Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 168 [The Finale]

Chapter 168 [The Finale]

After rescuing the Marshal of Stormwind City, everyone headed for the Molten Core. In the end, Li Hao defeated Ragnaros with two pieces of 735 equipment. However, at the moment when he finally obtained the Wind Sword, Cai Xi finally took it away. With the wind sword, the thief ran away and ran away.Only then did Wang Peng and Yan Xi realize that this was actually Cai Xi.

So on the way back to Stormwind City, Wang Peng and Yan Xi withdrew and went to Darnassus to reconcile with Dashu, Mengmeng and Cai Xi.

Li Hao was furious after learning the news about Wang Peng, but he accompanied Varian back to Stormwind City and the plot of the Black Dragon Princess had already begun. Li Hao followed the two Varians to attack the lair of Orknesia, and finally the two kings Oneness.At that moment, Li Hao decided to kill Varian and declare himself king. However, Wang Peng arrived with Yan Xi and Cai Xi holding a wind sword. After a battle, Wang Peng's sacred energy was exhausted, and Li Hao Hao relied on his large harvest in the Molten Heart to defeat the three men who came to join forces!
Wang Peng took drugs and turned into a dragon to fight against the bottle of sand when he used it.In the end, Wang Peng won and received 735 armor and two-handed sword. Wang Peng used the breastplate himself and handed the two-handed sword to Tang Mingming.After rescuing Varian, the reputation of Wang Peng and his party was greatly shaken!Back in the Stormwind Kingdom, several people were awarded titles and rewards.Wang Peng and Yan Xi embarked on the journey to Silvermoon City again, while Cai Xi and the others accompanied Varian to attack the Blackwing Lair and completely cleaned up the hidden dangers of the Blackstone Tower.In the end, Wang Peng helped Liadrin defeat Hakkar and clean up Zul'Gurub.

But at this time, there were some conflicts in the tribal alliance and some wars broke out. Wang Peng, as a key figure, stepped forward and finally mediated this intervention.Originally, the plot had already progressed to the point where it was time to open the gate of Ahn'Qiraj, but Wang Peng finally persuaded the night elves not to touch Ahn'Qiraj first.The subordinates of the ancient gods are so powerful, let alone the ancient itself.

At this time, Wang Peng began to recruit troops and establish a guild to strengthen his own strength.Recruited a powerful female thief, Katrina.A few other people from the guild.Dashu is still digging things, trying to find a Titan detector.When Wang Peng went to the land of Haiyan, the former Sidney and Ronald were respectful.

The Dark Portal reopens, and the invasion of Outland.

The glorious team led by Wang Peng was of course a vanguard team. After defeating the bosses, they defeated Kael'thas and finally defeated Illidan.In the end, Katrina and Caixi each had an egg knife, and Caixi finally found her own dish.Wang Peng harvested the egg shield, but it was not particularly good.Kael'as was resurrected by the Burning Legion, and finally returned to Silvermoon City to take M'uru away and plan to summon Kil'jaeden.Liadrin awakened to the Holy Light, and finally defeated Kil'jaeden together with Wang Peng and others.The blood elves bowed their heads to Wang Peng.

After the end of 2.0, Wang Peng became famous.

Dalaran was rebuilt in the North Pole, and finally Yan Xi met Meili Dongfeng and decided to go to Dalaran to learn the way of magic.Although everyone's equipment is very powerful, but the level is still very poor.Although Liadrin has awakened to the Holy Light, Wang Peng still hasn't.

At this time, Ahn'Qiraj was in turmoil.The ancient C'Thun rebellion that had been dormant for many years caused the dragons to suffer heavy losses.The failure to clean up Ahn'Qiraj gave it a lot of room for development, so the Qiraji broke out of the Ahn'Qiraj Desert and swept directly into the continent of Kalimdor.The Alliance and the Horde are temporarily at peace and begin to deal with the incident in Ahn'Qiraj.In the end, Wang Peng gathered forces from all walks of life to put an end to the disaster and defeat C'Thun. ,

However, the north is in turmoil and natural disasters are imminent.

News of the long-lost Bert came from the North Pole, and he became a death knight.

In the end, Burt finally awakened under Wang Peng's persuasion and sentiment, joined Glory, and became the guild's deputy T, DKT! Wang Peng united with the tribe and the alliance passed through the Lich King.After defeating Aras, Wang Peng's reputation reached its peak. However, at this moment, Dashu picked up Frostmourne and revealed the secret that Wang Peng is the culprit of this world. Everyone was shocked!

The news spread like wildfire and spread to all the people on earth. Wang Peng finally apologized, but it had no effect.

The big tree holds Frostmourne, and Yan Ran has been eroded.Many people in the guild rebelled, and there was no one around Wang Peng except Yan Xi, Liu Mengmeng and a few NPCs like Burt.A confrontation and battle were on the verge of breaking out, and finally Wang Peng knocked down Dashu's Frostmourne, Dashu repented, but the news had been exposed.

Wang Peng fled Stormwind City and came to Gilneas, where he met several Gilnean nobles and werewolves.

However, at this time, Deathwing appeared and captured Yan Xi, and destroyed the world according to the conspiracy.

In the end, Wang Peng's holy light awakened and rescued Yan Xi and those who had spurned him.After defeating Deathwing, Cai Xi and Katrina got the other two legendary daggers.

Radiance is established again.Dashu gathered the detector modules and eventually became a great archaeologist with a lot of money.

The fog of Pandaria dissipated, and Wang Peng began to travel to Pandaria.In the end, Wang Peng passed the trial of the gods and got the legendary cloak.

After defeating Thor and Brainless Roar, Wang Peng is almost invincible.

Driving 6.0, Wang Peng and his team finally defeated Archimonde.

Time stopped, and in the end this proved to be a test, and the real World of Warcraft was just beginning.Wang Peng brought the guild's land reclamation team to the real World of Warcraft, where 7.0 has just started.There are no grades, no equipment.

In the end, Wang Peng embarked on the road to find the artifact, and finally advanced to the demigod and defeated Gul'dan, Vashj, Kil'jaeden and Sargeras.Sargeras cleansed.

Medivh brought clues to defeat the Void Lord, and finally Wang Peng and Pantheon joined hands to enter the void and defeated the Void Lord.

The story of Azeroth ends here.

The formatting process is complete.Except for those who came to the real World of Warcraft, everyone's restoration has no memory.The earth world is still the same as before, Wang Peng opened his eyes and found that he had a dream.Yan Xi also woke up, the two looked at each other with warmth, and kissed in full view.

In reality, Wang Peng summoned Tang Mingming's former game partners to spend their passionate lives.

(End of this chapter)

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