Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 15 Heading to Fog Town (1)

Chapter 15 Heading to Fog Town ([-])

In the town hall, Sanwen and Biar were still discussing the situation.

"I heard that Lordaeron in the north has been reduced to ruins, and the undead are rampant."

"The situation is very bad."

Both were worried.

"Mayor, a knight asked to see him, saying that he found an unusual young man during the inspection of the martial arts field." A soldier walked up to the mayor and reported respectfully.

"An unusual young man?" Sanwen and Biar suddenly turned their attention.

"What's unusual?" San Wen asked.

"I heard that the Judgment Crystal used to assess knights was broken." The soldier replied truthfully.

"Come on, let's take a look."

"The Crystal of Judgment uses black crystal as the carrier, which contains a very pure holy power. It was originally used to sense the paladin approaching it, and the mutual attraction between the two, the black crystal will emit golden light. The stronger the light, the stronger the attraction between the two, that is to say, the more holy energy the paladin will be able to generate and use in the future, the more and the stronger it will be." A middle-aged man in a dark red magic robe The woman explained the principle of this broken black crystal.

"Oyasil, I know this too, but why did the crystal of judgment shatter?" the old knight asked.

This Oyasil is a mage trainer, a level 43 mage.


"There is only one possibility, and that is that the sacred energy sealed in the Judgment Crystal broke through the confinement of the black crystal." The middle-aged female magician said and observed Wang Peng with a playful smile on her slightly slack face.

Wang Peng has been standing there listening to the discussion between the two, secretly happy in his heart!Could it be that I am really an extremely talented person!It's just that he couldn't figure out why the crystal shattered directly, and he really didn't feel too much.

At this time, the young knight came with Master Sanwen and Mayor Biar.Seeing the mayor, the old knight and the middle-aged female mage first bowed down respectfully. Even though the old knight looked older than Biar, the mayor of Biar was only about 50 years old, but he was a level 70 archmage after all. , Strength is the foundation of status.

"Let me take a look." Mayor Biar came over, looked at Wang Peng, and picked up another crystal.

"It's strange, I can't feel the sacred energy in the crystal." Biar, who had always been quite solemn, showed a hint of surprise at this moment.

Biar's profession is a priest, a holy priest. Although most of the priests use mana, but after all, they are professions that believe in the holy light, so they also have a certain use and induction of holy energy.At this moment, Biar made a guess in his mind based on years of experience.If Wang Peng's attraction to the sacred energy imprisoned in the black crystal is very strong, it may cause the crystal to shatter, but how powerful the attraction is to do it, compared with the imprisoning and hindering the sacred energy in the crystal of judgment. The energy is generally the holy energy released by high-level paladins.

I asked Wang Peng carefully again, and turned upside down the three generations of Wang Peng's ancestors and his experience in the past 18 years, but there was still nothing special to explain this.Of course, Wang Peng will not be so stupid as to say that he is the founder, that he started the formatting process, that this world of yours was created by me, and that he is just a commoner.

"Well, it's hard to say all this yet. We won't be able to judge whether this young man is talented until level 20, when he can produce and use sacred energy." Biar said.

"Well, it makes sense, then join the list for going to Haiyan City, maybe we will cultivate a great knight. Hahaha." The old knight said with a smile.

"Young man, Wang Peng, right? Tomorrow, you will come to the martial arts field to report and leave for Haiyan City!"

"Yes!" Wang Peng replied excitedly.

But suddenly, Wang Peng realized another problem, what about Yan Xi?How is she? It is impossible for Wang Peng to leave her alone, and he wants to accompany her to Wuqi Town?
"Well, respected Master Oyahil, I would like to ask, I have a friend named Yan Xi, her profession is a mage, how is she doing?" Wang Peng respectfully asked the middle-aged mage training division.

There was a flash of light in Oyahir's eyes clearly. As a woman, a middle-aged woman who has experienced the world, these things can't be understood very well.So there was a playful smile on the corner of Oyahir's mouth, and his demeanor

"Don't worry, Yan Xi is indeed a very smart and talented girl. You will go on the road together, and we will go to Haiyan City from here, and we will pass through Wuqi Town. Don't worry about all this, haha." Er smiled and said, "It's nice to be young."

Many of the people who were evaluated and selected here were left in Linzuo Town on the spot, joined the defense system of Linzuo Town, and received professional training here.Most of these people are not very talented or are too old and have limited room for growth.Therefore, there were only nearly two hundred people who went to Haiyan City in the end, and Wang Peng and Yan Xi were naturally among them.

A group of people set off on the cooler morning the next day and headed for Wuqi Town, where a group of colleges that were also going to Haiyan City needed to be taken away.

Wang Peng and Yan Xi walked together. Although the team was divided according to occupation, Wang Peng didn't care about it.

"Why did you say that the crystal was broken?" Wang Peng asked.

"I don't know." Yan Xi grinned at him while talking.

After a night of sleep and washing her face with clean water from the town, Yan Xi's face is now as white and tender as if water could be squeezed out.The eyes are like the morning glow, not particularly gorgeous but very pure and tranquil, looking at the changing scenery around at this moment, exuding the unique vitality of a girl of this age.

"Quick, look, it's the city we came to, and it has become like this!" Yan Xi suddenly shook Wang Peng's neighbor and opened his mouth wide to look at the city buildings in the distance.

At this moment, they are walking on the path in the forest, which is also the path that Wang Peng and Yan Xi walked over at that time.Wang Peng still remembers that it was still a city street at that time, but now it has become a forest path, and looking at the broken high-rise buildings in the distance, the trees several meters high have been strung up from the ground, and the huge root system is hovering between the buildings. Then, a large area of ​​shade was spread out, the weeds swaying in the wind have covered the landmarks of the whole city, and the once bright store signs are no longer full of moss.Cities have become somewhat like newborn jungles.

"This, how is this possible? We just escaped from here to Linzuo Town in just three days, how could it be like this?" Wang Peng said.

"This world is rapidly erasing the traces of our past. Maybe our memories of the past will disappear in the near future, and we will truly become people from Azeroth." Yan Xi suddenly felt a little sad. This is erased.

"No, no matter how the world changes, I will never forget you."

(End of this chapter)

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