Formatted Paladin of Warcraft

Chapter 12 Lin Zuo Town (3)

Chapter 12 Lin Zuo Town ([-])
Rogue, the general name of the stalker profession, because stalkers in World of Warcraft do have the ability to steal things.

Facing the fast-attacking stalkers, the junior stalker only had one skill called sneak attack that Wang Peng could remember.In fact, thieves are the most terrifying opponents. They sneak in the shadows and cannot be seen. They can touch your back without you noticing and kill you with a vicious backstab.But now, everyone is only one or two levels. Although the players can't see each other's levels, Wang Peng knows that this wretched man is only two levels at most.

"Since you made a move, then I will not be polite!" Wang Peng slashed at him with a sword.

However, the man easily blocked the sword with the dagger, and then deflected the direction of the sword. He turned half of his body deftly, and the dagger quickly stabbed Wang Peng's neck.But Wang Peng is not jealous. Although the other party is a stalker, a profession with agility as the main attribute, but at this moment everyone is junior, and there is not much difference in attachments.So Wang Peng quickly rolled forward to avoid the blow.

"Boy, yes, but you're still young! I'm already level two, you can't beat me." The man said with a smile while holding the dagger in his hand.

Indeed, every upgrade will bring about improvements in attributes and learning of skills.Wang Peng thought to himself, although the opponent was already at level 2, it was okay, because in the game there seemed to be no skills to learn at level 2, that is, everyone still had the same skill, so there was no need to panic.

"Crusader Strike!" Wang Peng jumped up with his long sword and drew an arc in the air.

There was a street fight, and people on both sides of the street immediately stopped to watch the farce.

"I didn't expect it to be a knight." The man was a little surprised and quickly used his dexterity to avoid Wang Peng's Crusader attack.

At this time, Yan Xi, who had been standing by the side, wanted to make a move. Needless to say, he used the staff of Argus' pardon, which was a novice staff given after completing the mage trial, not to mention that he had already reached the level of 2 after killing many little ghosts. level, and only a little experience away from level 3.Two people beat one person, that is absolutely nothing.But just when Yan Xi was about to deal with the staff, Wang Peng signaled her not to make a move.

"Actually, boy, how about giving me the beauties around me and I'll let you go?" The wretched man looked at Yan Xi next to him and said.

"Your words are forcing me to kill you." Wang Peng clenched his long sword with both hands and glared at the wretched man!This kind of person is not allowed to exist!

Just when the two were about to start fighting again, suddenly a group of patrolling soldiers rushed over when they saw a group of people surrounded here.

"What are you doing here? What's going on with you two?" the patrolling soldier asked them sternly.

"Hello, sir, it's like this. We bought a map when we came out of the store. This thief didn't have any money and he took a fancy to our map. I discovered him while he was stealing. He got angry and wanted to attack me. I had no choice but to do it. You can fight back." Wang Peng put away his sword and said respectfully to the soldiers.

Hearing Wang Peng's words, the patrol captain looked at Wang Peng and then at the man.When the man saw the patrolling soldiers coming, he suddenly panicked but didn't dare to run away. After all, the soldiers are at least level 25.Just as I was about to say something, I was suddenly stopped by the patrol captain.

"May I ask who you are?" the patrol captain walked up to Wang Peng and asked.

"I am a paladin." Wang Peng replied with his most respectful voice.

The patrol captain lowered his head to discuss with the others, and finally said.

"Illegal fighting in the town, imprisoned for one day as punishment. Take away!"

In the end, all three of them were taken away, and Yan Xi took the initiative to follow Wang Peng.Yan Xi and Wang Peng were imprisoned together, and the prison in the town was guarded by many soldiers on the edge of the town hall, and there were all kinds of prisoners in it, some of them had unpardonable crimes, and some were modern people like Wang Peng and others.

"They won't arrest you even if you don't make a move. Why did you follow!"

"No, I can't see you alone, not to mention, I can't be alone."

Hearing these words, Wang Peng suddenly felt a little moved.

"Do you think we'll be okay?" Yan Xi asked, seeing the men in the nearby cage looking at him, feeling that the atmosphere in this place was extremely disgusting.

"Probably not, I'll be locked up for a day."

As Yan Xi said, she stood up from the opposite side of Wang Peng, walked over and squatted on the right side of Wang Peng, leaning against the wall.

"What are you doing."

"It's nothing, looking at these people's eyes is too disgusting, please help me to be more careful." Yan Xi said while hugging her knees.

"Anyway, there is nothing wrong now, we can study the system interface carefully."

As Wang Peng spoke, he touched the gem on his left wrist, and a huge translucent interface appeared in front of him.

The interface has a rectangular structure. The default interface that opens is the character's attributes, which is divided into two parts. On the left is the 3D model of the character. Wang Peng can see himself turning around on it. It is surrounded by equipment bars like World of Warcraft. The equipment required is divided into head, neck, shoulders, cloak, chest, shirt, jersey, hands, wrists, waist, legs, steps, two rings and two accessories.In World of Warcraft, shirts are generally used for decoration, and battle robes are generally used to enhance prestige, indicating that you are fighting for a certain force.Accessories generally provide special effects, and weapons and accessories are generally the most important equipment.On the right side of the interface are detailed attributes, including main attributes such as strength, agility, intelligence, and spirit, which represent the speed of returning mana; then there are secondary attributes such as critical strike and haste; and then there are some attack power and Attack power is generally based on weapons and main attributes; the following is defense attributes, armor value, parry, block and dodge, etc.

At the bottom of the interface is a row of small buttons, which simply and clearly identify many things, such as skills, emails, quests, maps, and many buttons that are gray or have a question mark. will turn on.But based on Wang Peng's experience in the game, it should be reasonable to say that there will be things like specialization and talent.

Wang Peng clicked on this point, the skill Wang Peng still has only one skill, which is Crusader Strike, and there is no indication of what level can be learned and what skill, it seems that this is different from the game.It can be said that Crusader Strike was learned only after meeting Alsace.The original task of going to the nearest shelter in the task bar was also completed by Wang Peng inadvertently, and there seemed to be no reward.Then it was empty.It is true that there are no main quests in Warcraft, and all quests require you to chat with NPCs yourself, but it seems that there is no exclamation mark above the NPCs here.

While Wang Peng was looking at the interface, a soldier walked in from the entrance of the prison and opened the door of Wang Peng and Yan Xi's prison.

"You two, you can go out."

"Ah ha? But brother, haven't we not arrived even a day ago?"

"It was the thief who stole first. You are in a legitimate defense, so you can go out." The soldier said.

"What about the thief?"

"It has been executed. This is usually how stalkers with evil intentions are dealt with."

In fact, Wang Peng didn't know, even if the thief didn't intend to steal their map, but what was Wang Peng's identity, a paladin, although he was only a first-level paladin, but his profession was there, and one of the knight's rules was honesty!Therefore, according to the logic of this century, occupations such as paladins and holy priests who believe in the Holy Light are very respectable occupations.And stalker, better known as assassin, is the most notorious profession, because almost all thieves are stalker professions.

(End of this chapter)

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