Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 3 Alsace and the Way of the Knight (1)

Chapter 3 Alsace and the Way of the Knight ([-])

After all, Wang Peng is also an old player. After all, he is still a high school student. He can't start playing Warcraft in the fifth grade of elementary school. This is indeed a little crazy.So to sum it up, Wang Peng is a post-70s (meaning that he started to contact World of Warcraft when the highest level in Warcraft was 70), he entered the pit in the WLK era (the third expansion pack of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King), and has been in the pit ever since. I also failed to jump out of this huge pit, and the pit is obviously getting deeper and deeper. After CTM (Fission of the Earth), MOP (Mystery of Pandaren) and now WOD (Lord of Draenor), Wang Peng can also be regarded as I met a lot of good friends in the game, I used to save money to buy some cards when I couldn’t make ends meet, and later opened a gold group to earn some pocket money, and the days passed like this day by day.

Wang Peng was floating in the air, feeling very excited and a little emotional. How many times had he been in a daze in the classroom, imagining that one day he would enter the world of Azeroth, shed his blood, and experience what it was like to be called a hero by NPCs? .Today, looking at the seven figures surrounding me, this must be a dream!I don’t want to wake up anyway! ! !

"Paladin!" Wang Peng shouted.

The seven figures turned around, and the person representing the paladin finally turned in front of Wang Peng.The face that had been baptized by the years, the long gray hair and beard, and the white hair on the sideburns all showed the glory of this old knight.Wearing a huge and thick golden metal armor, holding a hammer that symbolizes justice and judgment, the strange pattern seems to contain some unknown mystery, and there is faint lightning around it.The old knight solemnly knelt down on one knee in front of Wang Peng, as if to express his respect for Wang Peng.

"Here is my sword. I will keep in mind the virtues of humility, mercy, justice, honor, sacrifice, valor, spirituality, honesty. I will lay my soul and my life at the feet of the God of justice. My blood will With glory sprinkled upon the battlefield. My sword is here, and God blesses it to remain sharp forever. It will never break unless its master bows."

The determination on the paladin's face deepened little by little with his words, shaking Wang Peng's heart.

"The way of a knight." Wang Peng murmured.

The moment he heard the words of this paladin, Wang Peng suddenly hesitated. It is true that he has been playing paladin for many years. From the beginning of entering World of Warcraft to now, he has a lot of accounts, and he is afraid of almost every profession. Said proficient, but very familiar and understanding.But the one I love the most is the paladin, because he is so powerful!So when choosing a profession, the first thing Wang Peng thought of was the paladin.But is he really suitable?
Humility, Mercy, Justice, Honor, Sacrifice, Courage, Spirituality, Honesty.This Wang Peng can't get along at all!As Wang Peng himself said, when it comes to morality, it depends.Looking at Wang Peng's appearance, a fighter is more suitable, but Wang Peng is easy to get angry when he is angry!Let’s talk about thieves, secretly assassinate, and run away when it doesn’t work, but I always feel that something is missing.

"Forget it, no matter 21, I am a knight, and I have the final say on my way!"

"Paladin, confirm!" Wang Peng shouted.

"Confirmed." The system responded with a mechanical female voice.

The moment the sound disappeared, everyone except the paladin disappeared, leaving only Wang Peng and the old paladin in this seemingly small space.The old knight stood up and took a step back.

"Respected Sir Wang Pengzhun, I am very proud and honored that you have chosen the way of chivalry. A great hero like you will be the greatest affirmation of the profession of knights. My name is Uther. ambassador of light."

Hearing this name, Wang Peng's jaw immediately dropped to the ground.Uther!Who is Uther, the founder of the Knights of the Silver Hand in World of Warcraft, almost the founder of the profession of paladins!He was praised by Uther just now, this, this, this, this, this, Wang Peng suddenly felt ashamed, how could a person like himself stand the kneeling of the great Uther?

"I will guide you to the true way of knighthood."

The words fell to the ground, the space changed, the original narrow space disappeared, and Wang Peng only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes.

"This is my beloved apprentice, he will lead you to complete the next task."

Before I opened my eyes, I heard Uther's voice, my disciple?Wang Peng thought to himself, Uther's beloved disciple, Nana, isn't Alsace!I rely on it, no way.

"Dear Knight Wang Peng, please follow me."

Wang Peng finally opened his eyes, and saw Alsace in front of him wearing thick armor and riding on a tall and majestic horse.Looking around the surrounding scenery naturally, Alsace was followed by many soldiers, all wearing armor, shining silver.This place seems to be in a valley, and the scenery is very bleak. What you can see most is yellow weeds, and there seem to be some abandoned farms a little further away.


"Dear Knight, this is your horse." A soldier led a horse over.

"Horse?" Wang Peng thumped in his heart, no way.

"If a knight doesn't even know how to ride, that would be a surprise! Haha." Alsace said to Wang Peng with a smile.

Bite the bullet, Wang Peng got on the horse and pulled the rein carefully. Fortunately, Wang Peng is indeed a good hand. After several fiddlings, he can control the horse to move forward.Just follow Alsace straight ahead.

"Well... respected His Excellency Alsace, where are we going?"

"Not long ago, we finally wiped out Kelgasud, but a batch of plague-infected grain was sent to the big city Stratholme. We are heading to Stratholme to intercept that batch of grain. If we let that A batch of grain has entered Stratholme, and the consequences will be unimaginable!" Alsace clenched his hand tightly, and anger seemed to emerge from his eyes.


Wang Peng's eyes almost widened, Alsace, Stratholme, what happened!Didn't you mean to lead me to the way of knights?Wang Peng, who has played World of Warcraft, naturally knows what happened in the game.In fact, this is already the background of World of Warcraft, but he was also a person who played Warcraft back then.The story goes like this.

After defeating Kel'Thuzad, the leader of the Cult of the Damned, a batch of plague-infected grain was sent to the big city of Stratholme, and the Alsace gang went to Stratholme to intercept that batch of grain.But after coming to Stratholme, it was too late, the batch of grain had been distributed among the innocent citizens, Arthas ordered the massacre of the city to prevent the citizens from becoming a living force of the Scourge, and both Uther and Jaina strongly opposed the final reconciliation Arthas parted ways and ordered the massacre of the city.The Stratholme incident can be described as a turning point in Alsace's life.

"So what's going on here?" Wang Peng rode on the horse thinking about the problem.

"Is this testing me? This can't be a birth mission."

 Thank you for your favorites and clicks. Cat's Claw is really grateful. I present a new chapter to you. Seeing Alsace's name, is your heart touched?
(End of this chapter)

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