Boom" sound!The sudden snow from outside the door buried Wang Peng.

"I'll go, why is there so much snow again!" Wang Peng climbed out of the snow with difficulty.

"Ah, it looks like you will have to work hard again today!" A middle-aged woman came out of the kitchen with a smile, holding a pot of hot milk.

"Come on, come and have breakfast quickly, so that you have the strength to work!" There was a slightly worn rectangular table in the small living room, and a strong and strong man sat next to it, taking a big bite. with toast.

This is the Brown family, a family of hunters in Luoxue Town who make a living by hunting.The man in his prime, named Gnar Brown, was already 45 years old, and he was as strong as a tiger, and he had a good arrow.According to Wang Peng, his level is also around level 6. Although he is a hunter, he does not have the occupation of a hunter, which means that Brown is actually just an ordinary person.To the west of Luoxue Town, there is a cedar forest. The cedar forest is very large and stretches all the way to the interior of the coastal mountains.Gena usually hunts on the outskirts of the cedar forest, and it is said that there are ferocious monsters inside, so except for adventurers, few people go there.Brown has a son who is said to have become a real hunter and is currently training outside.

And Wang Peng boarded with Brown's family.Every student who came to Luoxue Town to help was welcomed by the people of Luoxue Town, and everyone vacated their homes one after another to let these hardworking knights live.

"Yes." Wang Peng responded and started to bite the bread.

After living with the Brown family for a few days, Wang Peng was already infected by the enthusiasm of this family of hunters and happily integrated into the family.

Wang Peng has been in Luoxue Town for more than 10 days, and his job every day is to clear the snow.At first, Wang Peng didn't think it was such a heavy and arduous task, but facing the snow that flooded the entire town, Wang Peng understood that the key to the arduous task was that the snow would disappear by itself after one night. Return to original height.

After breakfast, it was time to clear the snow.

"Hey, come on, by the way, finish shoveling the snow on my side, I'm a little tired." Karina pointed to a student and said commandingly, like a small leader.

Before the man could say anything, Karina stuck the shovel into the snow, clapped her hands and left.When I left, I was still worried about whether my hands would become rough due to these rough jobs.

"I feel like I came to Luoxue Town for vacation." A person next to him was struggling to shovel the snow and whispered to the people around him.

Indeed, in the past ten days or so, Karina, the daughter of the Earl of Worthford, has hardly done anything serious. Every time she came to clear the snow, she shoveled it once or twice and then quit.On the one hand, I complained that this work is so boring, and on the other hand, I complained that this work is so hard.Every time, it took a lot of effort to arrange the people next to her, but His Excellency the Great Knight Bert would always take the initiative to share the tasks left by Karina with them with a very apologetic smile.This is also to make those who have heard the rumors of Burt Knight even more convinced that Burt Knight is indeed a truly humble and helpful paladin.

But complaints are complaints, and no one dares to say anything about the eldest lady. After all, Karina is a member of the Worthford family, and they invested in the entire academy.So everyone is still immersed in their own work, comforting themselves that this is cultivation, the more you do, the faster you will cultivate!
However, this young lady, Karina, does not do business all day long, and there is nothing interesting in this small Luoxue Town. When she first came here, Karina was very excited by the thick snow, which is absolutely true in Haiyan City. She couldn't see such a thick snow, so she played in the snow.Sometimes the students cleared the snow, and while clearing it, they dug out a young lady, Karina, from the snowdrift.

But after a few days of this game, the novelty will pass away immediately.Although Karina is already 16 years old, and among the more than 20 students from the inner courtyard who came together, there are quite a few 16-year-olds, but they are indeed much more mature than Karina.

"Not fun!" Karina would complain.

The knight trainers also had nothing to do with this young lady, so they had to let her have fun first, but at the same time they had to carefully protect her, for fear that something would happen to her.Senior Bert from the Knight Academy was put in this mission for this purpose, and was Karina's personal bodyguard.

"Don't follow me!" Karina glared at Burt, who followed wherever he went.

"Yes, you can, but you can't go out of town." Bert replied elegantly with his hands wrapped around his back and his back straight.

"I know, I know." Karina waved her hands and said irritably.

After a step or two, Karina would quickly look back to see if Bert was still following her!Although Burt is a genius with a very good manners and good looks, Karina admits that she did fall in love with the famous Burt for a moment.but!She still hates it when someone follows her all the time, not even Burt!
But what to do?The town is not easy to go out, but there is nothing interesting in the town, and there are no interesting people.Eh!Suddenly, Karina remembered that there was Wang Peng among the freshmen. I heard that that guy broke into the Master Academy to fight three months ago. He must be a funny character!
So there is the scene at this moment.

"Hey, what's the fun in this, don't shovel snow."

"Hey, I heard Uncle Gutasov say that you are the strongest among the freshmen, and it seems that your talent is almost comparable to Burt's. How good are you!"

"Hey, I heard that you and that Yan Xi are a couple, she's so pretty!"

"Hey! I'm talking to you!"

"Hey! If you ignore me again, I will be angry!"

A series of hellos and hellos fell into Wang Peng's ears. At first, Wang Peng thought that the eldest lady just listened to his own affairs occasionally, and wanted to come and ask a few words casually. Unexpectedly, the eldest lady would stay in Wang Peng's house for a long time. For a quarter of an hour, she asked a series of questions, even though Wang Peng almost ignored her, and Gu shoveled the snow by himself.

"Hey! You! Do you know who I am!"

Suddenly, watching Wang Peng ignore her all the time, Karina took out a long sword that shone coldly and exuded a sacred aura from the magic bag, and cut off the shovel in Wang Peng's hand with one blow!Wang Peng was taken aback by the sudden slash and quickly stepped back, staring at Karina's sword, frowning, looking at the young lady Karina with a little irritability on his face.Wang Peng was not such a good-tempered person like Bert, but Karina had such a temper. Wang Peng felt the urge to take out his sword and teach her a lesson.

But Wang Peng held back, he is already level 14, how can you teach me a lesson as a level 9 apprentice; besides, she is the daughter of the Earl of Worthford, after all, she still has to study hard in the academy!So at this thought, Wang Peng felt that it was better to bear it.A little impatience will mess up a big plan.

But this Karina actually raised her sword and stabbed at Wang Peng without knowing what was wrong!

"I heard that your strength is good, let's learn from each other!" Karina said.

Wang Peng couldn't help cursing in his heart, you're a 14th-level student who has the nerve to bully me, a young apprentice!
(End of this chapter)

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