Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 30 Winning the Championship (2)

Chapter 30 Winning the Championship ([-])

Among the 10 people in the duel, except for Liu Liming, Wang Peng basically didn't know each other, which was really embarrassing. Among so many people, Wang Peng met an acquaintance.

What followed was exciting duels one after another. Almost none of them were weak enough to continue the match. Although level 6 was still at a disadvantage against level 7, it could still be made up for with certain fighting skills.

The first match pits a 6th-level guardian knight with a shield and one-handed sword against a 7th-level knight with an epee.Surprisingly, the final battle was won by the level 6 knight!The level 6 knight relied on the defense of the shield to consume. In the end, when the opponent's physical strength and mana were almost consumed, he finally won with one blow.This also shows that, in fact, the attribute gap between level 7 and level 6 is not very big, but it also shows that tanks have a certain advantage over output in duels.

And the second game!It was also a competition that the audience had been waiting for for a long time, a level 7 vs. level 7 competition.

"Please give me more advice!" Wang Peng and Liu Liming bowed to each other and said.

"The competition begins!" The referee shouted again and again.

Wang Peng is still using a shield one-handed sword, and Liu Liming is also using a shield one-handed sword!

The sun in the summer afternoon was extremely fierce and dazzling, and Wang Peng could feel the burning sensation from the armor through his skin; the audience in the audience looked at the two on the stage, Wang Peng was the favorite to win the championship. Killing a level [-] person with one move shows that he is very strong, but Liu Liming is not weak either.



The two used this spell together, after all, it was a long-range spell, but generally speaking, the role of long-range skills in a knight's duel can be ignored.The first is that Judgment is an instant spell, and there are not many restrictions without chanting spells; the second is that long-range skills are easier to dodge, and the power of Judgment at this stage is not as powerful as melee attacks, even if it hits The opponent will only hit hard to make the opponent lose the ability to fight.

Sure enough, both of them rolled to the left in the same way to avoid the opponent's judgment, only to see that the judgment hit the surface of the ring and produced a burst of impact.

Then the two charged forward at the same time, Liu Liming chose to use Crusader Strike, and swung an arc of light on the one-handed sword in his right hand.In order to avoid the disadvantages of jumping into the air, Liu Liming did not jump high, but lowered his center of gravity to prevent Wang Peng's attack.When Wang Peng saw Liu Liming using a crusader strike, he raised his shield and met Liu Liming's one-handed sword. The one-handed sword in his right hand was a thrusting action towards Liu Liming, but Liu Liming was already ready to resist it. , the shield touched Wang Peng's sword and took a step back.

On the surface, neither of them had made any progress, but Liu Liming was worried that Wang Peng's strength was indeed much higher than his own, even though both of them were at level 7.

Liu Liming took a step back, but Wang Peng didn't intend to take a step back to find an opportunity. He directly used a crusader strike against Liu Liming. There was a deep mark.But Wang Peng still had no intention of backing down. Lifting the shield was a collision, and Liu Liming staggered with the strength of his whole body.

But Liu Liming is also worthy of being an experienced person. Following the force of Wang Peng's collision, he quickly rolled back and stood up in a standard defensive posture.

"Wang Peng is really amazing!" the people below praised.Obviously, after this series of contests, Wang Peng has already gained the upper hand.

"Forget it, I can't beat you, you win!" Liu Liming thought for a while, but couldn't think of any way to beat Wang Peng, so he admitted defeat very calmly, although it was a pity that he couldn't get the top three rewards.

"Everyone work hard together." Wang Peng said with a smile as he took off his helmet.

The people below booed a little, but Liu Liming would admit defeat just like that.

In the next three matches, the level 6 players won the two level 7 vs. level 7 matches; and there was another level 6 vs. level 6 match. Out of the outcome.

So the final list of 6 players finally came out. Yang Qipan, a level 6 knight apprentice, is the one who defeated level 7; Wang Peng, a level 7 knight apprentice; Qin Wendong, a level 7 knight apprentice; Li Jun, a level 7 knight apprentice; Tang Haonan, a level 6 knight apprentice; The 6th-level knight apprentice who was rounded out to enter the semi-finals before was named Ye Hai.


"You can't even reach level 6, so what can you say!" The person next to him said.

The six players draw again for the semi-finals.

"Holy Light's protection! Just let me draw a level 6 opponent." Ye Hai muttered to himself, he was directly approached, and his strength may be the worst among these people.

"No. 2, No. 2, who is No. 2!" Ye Hai asked.

"Me." Yang Qipan held up the note as a gesture.

"Hey." Ye Hai lamented for a while, although Yang Qipan was indeed at the sixth level, but he defeated someone at the seventh level to come in, so his strength must be very strong!
Wang Peng thought in his heart that the occurrence of a level 6 vs. level 6 match means the generation of a level 7 vs. level 7 match!
"No. 1!" Wang Peng said.

"No. 1!" Li Jun said.

Another level 7 vs. level 7 match!Wang Peng thought to himself, good luck today!hehe.Although Wang Peng didn't think there was any problem, it was more convenient for him to meet weaker opponents.Who said that the strong must have the desire to fight!

"In the first game of the semi-final, Wang Peng will play against Li Jun." The old knight shouted.

But at this time, it was different from the game in the morning and just now.With the arrival of the semi-finals, the other older trainers in the academy, as well as the head of the knight academy, Gutasf Huiyao Knight, came under the ring to watch the freshman competition.

"Please advise!"

Li Jun is a relatively short man, but his muscles are extremely developed. His thick body makes him look as hard to kick as an iron plate.So Li Jun chose a combination of shield and one-handed sword.

I saw that the two rushed towards each other without any hesitation. Everyone knew that the trial could not decide the winner, so it is better not to waste mana, let's have a physical contest.

Wang Peng found that as expected, being short has its advantages. After Wang Peng's sword fell and Li Jun lowered his center of gravity, the entire shield protected his body.Then Li Jun attacked Wang Peng's leg with his sword, and Wang Peng almost cursed, you can't cut that kind of place anywhere!Fortunately, Wang Peng had watched Li Jun's previous games and was familiar with Li Jun's routine, so he quickly avoided it.

After Li Jun lowered his center of gravity, it was very difficult to attack, and it was difficult to knock down Wang Peng with a shield.

"But there is still a way!"

 It was commented that there were not enough updates, so it must be that Mao's Claw's article was okay, with the second update!Please support me

(End of this chapter)

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